The Helicopter


Sep 1, 2009
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I have a few questions for the forum.

1. How many people do you think that chopper can hold? I'm sure that the ENTIRE White Forest base wouldn't insist on JUST Gordon and Alyx leaving on their own after seeing what exactly the Advisors are capable of. The Vortigaunts would be especially aware of the Advisors' power. I can see maybe Barney and 2 Vortigaunts inside the chopper with us and have Dog hanging in a crate attached to the helicopter. I don't imagine Alyx leaving without a coat of some sort and by the time she got her coat it would obviously be apparent to the rest of White Forest that Eli's dead. I'm sure the first level will almost entirely consist of mourning Eli's death.

2. Do you think we'll get to fly it? I'm not a fan of this idea as it would take a day or two to make it to the arctic and it would be an incredibly long sequence if we had to fly it. I imagine Alyx flying it and at some point shortly after getting on the chopper you'd pass out and wake up when you get there.
The Mil Mi-17 can carry 32 passangers.

No, I dont think Gordon can magically learn to fly a Russian troop trasnport chopper just after he has been in stasis for twenty years. He may be a badass, but no one can learn to fly a helicopter in the space of a week in which he has either either been stuck fighing Combine or getting stuck in time.
I doubt he will fly it. I'm pretty sure the Borealis is pretty far away from White Forest and thus it would make either boring or unrealistic gameplay.

I do agree that we won't just hop straight on the chopper. Alyx and Gordon haven't said goodbye to Dr Kleiner yet, who said he wouldn't dream of letting them leave without a goodbye.
I'll bet the chopper gets taken down partway to the Borealis and you have to make the rest of the trip on foot.
And Alyx does know how to fly? I'd prefer if she didn't. She's not omnipotent. Well, I hope she isn't.
so you dont think that a theoretical physicist and combat expert can learn how to fly a helicopter?

i dont think i would want to fly the helicopter
but i would like to see the car brought along
Gordon is not a combat expert.

Actually, he is.

If you played the training course at the very beginning of Half-Life, you would know that Gordon was trained in the use of firearms, and learned many manuevers such as crouching, jumping, and long-jumping. So yes, he is a combat expert and knew how to kill things even before the resonance cascade occured.
Actually, he is.

If you played the training course at the very beginning of Half-Life, you would know that Gordon was trained in the use of firearms, and learned many manuevers such as crouching, jumping, and long-jumping. So yes, he is a combat expert and knew how to kill things even before the resonance cascade occured.

While I do agree he was given skills that would directly influence combat, I belive these were more for self-security that for active engagments. However, I was mainly trying to point out that we have no evidence that Gordon has the ablilty to fly a helicopter skillfully.
We should have a pilot, Having Gordon or Alyx suddenly be able to fly the chopper would feel lazy, especially if it got some bogus explaination like "Yeah Gordon I learned how to fly a while ago and do it all the time".
They probaly start the Helicopter and them get shot down by combine or they fly just enough to get to a portal that leads there. I bet the chopper get's shot down and they will spend some good amount of time trying to get to some other kind of transportation that can take them to the Artic area (maye 1/3 or half the game) and them another half of the game actually spent on the Borealis.
God damn I hope we don't have to 'make it on foot.' That's getting to be a really bullshit explanation after the third time we've been screwed over and had to find an alternate route, I want something that doesn't just feel like a convenient excuse to fill space with slugging through a thousand enemies. The Arctic is also a totally open area, you'd never be able to construct a decent level without any obstacles to make the gameplay move in a certain direction.
I'd be okay with taking an alternate path as long as Valve sticks in some cool levels (preferably some cut ones from the HL2 beta).

If I could make my own "fantasy version" of Episode 3 it would have some events like this in it. :rolling:

-Gordon leaves Whiteforest in the helicopter.

-The Helicopter crashes into a large tower in one of the other combine cities that is mentioned in HL2 (city 14?). There are a fair amount of combine still ocupying the city (maybe they're using it as a rally point for the advance to the arctic or something). The Vertigo level from the Half-life 2 beta then starts.

