D Mason
yo guys, on...hold up...May 21st, I posted this thread, but no one answered!!! I realize that many, sorry to sound prejudice against 12 year olds, but let's be honest, there's a LOT of 11-13 year old kids that come up with a half-decent (ok, maybe not decent at all) idea but don't know shit about modding, so the ideas don't go anywhere, but i assure you i am not one of those kids. I am 18, I've been gaming for a pretty decent amount of time, I know what makes a good game and what makes a bad game (no, seriously), and one of my talents (i tried making that sound non-narcissistic, but i found no other way to say it) is writing, right up there with web design, and for lack of a better term, coming up with *good* ideas for video games. . If you're saying "alright, so he's got a good idea***, AND he's got writing ability, but he still needs to get something rock solid down, like a model or some piece of concept art", well, I have one, but i'm not happy with it. As for everyone thing else, I'm currently doing a LOT of things now. Some (around only about 60%) of those things are listed in the most recent news post of this site. So, to be honest, I've been busy. You guys have to trust me that I have an amazing idea, and i just don't want to tell anyone because people will steal it. (Sorry to sound this way, BUT) it's really that good of a story, and the few people i've told it to have said that it's (direct quote): "****ing amazing, i love how it all ties together". Again, not to sound egocentric, but you can probably tell from the site for the mod that I'm not your average preteen kid with a bad idea. haha, i just re-read that after checking for errors in my post. man, that's classic. Anyway, it's all a matter of faith. The Hour Before Dawn is still looking for members- anyone we could use would be helpful, although you MUST (obviously) have talent at what you're doing, and abide by the rules stated here. Sooooo, join my team damnit!
***: My idea is summed up pretty well on the about section of my site, BUT, If you're too lazy to go there,
here is a description of my mod:
"The Hour Before Dawn is a story-driven singleplayer modification for Half-Life 2. Spanning three different accounts, survivors find themselves picking up whatever they can to fend off an alien invasion of Earth. Through a complex storyline and many plot twists and turns, these same survivors uncover that they aren't the only ones fighting for survival- banding up with other people- and find their lives intertwining with others' lives in unexpected ways. That's where the player comes in. At the beginning of the game, players will choose which party to play as, and then, branching out to the character selection screen, which character to play as. Although many parties will come across the others during the game, each group, and subsequently each character will have a different experience, thus giving the mod a unique replay value. Taking from games like Final Fantasy VII, music will play an important part in illustrating each character's background, and will help emphasize cutscenes and important parts of the story. Gameplay will be similar to games like Halo, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and the original Half-Life. Unlike other First-Person Shooters, The Hour Before Dawn will use spells (which will be similar to those in the Final Fantasy series)."
***: My idea is summed up pretty well on the about section of my site, BUT, If you're too lazy to go there,
here is a description of my mod:
"The Hour Before Dawn is a story-driven singleplayer modification for Half-Life 2. Spanning three different accounts, survivors find themselves picking up whatever they can to fend off an alien invasion of Earth. Through a complex storyline and many plot twists and turns, these same survivors uncover that they aren't the only ones fighting for survival- banding up with other people- and find their lives intertwining with others' lives in unexpected ways. That's where the player comes in. At the beginning of the game, players will choose which party to play as, and then, branching out to the character selection screen, which character to play as. Although many parties will come across the others during the game, each group, and subsequently each character will have a different experience, thus giving the mod a unique replay value. Taking from games like Final Fantasy VII, music will play an important part in illustrating each character's background, and will help emphasize cutscenes and important parts of the story. Gameplay will be similar to games like Halo, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and the original Half-Life. Unlike other First-Person Shooters, The Hour Before Dawn will use spells (which will be similar to those in the Final Fantasy series)."