The Half Life Movie! Note: Made from Fan!

Tom Cruise, WTF! now, bill cosby, there's a helluva choice for eli vance, none better has been mentioned
Sean Connery would rock as Dr. Breen

"Instinct is man's greatest foe. So suck it, Trebek!"
Tom Cruise is defintly the wrong choice for Gordon. But a good call on the G-Man.
Ahhnold Swartzengermannameicantpronounce would be a good combine... although his suit would be bigger than usual... -_-
I'd love to see Sean Connery play Breen... I'll take The Rapists for 20!
depends which predator ;D if it's 2 then yes it's glover. If not it's the football player (i think) who had a joke campaign ad on SNL after other cast members in the movie went on to get offices.
i think tom cruise'd be great in that movie, im alone in thinking that though
I truthfully think that Kevin Spacey should play as the G-Man. Kevin Spacey can do any personality you throw at him. It would so be his role.

And yes, Danny Glover as Eli Vance

Knowing Hollywood - Hollie Berrie as Alyx

Robert Duvall as Dr. Breen

Charlie Sheen as Barney

Me - as Dr. Kleiner

and last but not least.....David Duchovny as Gordon Freeman.
Only Jean Reno as Father Gregori and Sean Connery as Breen were right on the money.
I'd personally cast Ron Livingston as Barney... I can really imagine him delivering the lines. He looks fairly alike too.

If you have seen Band of Brothers or Office Space I think you'll agree.... he seems to have the right sort of voice, delivery, and humour - also he can do the action.
Bill Cosby would be hilarious as eli... i'd see it just to see him do that and try to lecture gordon about relationships for 10 years after its not funny anymore...

Tom cruise yuck!... i think edward norton would be a lot better choice

Connery as breen? lol, well he has his league of extraordinary gentlemen (aka... the combine)

That one guy as fr. gregori is a good match and the t-1000 guy is perfect for g-man i think... i saw somebody once recommend christopher walken and i started laughing my ass off... i can't watch that guy and not laugh cause of the way he talks "gordon, i'm *pause* going to c*pause*hoose for you... *pause* ... hey your joe dirt *END"
Goombatommy said:
I truthfully think that Kevin Spacey should play as the G-Man. Kevin Spacey can do any personality you throw at him. It would so be his role.

And yes, Danny Glover as Eli Vance

Knowing Hollywood - Hollie Berrie as Alyx

Robert Duvall as Dr. Breen

Charlie Sheen as Barney

Me - as Dr. Kleiner

and last but not least.....David Duchovny as Gordon Freeman.

looks-wise, colin farell would make a way better barney.

but now that you mention it, david duchovny would be a GREAT gordon...with a moustache and some glasses he'd definitely pull it off.

dr. kleiner should be that scientist guy form back to the future.
Goombatommy said:
I truthfully think that Kevin Spacey should play as the G-Man. Kevin Spacey can do any personality you throw at him. It would so be his role.

My impression of Spacey has always been that he only plays himself. Anyway, he doesn't look like the G-man.

Knowing Hollywood - Hollie Berrie as Alyx

Halle Berry looks a lot like Alyx... I saw her in Bullworth, and she had a bandana on her head, she was almost like a replica of Alyx.
Dem0nEgg said:
I'd personally cast Ron Livingston as Barney... I can really imagine him delivering the lines. He looks fairly alike too.

If you have seen Band of Brothers or Office Space I think you'll agree.... he seems to have the right sort of voice, delivery, and humour - also he can do the action.
PERFECT barney right there.
Why not simply take those who "gave their faces" to the characters in HL2? They would look nearly identical to those in the game ;-)
Sean Connery is THE best Breen match, regardless.
Good picks except for Freeman.

They need a no-name actor who looks like him.