The HL3 Hype

Aug 26, 2004
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I have not been here for ages and dont no whether anyone else has either, but I was here for all that splendid HL2 hype which took place over a long time but towards the end it was terricifc. Everyone was pulling party poppers... remember ChrisD.
Anyway I just wondered has there been any HL3 rumours atall. If so I just can't wait for the next hype...
HL3 hype

Sincerely Blackmesa
ok thanks, i would have liked to have known a rumour was out about an expansion or something. Danimal you look like a keen fan... look at your post count!
You can hardly hype a game without any info about it (but I said "hardly" so it's still possible :p).
I g0t a r33li4ble s)urce(llolol) s3yin Gm4n is gorgon from te fut4r,lolololo
Black Mesa corp said:
ok thanks, i would have liked to have known a rumour was out about an expansion or something. Danimal you look like a keen fan... look at your post count!
the dark elf is fast approaching his 15,000th post.

his e-penis is absolutely enormous.
I think i've heard rumors that HL3 will be much longer compared to HL2.
and I assume that someone just randomly decided that off the top of their head. i hope it is, though.
there is almost definatly going to be an expansion soon, that has been leaked a number of times. Yet its not offical yet
not necessarily leaked, Valve's talked about one where you play as Alyx and/or Dog.
because HL3 will be out by then.

I guess three, though. Vote.
Sid Burn said:
Why 5 years?

Because it took 6 years for Half-Life 2 to come out after Half-Life 1. But hey. You never know if they will just use the source engine to play Half-Life 3 as well, just with upgrades and what not.
A expansion pack has been confirmed. So has Half-Life 3. They also changed their minds on making Half-Life 3 the last part. The hype will start once the 1st little bit of info is released.
i do hope there will be a 3rd one, i completed hl2 in 2 days! and being able to play as dog would be amazing but i dont think thats gonna happen.
i heard some rumours about hl3 that it will be the sequel to hl2.
(plz excuse my lame joke, it's 2 in the morning and my heads nearly falling off)
There are only 2 facts about HL3:

1.) It will come out
2.) it will be using the source engine (obviously an updated version o f it though)
Carmack said:
Because it took 6 years for Half-Life 2 to come out after Half-Life 1. But hey. You never know if they will just use the source engine to play Half-Life 3 as well, just with upgrades and what not.
So... it will come out on 2010!?... Damn! cant wait that long...
get a grip lads and ladies, half life 3 is a long way of, and who cares anyway? its just a fecking game. dont get me wrong i like halflife 2 but i can wait for the next one without thinking about ending my life.
Lets just hope half-life3 won't turn up like matrix revolution and suck horribly because the half-life series seems so similar to the matrix with release dates and hype.
take my advice, dont believe a word you hear on this forum unless its from a valve employee. the amount of absolute crap ive read.......
If its the end of the series then i hope it has multiple endings. Like 3 or 4 of them, that would be really cool.
Then there was valve saying those individual episodes...who knows what is happening with that, maybe it fell off the train, may god rest it's soul.
cyberpitz said:
Then there was valve saying those individual episodes...who knows what is happening with that, maybe it fell off the train, may god rest it's soul.

I understood every word in that sentence, just not the sentence itself.

BlackDahlia said:
I wonder if they'll have VR glasses by then...that'd be rockin' :E

i can already see it.
pple posting hi-res Alyx images all over the net :LOL: