the HL2 source code theft is tearing us apart!


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
i've noticed the fact that since the evenements (the theft of the source code and the prebeta version) the HL2 community is falling to pieces, flamewars are now common, ppl become violent and call others names and more. and it seems to get worse and worse.
what you think about it? :x
It's the influx of idiots who are tearing the community apart rather than the code, some people just unfortunately get caught in it all because they bite the bait.
omfg, seriously. stop being so dramatic. Your in front of your computer. wanna know how to solve your problem? go get laid. vola, no HL2 to worry about.

freakin A~~
Originally posted by chimpmunk
flamewars are now common, ppl become violent and call others names and more. and it seems to get worse and worse.

when werent flamewars common?
when didnt ppl become violent?
when did ppl not call others names?
Stating the problem never gets anything done. Moderators have come down on beta and delay threads but.........the fact is so many new people dont know what they are talking about and usually dont read the rules. Thats why i suggest this

Here is what is a good idea.

How about all new members have a week probation period. They cannotmake new threads only post and respond. Moderators can then give the ok to accept the account and become a board memeber. If u give them one week, it is enough time to see what is and isnt allowed. In's and outs. Workings of the board and so fourth.

I wasn't the smartest headcrab when I joined but its fine once u know how things work. And it WILL reduce spam and junk threads
This has been stated many times, by other and myself. We're beginning to see mixed tier system. If you can call it that. Before this was all around VALVe supporters, some spamers of course, but with what's happened people are switching sides. The leak, itself, didn't directly cause this...people did. They leak helped it grow, it's thrown the PR of Hl2 into a fever pitch, and has sparked hacker support. I think we'll see the end of this coming soon. VALVe should know that after announcing a game, it's best to not hold it back. And with what's been happening, along wit it being the most anticipated game in a long time, it should be getting released soon. VALVe has practically shut itself down to the public. This isn't a good tactic, unless you've got something you're going to roll out soon. DNF went quiet, and now look at them. I admit, they kept switching the game engines, but people just quit caring. I think VALVe knows, that if they don't release the game soon, the community will quit caring. Don't worry, or waiting and effort put into this community will pay off. And we'll be the ones who enjoy Hl2 the most.

It was tense, it was dramatic. Flame wars were beginning. Could this be the next World War?
no more threads like this.... its hurting my eyes!
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
no more threads like this.... its hurting my eyes!
Wait till you see the 1.3GB of gay porn you're downloading as we speak...
ok, the starter of this thread is a headcrab registered this month... why listen to him???
Originally posted by thehunter1320
ok, the starter of this thread is a headcrab registered this month... why listen to him???
But his name is Chipmunk and his avatar is so cute. Leave him alone, you prejudace homophone!
Originally posted by Yatta
But his name is Chipmunk and his avatar is so cute. Leave him alone, you prejudace homophone!

Homophone? - a word having the same meaning as another but a different spelling. You sure you didn't mean something else, like Homophobe,...or are you trying to say words people don't know the meanings to?

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Homophone? - a word having the same meaning as another but a different spelling. You sure you didn't mean something else, like Homophobe,...or are you trying to say words people don't know the meanings to?

FYO, I was trying to sound cute. :flame: Now buzz off, big bully.
Do not glue the cat to the bacon chimpmunk. This thread is flamebait.
Originally posted by Yatta
FYO, I was trying to sound cute. :flame: Now buzz off, big bully.

*Rolls eyes* Okay...I was just asking. I actually think it's funny to say words people don't understand, it confuses them. But if you think I'm a bully, that's okay.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
*Rolls eyes* Okay...I was just asking. I actually think it's funny to say words people don't understand, it confuses them. But if you think I'm a bully, that's okay.

FYO, I was trying to sound cute by calling you a bully. Now buzz off you big bully. :flame:
HAha dudes, the strong will survive! Right now were in the middle of an armageddon and the black clouds will soon retreat and a few fortunate people will break through from the fallen acres of skin and rubble! The whole forums have gone to hell and back but soon, soon everythign will be okay.
i believe its the way that things were handled by Valve thats the cause of this "tearing apart".
think how much posts and dedgery over a release date.
valves PR is totally to blame
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
HAha dudes, the strong will survive! Right now were in the middle of an armageddon and the black clouds will soon retreat and a few fortunate people will break through from the fallen acres of skin and rubble! The whole forums have gone to hell and back but soon, soon everythign will be okay.

I don't know how dependant you are on Internet forums man..

I don't particularly care if the whole thing went to shit. I'll continue on with my real world daily activities. And, in my opinion, it's not even difficult to go without.

I suppose there is 'AA' groups for this type of thing.