The Hidden


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
There is a great new mod for hl2 called the hidden and there is just a taster but its awesome there is a team or marines or what ever they are vs 1 hidden witch its barley visible and its hard as hell :D

The Hidden - Source
i am currently downlaoding...btw whens border patrol coming out?
Bah. It seemed pretty boring when I tried it. Yes, I know, its a early beta, but still... Subject 617 needs something special to make him interesting, like ability to climb in walls, and real weapons. I didnt see any hint of what they will add in the future versions, if they dont add anything conclusive, I dont see any reason playing The Hidden longer than 20 minutes.
I like the concept, but it needs something, such as what Cukel described. I suggest something like extra speed.

I tried the mod, and it was great - I played it a couple of times.
Subject 617 needs something special to make him interesting, like ability to climb in walls.
If you had read their website, you'd know that exact ability will be in the game.