The Hidden: Source


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I know this game's been out for a while, and that Sulkdods did an excellent review on the game ( but I just wanna give a shout out to those of you who haven't played the game yet, go download it and give it a shot.

I gotta say, I was skeptical about it too, but I downloaded and tried it out just for the hell of it, and I gotta say that this is one of the best HL2 mods i've played yet. They did a very excellent job of making you feel hunted. It's a trully scarry game, mainly because of the human factor. It's not like some SP AI, where it's extremely obvious how it's going to try to scare you, and your squadmates are real people who make real mistakes.

It's sitting there in a corner with another squad mate, frantically looking back and forth, running out to shoot what you thought was 617, then turning back around and seeing that you'r squadmate is laying on the ground in a puddle of blood that really gets your addrenalin going.

I remember once, in the sewers level (it's pitch black), I was going down the sewer system, and I was all alone. I came to a little crossroad, and looked to the pipe to my right, and saw another IRIS member looking around and I thought "good, i've got backup". So I keep on going down the pipe and pass him by, when I hear THWACK and saw that somebody went down on my hud. I ran back down the pipe, glanced quickly down the pipe where my backup man was, and saw that he was gone.

Now that ****ing scared me, knowing that I was all alone in the pitch black sewers, and that the Hidden was upon me.

Excellent game, give it a shot if you haven't yet.
It's even better if you're playing it at LAN with friends. Me, Sulkdodds and loads more were playing at our local caming centre- by the end of the match, we were screaming like littel girls if we saw the slightest bit of movement. Sometimes I unloaded entire clips into the shadows, blasting away at ripples in the air, only to have a team mate slap me round the back of the head and shout "YOU GOT ME YOU BASTARD!"

*sigh*, fun :D
I love the concept, totally awesome but i hate the weapons and stuff, looks so crappy :D
And it has alittle Predator feeling in it :D
I can't wait till beta 2.

Supposed to be sometime this or next week.
Its too slow for me, once someone dies, it just takes toooo long until the next match
I think there should be 2 Hiddens if there's more than 10 players or something.
diluted said:
I think there should be 2 Hiddens if there's more than 10 players or something.

that's a cool idea. it's real difficult with lots of people.
I suck at being a Hidden, it's just me... although you're the Hidden, and the Hidden is invisible, I always give myself away, so easily... then I die in a quick time.
Oh how I wish I could play HL2 mods...

*crushes laptop in a fit of rage*
It's fun but feels very glitchy, and there aren't many servers.

I definately think the amount of hidden should be one for ever 8 or something.
I just came back from playing it, I was frikkin owning! When you're Hidden, use the Pigstick, that attack kills in one hit. Makes it much more easier to disemble the Marines.

I think there should be more than one, depending on the amount of Marines there are.

I really hope there's a focus on story, that'd be real cool.
There WERE 2 when I was playing when it first came out. It was pretty difficult. When one would kill the hidden, he would become. As a matter of fact, i'm 100% sure that there were 2.

But yeah great ideas but so far, kind of poorly followed through. I'll wait for the next beta before I give it another shot. Way too many glitches when I played..and laggy as hell.
CyberPitz said:
Way too many glitches when I played..and laggy as hell.

Seems to be a common occurence on Source mods so far. Only mod that I don't lag on is Gmod, and even that scores higher pings than CSS most of the time.
CyberPitz said:
There WERE 2 when I was playing when it first came out. It was pretty difficult. When one would kill the hidden, he would become. As a matter of fact, i'm 100% sure that there were 2.

that was a bug
Doppelgofer said:
that was a bug

QFT. It's a known bug too, but I think if they implemented it properly multiple hiddens could work.

I really hope Valve fix the netcode, that lag when using the pigstick is annoying as hell.
I love this game, You will see me playing as []GingerNinja.

I'm getting pretty good at it now. :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I love this game, You will see me playing as []GingerNinja.

I'm getting pretty good at it now. :)

I started really getting into this game over the weekend; [HL2.NET] Devvo :D