The Halflife2.nets picture game (Obligatory for dedicated members)

f*ck it , i'm keen :E


EDIT: that was rubbish... post your best t-shirt print.
By T-Shirt print, what do you mean? Does it have to be created by the person him/herself?
Just the best t-shirt design you have. Could be that you printed it, but store bought is cool.
jondy has yet to say what the next picture should be.
can anyone tell me how the hell i can send pictures from my phone to my computer? my ex used to do it but i have no clue, i wanna play :bounce:

text message the picture to your e-mail.
you can create a new text message, insert the picture, then send to your email address
Genuine American Psycho disc:

Next pic some baykunz
You saw right through me. That doesn't mean the next poster shouldent request ****en' baykunz

It's true, the next person CAN request da baykunz, just after they get it right :p

Salmon is being kind keeping this open me thinks, don't ruin it with spam!

can anyone tell me how the hell i can send pictures from my phone to my computer? my ex used to do it but i have no clue, i wanna play :bounce:

Bluetooth, infra red, link cable, send it to your email, send it to a friend with any of the previously mentioned advantages.
This game would flow a lot faster if people ask for images that aren't rare or hard to get hold of. Not many people are going to have the American Psycho original DVD (even though Bale is teh sex).
This game would flow a lot faster if people ask for images that aren't rare or hard to get hold of. Not many people are going to have the American Psycho original DVD (even though Bale is teh sex).

I didn't think it would be so rare...

Here's something else then.


fs, someone must have peanut butter and jelly and bread. But not me. I live on spring onions.
Sorry, didn't read the rules properly. Also, thanks to the two individuals who decided to post pictures instead of speaking for themselves, made me laugh HA.


Next picture - somehow "affix" your name to a family pet (without harming it!) and take a picture. It must "pose" of it's own free will, you can't restrain it in any way.


Next picture - somehow "affix" your name to a family pet (without harming it!) and take a picture. It must "pose" of it's own free will, you can't restrain it in any way.

that peanut butter looks like poo
Saw that coming. YOU try spell with crunchy.

Stupid cat only started running away when I tried to take off the note.
Take a picture of a poster (movie/game poster, whatever) and attach your name somewhere. (don't need to ruin the poster ;))

Camera is analy raped up ass but damn it it's a damn Mafia poster with my damn name on it, next picture, you gussed it, baykunz.
I barely have ANY food that I could eat, let alone something that's semi-expensive like baykun.
it was a long time ago i eath was so long ago i even forgot what it was :(