-After getting out of the tower Gordon escapes from the city and continues to the Borealis (on foot or on a train or something)

-Gordon finds the Air-Exchange facility on his way to the Borealis, the Air-Exchange level from the Half-life 2 beta then starts.

-After shutting down the facility, Gordon continues on his journey.

-Gordon finds the Combine Weather Control Station

-After shutting down the control station Gordon continues his journey.

I don't know what I'd do from there.
How about, en route to the Borealis, right as they reach it, they're shot by a blast from a large portal-gun-like device, and transferred somewhere else?
How about, en route to the Borealis, right as they reach it, they're shot by a blast from a large portal-gun-like device, and transferred somewhere else?

I would be very very annoyed if something like that happened. It would feel too much like filler for me.
I imagine the trip will be cut short. Probably the advisors or some teleportation phenomenon. Or maybe simply a fast-forward in the narrative with Alyx once again waking Gordon while he's inexplicably dreaming of the ep. 3 title screen. Opening the game with a long, continuous expositional scene has been proven as bad pacing. [see: original train ride opening of HL2 and commentary of the opening of ep. 1]

How about, en route to the Borealis, right as they reach it, they're shot by a blast from a large portal-gun-like device, and transferred somewhere else?

Watch where you're pointing that thing, Chell.
And Alyx does know how to fly? I'd prefer if she didn't. She's not omnipotent. Well, I hope she isn't.

Thats one of the reasons why I'm hoping that Barney manages to get back to the base by Ep3, because he seems to be a better candidate for having piloting skills, something that he may of picked up during the time between college and before doing security work at Black Mesa.
I always wonder how Magnusson's going to react when he finds out Eli's dead. He's gonna feel like such a dick in front of Alyx.
Flying a helicopter would be awesome, a long and epic journey to the artics? with sweet conversation with alyx, also while she crys and goes on and on about her dad, as Gorden Freeman sits thier silently. LOL
I can't remember the exact details of the chopper, but there wasn't a gatling gun or anthing mounted on it was there? Seems kind of odd that there are still gunships in the air, and we're supposed to travel in an unarmed aircraft? The outcome of that seems predictable.
Gordon is not a combat expert.

If Gordon survives HL2, Ep1 and Ep2, killing expert Combine soldiers (and other powerful random beasts on the way), well, he must be a combat expert. Or the Combine has the worst soldiers in the history of extradimensional invasions.
I can't remember the exact details of the chopper, but there wasn't a gatling gun or anthing mounted on it was there? Seems kind of odd that there are still gunships in the air, and we're supposed to travel in an unarmed aircraft? The outcome of that seems predictable.

Wait till you find out that the Combine have access to Interceptors :O
I have a few questions for the forum.

1. How many people do you think that chopper can hold? I'm sure that the ENTIRE White Forest base wouldn't insist on JUST Gordon and Alyx leaving on their own after seeing what exactly the Advisors are capable of. The Vortigaunts would be especially aware of the Advisors' power. I can see maybe Barney and 2 Vortigaunts inside the chopper with us and have Dog hanging in a crate attached to the helicopter. I don't imagine Alyx leaving without a coat of some sort and by the time she got her coat it would obviously be apparent to the rest of White Forest that Eli's dead. I'm sure the first level will almost entirely consist of mourning Eli's death.

2. Do you think we'll get to fly it? I'm not a fan of this idea as it would take a day or two to make it to the arctic and it would be an incredibly long sequence if we had to fly it. I imagine Alyx flying it and at some point shortly after getting on the chopper you'd pass out and wake up when you get there.

It seemed pretty plain from the end of Ep2 that the ones who were to take the chopper were Alyx and Gordon, I didn't see anyone else queuing up to take a ride. I think Alyx will pilot it. She's been in the resistance since childhood I think she'll have been given flying lessons at some point. I don't see it as being that important to be honest.

We won't see a long sequence. It'll just be a cutscene of the chopper taking off.... and arriving.

