the highly popular security for hl2!!



There's an article in computer gaming world about steam and how this security setup is a new thing(obviously) and how valve is taking the first risk but gambling because hl2 is so popular.
So some of you out there need to take one for the team and not buy the game so we don't have to see this crap again. :)
Steam rocks your boxors. Support Steam and you shall be richly rewarded with high quality game development.
Sorry, but I have to say that I support Steam as a way of delivering games to us (consumers). And this is after my own horror story with it (17+ hours to fix HL2 because of a bad steam download, and not being able to play HL2 until 6pm the night of release, despite that I stayed up all night to be ready at the 12am unlock, and took a day off work for it). I believe that it will get better, and that we need to have this kind of game security out there to stop rampant pirating of all things game. I also support it as a way for game developers to do an "end run" around the limitations that come with publishers. Steam is most likely the wave of the future (and isn't this kind of remote based deployment what Microsoft envisioned with thier .net architecture). I think we will see more of this type of thing, not less, and I believe that this is a positive development. Valve really HAS stuck thier neck out on this one, and I think at this time, they are the only company in a position to do so.
Whats that bad steam download your talkin about? I had been playing the game till yesterday when it all got screwed up, I need to re-DL my online purchase and I cant even connect to steam now..where as before I had no problems playing it even on release is going on with steam!?!?! Is anyone on it??

MajorPayne said:
Sorry, but I have to say that I support Steam as a way of delivering games to us (consumers). And this is after my own horror story with it (17+ hours to fix HL2 because of a bad steam download, and not being able to play HL2 until 6pm the night of release, despite that I stayed up all night to be ready at the 12am unlock, and took a day off work for it). I believe that it will get better, and that we need to have this kind of game security out there to stop rampant pirating of all things game. I also support it as a way for game developers to do an "end run" around the limitations that come with publishers. Steam is most likely the wave of the future (and isn't this kind of remote based deployment what Microsoft envisioned with thier .net architecture). I think we will see more of this type of thing, not less, and I believe that this is a positive development. Valve really HAS stuck thier neck out on this one, and I think at this time, they are the only company in a position to do so.
MajorPayne said:
I believe that it will get better, and that we need to have this kind of game security out there to stop rampant pirating of all things game.
Steam can't do that.
I also support it as a way for game developers to do an "end run" around the limitations that come with publishers.
Not to mention increased revinue and automated patching and content delivery
Valve really HAS stuck thier neck out on this one, and I think at this time, they are the only company in a position to do so.
If Steam fullfills its prophecy, it would mean great things for the entire game industry, and put VALVe in a very dominant position. No other company could have or should have done this, as VALVe is clearly the company dedicated to "raising the bar".

Steam rocks!

wildone_106 said:
wtf is going on with steam!?!?! Is anyone on it??
There have been lots of problems with Steam since the HL2 release. As they are pioneers with new technology, and had no way of accuratly predicting the effects of all that traffic, problems like this are to be expected. I'm actually supprised all the preloads unlocked without a hitch,. that was very cool.
Lukes Wall said:
Steam can't stop pirating. Simply can't.

It can, even singeplayer games. But at a very great cost. You could secure it with a constant connection to a master server, which would sorta make it a multiplayer game, which would limit the game to broadband users only.

But stuff like that will happen.
How does Steam suck? I had H-L2 on my PC since late Aug. At 8:00a I restarted steam (took 3 clicks of my mouse, oh I am so winded) and I was playing the game 5 minutes later. Because it was already installed it only took 5 minutes to unlock. Now you are saying you can install a game faster than 5 minutes that is like 4 gig and drive home from where ever you bought it ie mall, misc gaming store.? Seems if you used Steam the way it was designed you would of been playing the game 5 minutes after it's release like the rest of us.
All I know is I installed steam, and it just wont connect to the server was all goin so well till I wanted to play the game yesterday and it would'nt let I cant even load up the steam control box...
PvtRyan said:
It can, even singeplayer games. But at a very great cost. You could secure it with a constant connection to a master server, which would sorta make it a multiplayer game, which would limit the game to broadband users only.

But stuff like that will happen.
It has already failed. They have a new working pirated version out already.
Steam doesn't stop pirates, but it definitely does slow them down. If more and more games use online-authentication like Valve has demonstrated, we'll all be better off. Developers will earn more money, and in turn produce better games more quickly.

Hardcore software pirates will always be able to get around security like HL2's. However, most of the people that pirate games couldn't design a crack if their life depended on it, and the vast majority of 'pirates' will be out of luck if Valve or another company keeps updating their security on a regular basis, and patching out the old cracks.
MajorPayne said:
I believe that it will get better, and that we need to have this blah blah blah

I thought like that when Steam was released.
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