The "how Will My System Run Hl2" Thread

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Sep 4, 2003
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The one in the HL2 discussion forum got deleted (even tho it wasn't my thread).

My system:

AMD XP 1800 (1.55ghz)
Ati Radeon 8500 128MB DDR
WD 120GB 7200RPM 8MB/cache

How well do u think this will run HL2?

In the other thread they said if I were to upgrade, to upgrade my videocard before my processor.... I want a good card under $250 thats DX9 compatable if possible...

I found a 9600 for $180.. but I dunno if thats DX9 compatable?
None of us really know how any of our machines are going to perform, not enough specific details have been devulged. I wish people would stop posting topics to this effect.

However, I'll give you the curtesy of answering your question. Looking at your system setup, I'd be worried about how the original Half-Life runs. In short... not well at all.

You'll be wanting a new video card, and processor if you can afford it.
Originally posted by rec
None of us really know how any of our machines are going to perform, not enough specific details have been devulged. I wish people would stop posting topics to this effect.

However, I'll give you the curtesy of answering your question. Looking at your system setup, I'd be worried about how the original Half-Life runs. In short... not well at all.

You'll be wanting a new video card, and processor if you can afford it.

I hope you're kidding? I can run HL1 at 1280 x 1024 and get 99 FPS, same UT2003 with everything maxed up and get roughly 60FPS.

I do want to upgrade to atleast to a 2ghz processor.. however, I dont have alot of money to throw around right now. Which would be wiser to upgrade 1st... videocard or processor? (for hl2 of course)
rec, you need alot worse setup then that for HL1 to be a problem.. like 1/2 of the processor, 1/5 of the RAM and like 2 generations older video card. (for example a 750 MHZer, 256mb RAM and a Geforce 1 (I think the 8500 was the same generation as Geforce 3 which makes GF1 2 generations back))

eQUIV, I think it will be hard to judge how well different setups will run HL2, since there seems to be ALOT of settings to be made, ofcourse, all the normal stuff like texture sizes, resolutions, viewing distance etc, but also settings like DX8 or DX9 "mode" and AA, AD etc.
I think the game will be playable on your rig, but I don't know at what settings.
How could I not be kidding? It's called humour, look it up sometime. ;)

I was simply trying to point out how inadequate his setup will be for next generation games... A Radeon 8500? Nice try. He answered his own question when he posted his specs, heh.
Originally posted by endorphin
rec, you need alot worse setup then that for HL1 to be a problem.. like 1/2 of the processor, 1/5 of the RAM and like 2 generations older video card. (for example a 750 MHZer, 256mb RAM and a Geforce 1 (I think the 8500 was the same generation as Geforce 3 which makes GF1 2 generations back))

eQUIV, I think it will be hard to judge how well different setups will run HL2, since there seems to be ALOT of settings to be made, ofcourse, all the normal stuff like texture sizes, resolutions, viewing distance etc, but also settings like DX8 or DX9 "mode" and AA, AD etc.
I think the game will be playable on your rig, but I don't know at what settings.

Yah I know what you mean.. I'm hoping for atleast 1024x768 @ medium settings and get atleast 30-40FPS and I'll be happy. *crosses fingers*
Originally posted by rec
Yes, I was kidding actually. It's called humour, look it up sometime. ;)

Oh, ok now i get it!! AHAHAHA LOLROFL!! You should get your own HBO special.. Chris Rock ain't got shit on you.

oh... and that's called sarcasm.

Sarcasim is angers ugly cousin.

Pick the movie and win a prize! :D
From the sticky in this forum:

"1) No more "Will this run Half-Life 2?" Threads. They will immediately be deleted to remove clutter from the boards."

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