I'm not convinced about the mourning business. It's a tragedy for Alyx and to a lesser extent Gordon, Kleiner and possibly Magnusson but to anyone else? Sure he's prominent in the resistance but does anyone else have any personal connection to him (apart from Mossman of course, but she's not here (thats going to interesting when they get to the Borealis to see her reaction)).

The point is, how many others have died recently? In the Strider attack on the missile base? Or all the countless resistance fighters who've died up to this point? To single out Dr Vance for special treatment would seem unreasonable after the death of so many others. He's just one casualty among so many.

They'll have time to mourn all the dead once this is all over.
It seemed pretty plain from the end of Ep2 that the ones who were to take the chopper were Alyx and Gordon, I didn't see anyone else queuing up to take a ride. I think Alyx will pilot it. She's been in the resistance since childhood I think she'll have been given flying lessons at some point. I don't see it as being that important to be honest.

We won't see a long sequence. It'll just be a cutscene of the chopper taking off.... and arriving.

I'm not convinced about the mourning business. It's a tragedy for Alyx and to a lesser extent Gordon, Kleiner and possibly Magnusson but to anyone else? Sure he's prominent in the resistance but does anyone else have any personal connection to him (apart from Mossman of course, but she's not here (thats going to interesting when they get to the Borealis to see her reaction)).

The point is, how many others have died recently? In the Strider attack on the missile base? Or all the countless resistance fighters who've died up to this point? To single out Dr Vance for special treatment would seem unreasonable after the death of so many others. He's just one casualty among so many.

They'll have time to mourn all the dead once this is all over.

I agree... sorta.

I don't think we will see much of the resistance mourning Eli... but the mood will be more somber than it has been. He was a prominent figure in the resistance. Alyx will mourn him... but not directly.

Valve never does anything directly; they never sit and force-feed you what you're supposed to feel or think. I think you will remember and lament Eli's death through the way Alyx behaves in Episode 3. The tone in her voice, the expression on her face, etc. So I agree that I don't think there will be mourning period, but you will remember it through her.

I think it would be awesome if... part-way through Episode 3, she just has an emotional breakdown. It's too suspenseful, too intense, too stressful and she just snaps. She can't handle the loss of her father passing away so recently AND having the pressure of fighting the combine at the same time. She gasps for air, chokes back tears, her voice cracks, she shakes, she can't stand, she rambles and stammers. Think of the amazing voice acting and script writing it would take to pull that off... something only Valve could do. Not make her pathetic and whiny in episode 3 - just let her be human for a minute.

Then she'll pull her shit together, thank you for being there for her, and go back to helping you take down the combine.
I don't imagine Alyx leaving without a coat of some sort
Damn! can't we go to the desert instead? ^^

It would really SUCK if the chopper got shot down and we had to re-do ep.2, but now your'e travelling to the arctics... I would hate that!
also, it'd be a pretty good start to have Gordon sleeping in the helicopter, and we have a nice little chat with Gman.
But I don't think that'l happend since it would be pretty stupid for Gordon and Alyx to sneak into the helicopter and fly away without saying good bye to everyone (and we can't miss that scene :p)
The helicopter traveling would be a great way to introduce a new character, a pilot. Give him/her a great character, name, side kick story...etc.
Episode Three won't start with bailing from White Forest.

Gman seems to show up everytime something major happens. I think it's safe to say Eli's death is a major event. So Episode Three will probably start with a Gman sequence then some sort of alibi (Hopefully not a lame one, but being VALVe it most likely won't be) for skipping the presumably long/boring chopper ride.
(apart from Mossman of course, but she's not here (thats going to interesting when they get to the Borealis to see her reaction)).

I'm fairly sure that when we get to the Borealis that we'll find out Mossman is long dead.
I'm fairly sure that when we get to the Borealis that we'll find out Mossman is long dead.

Hmm, I'm not so sure of that - I think she will appear as a live, contributing character in Ep3, but, then again, who really knows outside of Valve...?