The official Scrubs thread

Iron Kat

Space Core
Jan 15, 2007
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Scrubs is meh. Janitor is awesome thou. Dr. Jan Itor.
I like clips. I Fear if I watch episodes, I'd get bored :(
Scrubs is awesome, even the baww parts. Which there are a lot of.
I've been a big fan of this show for years. I wonder how they'll wrap things up in the final 18 eps at whatever network picked them up.

I demand closure though!
The missus just got the Scrubs box set, seasons 1 through 5. Kinda feeling a bit like Pitz said, and I haven't even started it yet. Good show, but up until now I've only watched it in moderation, and was more than happy to keep it that way. :p
Scrubs is great, it used to come on 2 hours a day (4 episodes) around here, two on one channel and then two on another channel right afterwards. I've seen all of them pretty much but not really in order and over the past five years or so :p

wonderful show, if you have doubts about watching it just watch it and you'll like it for sure
I bought the season three and season four boxsets the other week and I've been watching them constantly since! I've been of college for a few days with a really bad stomach so they always cheer me up, except the sad ones, of course, like My Screw Up. The ending is just so sad!!! :(
And Monkey, you are so right, Dr Cox is a complete legend. There isn't a single Cox moment that hasn't made me laugh!! :)
I tried watching an episode but it was way too dramatic. :|

But, it comes on Comedy Central every night, so I guess I'll try to watch another episode.
Itching for another comedy series to watch since House Season 4 is done. :(
What happened in the episode? I want to know which one it was.
I don't even remember, there was just lots of crying and reconciling, there was no funny bits at all.
So it put me off with the impression that it was a dumb teen doctor soap.
Scrubs is awesome, seasons 1-4 easily go up there as some of my favorite tv seasons of all.

@ xlucid Scrubs blends comedy with drama so it does have some sad/serious moments... it's part of why it's so good IMO. The humor leans towards the goofy side. The show isn't for everyone but it is brilliant for those people who get it. I'm very pleased that we're getting about half a season more than was originally planned.
I use to really enjoy it, but then I stopped watching it because I was attracted to something else (Lost? 24? I can't remember) so I came back to it when there was like a a whole load of new seasons, so I basically got lost really.

Some point, though, I will go through them all again and continue. Far as I remember I still enjyed it even though I became overwhelmed, though the episodes did become a little samey.

Great cast, though.
I liked scrubs, and despite his geekiness JD was reasonably cool in the first few seasons (you could identify with him on some level), but somewhere along the way it jumped the shark for me personally, about the time when having won over Elliot, JD suddenly decided he didn't love her any more (a certain sign of writers block tbh). After that the entire show just descended in inane slapstick week after week, and it's never really recovered imho. Still amusing, but now JD is just a clown.
about the time when having won over Elliot, JD suddenly decided he didn't love her any more (a certain sign of writers block tbh).

I read that right off the bat, Bill Lawrence didn't want the two to end up together in the typical 'will they, won't they' relationship storyline. I think that part you're talking about was just them saying, "Just kidding!"

EDIT: I love Ted's face during his solo
LOL damn I was just gonna post that...easily one of my favorite moments...I had all these Scrubs scenes on youtube favorited, then bought Season 5 last summer, and like EVERY moment was on there :)

I think the saddest episode Ive seen is the one with the 3 patients all needing organs and all the sh*t that goes down in that one...
I think the saddest episode Ive seen is the one with the 3 patients all needing organs and all the sh*t that goes down in that one...

Agree there, definitely. My eyes were welling up when I first this episode!! ;( But I do still say My Screw Up as all-time saddest episode. I still cannot watch the end without crying. ;(
Agree there, definitely. My eyes were welling up when I first this episode!! ;( But I do still say My Screw Up as all-time saddest episode. I still cannot watch the end without crying. ;(

Those two episodes are tied for best episode of Scrubs...I think My Screw Up was best tv episode of 2004??