The hardest game levels you've ever played?

Oh man, let's see...

A few of the missions in Operation Flashpoint.
The last level of Rainbow Six: Raven Shield (STUPID).
Basically all of Stuntman after the first two films (but I still completed it!).
Hunting the T-Rex in Carnivores 2.

Warcraft III's finale, and indeed much of its expansion pack, gets an honourable mention for near perfect difficulty - challenging enough to feel like a real effort, a worthy end, but possible to complete.
Last room in BLACK jesus ****ing christ, still havent beaten it.
Sulkdodds said:
Warcraft III's finale, and indeed much of its expansion pack, gets an honourable mention for near perfect difficulty - challenging enough to feel like a real effort, a worthy end, but possible to complete.

I have completed ALL Warcraft III levels on hard, but I have never managed to finish Twilight of the Gods. Most of The Frozen Throne levels are quite impossible on hard, so I stopped trying to finish some.
Hunting the T-Rex in Carnivores 2.
Shooting it in the eye was the only way to kill it. The only way to reach it was to...Well, there WAS NO WAY. And the only way to escape it when it's pissed? Drown yourself.

Bull. ****ing. Shit.
Unreal Tournament's final level in the career. Depending on difficulty of course... I think I was going through on adept. But jesus, that was nerve wracking. We were neck in neck the whole match, and then I beat him by one measly kill.

I would have to say the ending of Uncharted. That ending was balls, I swore so much and it was so damn cheap and it didn't let up. Also I never finished Lost Planet because that game was cheap as hell and i put about 3 hours into trying to beat the last guy and it was very annoying.
Far Cry - Dam on Realistic difficulty.
God, it seems impossible to kill all those monsters with very few ammo.

I don't know very much other games which have one particularly difficult part :/
Some of the later missions of the Operation Flashpoint games were absultely solid, although they mislead you with the second to last american mission where you have to destroy the missle, they give air support, tank support and a bunch of infantry, when really all you need to do, is grab a missle launcher, sneak through the nearby forest, take out a few of the guards, and blow the bastard up, leg it. Jobs a gooden.

Some of the missions for Hidden and Dangerous 2 were very difficult also.

^This OFP is one of my all time favorite games that i still play now(with mods though)
And yeah i thought Hidden & Dangerous 2 was hard as well.
Guardian from Doom 3 on hardest difficulty with very little ammo, after several dozen attempts it was sheer fluke that I got hit and bounced up onto one of the pillars where it couldn't touch me. Yay for accidental exploits.

...and every damn Bullfrog game last level.

Especially B&W, which had a bug right at the end that prevented you from finishing it, at least until it was patched, but the patch destroyed saved games and I couldn't be arsed to play through the entire game all over again. Bastards.