The Happening thoughts


Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, i didnt see a thread for this...

I rented the Happening because im a big M. Night Shyamalan fan (Signs is one of my favorite movies of all time). I rented it with low expectations because my sister saw it and said it was terrible, and even the trailer made me a bit skeptical.

But i must say, wathcing it with low hopes really helped my feelings of it. I thought it was pretty good and better than what i thought it would be. Its an apocolyptic movie and isn't really scary or frightening, but just flat out bizarre.. The back drop for why 'the world is coming to an end' is kinda weak and pathetic when you think about it, but mainly the way the film was executed was good, thanks to M. Night himself.
The characters are pretty good. Mark Wahlberg who i also like is pretty good in it considering hes playing such a wimpy guy instead of his usual hard ass. Theres a little girl who didnt do much, but wasn't annoying thank god. A character i did have a problem with was the wife who was annoying at times, and had the really wierd buldging eyes. the characters seem a little unrealistic but that almost seems intentional because its shown in the movie quite a lot. It almost seems they are supposed to be exagerated, with some of the reactions the actors cast which seem overdone...
There are some slightly 'scary' scenes but nothing hardcore.. its pretty graphic as well.

Id have to say the unique thing about this film is the style it presents as well as the mood, and 'take' on how regular people might survive in a world coming to an end...

overall, its not a bad film, id give it a 6.5 which isnt bad considering i thought it would be around a 2. its an enjoyable movie with just some akward moments and fair-share of flaws....
While 6.5 is better than 2, it's still a 6.5. I wasn't appalled by how bad it was myself - it was okay.
I have yet to see an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie that I actually enjoyed.
Sadly I made the mistake of seeing this one in the theater...I want my $10 back.
If I had the choice of seeing The Happening for free, or seeing The Mist for $20, I'd go see The Mist...
If I had the choice of seeing The Happening for free, or seeing The Mist for $20, I'd go see The Mist...

And is there another option, or is this like your 2 options for the rest of your life?
Sure, option 3 is to go home and play COD4...
Sure, option 3 is to go and accidently shot a hole through my floor with my dad's gun...
o rly?
Anyways, I actually thought the idea behind it was pretty interesting but I hated the execution. the part where the guy lets the tigers rip his arms off was just hilarious.
Lackluster and predictable. Shamalamadingdong needs to do Unbreakable 2 already. The original was great and he even intended it to be a trilogy. With the last three turkeys he made,there's no more room for failures left. One more turd, and bye bye!
If I had the choice of seeing The Happening for free, or seeing The Mist for $20, I'd go see The Mist...

The mist was way worse. that movie was so horrible... The black guy wouldnt believe 6 people that an alien just attacked them, the cast was annoying, the religious lady took up 90 percent of the movie and she was worse than flat-out annoying. They kill the soldier kid because he worked at the military base where it all came from, and teh end really sumed up how bad the movie was, he kills his kid and those people.... instead of waiting it out... one of the worst movies ive ever seen, and ive seen Plan 9 from Outer Space