The Hydra


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
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In science class today we learned a bit about a creature in the ocean called a Hydra. They are like little lifeforms, and the interesting thing is this: If you were to cut it in half, both halves would regrow. Creating two Hydras.

I wonder if something like this will happen in HL2 with the Hydras? Or if Valve even considered this when naming it?

Just a thought..
I wonder if it would regrow after being riddled with bullets too.
i get the feeling its just gonna be a "special" monster like the tentacle beast in hl1. not really possible to kill them the conventional way. and rare.
Hydra was also a mythical creature that if you got off its head, two would grow in its place. Thats where that little creature got its name from, and also the creature in HL2 :)
holy crap that will be a hard enemy
<RJMC> said:
holy crap that will be a hard enemy

It might be an ally... After all, it does kill the combine soldier who is threatening Gordon and Alyx, but then the scene fades and we are left witha big fat ?
Spugmaster said:
It might be an ally... After all, it does kill the combine soldier who is threatening Gordon and Alyx, but then the scene fades and we are left witha big fat ?

in my opinion the hydra kill the combine first cuz was more closer and how you think that thing can become a ally?
Well you don't know what happens after the scene ends, so it might not attack you.

It probably does but thats just it - we don't know...

Who knows - that movie was one of the very first ones to get released so everyone just assumes that it is still in the game. Maybe it has been cut or something. I certainly haven't heard anything about it since the tunnels bink.

And remember that this movie depicts what an in-game cutscene type thing which may indicate that it does not attack at this point in the game. Also bear in mind that the movies were heavily scripted back then, so this scene might have been completely changed since then...

Too many factors to say conclusively whether it is an enemy, impartial, or an ally.
Spugmaster said:
Well you don't know what happens after the scene ends, so it might not attack you.

It probably does but thats just it - we don't know...

Who knows - that movie was one of the very first ones to get released so everyone just assumes that it is still in the game. Maybe it has been cut or something. I certainly haven't heard anything about it since the tunnels bink.

And remember that this movie depicts what an in-game cutscene type thing which may indicate that it does not attack at this point in the game. Also bear in mind that the movies were heavily scripted back then, so this scene might have been completely changed since then...

Too many factors to say conclusively whether it is an enemy, impartial, or an ally.

what we know is that the hydra kills human-like creatures
Its pretty obvious the Hydra is an enemy, alyx does say "O oh" when she says it, then the soldier jumps down and gets speered
Isn't a hydra like a little anemone? I'm pretty sure they're related to jellyfish and siphonophores and similar species...colentrates, or cnidarians, or whatever they're called now...

The title on the Hydra concept art that we have a picture of seems to suggest that the arms can take on different forms, IIRC...
I hope the Hydra will be more of a recurring threat than just a one-time boss, I really like the design and characteristics of it, and it'd be fun with "Oh no, not again" moments when running into one. :)
I, in fact, hope that it is an enemy we se more than once, it seems like a really cool enemy, maybe hard to beat though.

Maybe to kill it, you have to use something that emitts alot of heat, or maybe freeze it down until it cant move anymore, and then break it. Or just capture it in a waterproof tank or container.

But i was also wondering about something else. This "Hydra"(if that is still its name", what makes it think? It cant just be water, it must have some kind of brain. And as in the "Tunnels" bink, it didnt seem like he had any eyes, so i bet he detects either movement or sound, because it seem like he reacted first when Gordon enter the room(running=movement) and Alyx started to talk(sound), but the Hydra took the combine first, maybe because his movement and sound were closer than Gordon and Alyx.
I'm trying to figure out how the Hydra acts. I'm betting we're going to have to go past it but won't actually fight it. The most obvious way of passing is going silently and using distractions. But, that was used extensively in HL1, so hopefully they're doing something new.
Wesisapie said:
i get the feeling its just gonna be a "special" monster like the tentacle beast in hl1. not really possible to kill them the conventional way. and rare.
Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Maybe crops up a few times and you either have to avoid it completely or do some kind of mission that results in it being killed/trapped/making it safe to get past it. I hope so anyway, those set pieces with the Garg and the tentacles in HL1 were the most fun, and the Pitworm was great too for the same reasons.
Brian Damage said:
Do any of you think it could be intelligent?
Probably only to the point one of those weird stabbing things were on Xen in HL1 I'd imagine.

Maybe its just a race-x version of a venus fly trap
i heard that it can weave around stuff to follow you, very clever ai from the sounds of things.
It won't be an ally, but will have a story of its own.

Its probably just like the tentacles off HL1 like Wesasapie said.
Reminds me of one of the bosses in the N64 Zelda game.
Wesisapie said:
i get the feeling its just gonna be a "special" monster like the tentacle beast in hl1. not really possible to kill them the conventional way. and rare.
It looks like it is made out of energy or electricity, and not organic. Maybe all you have to do is unplug it. :E
Maybe to kill it, you have to use something that emitts alot of heat, or maybe freeze it down until it cant move anymore, and then break it. Or just capture it in a waterproof tank or container.

Yea, whats Gordon gonna do, ask it nicely for it to fit in a cookie jar or something?
Sorry, not slammin ya, just something funny to add to that.
you can't kill it, that's the secret twist at the end, it KILLS gordon.


Geno said:
you can't kill it, that's the secret twist at the end, it KILLS gordon.



Oh yeah, what if that's the last level of the game, you kill G-Man and Breen but then they morph into a hydra and you have to defeat 'em to finish the game? :D
it's probably just another preditory animal from xen, like the headcrabs and the bullsquids, it doesn't care what it kills as long as it gets feed!
It's definitely organic. The Hydra concept art shows its innards as looking somewhat like a single celled organism, just far more complex. You can't really see that in the video.

I'm pretty sure it's an enemy, however. :D
vegeta897 said:
In science class today we learned a bit about a creature in the ocean called a Hydra. They are like little lifeforms, and the interesting thing is this: If you were to cut it in half, both halves would regrow. Creating two Hydras.

I wonder if something like this will happen in HL2 with the Hydras? Or if Valve even considered this when naming it?

Just a thought..

According to my dictionary, a hydra is: "a freshwater polyp (a marine invertebrate) with a cylindrical body"

No wonder they called the Hydra the Hydra ;)
I'm sure the hydra is neither an enemy or a friend. I'm sure it just attacks whatever it's pissed at. Like the zombies or whatever.

You revived yet ANOTHER thread. (And one of mine no-less!) Now you make me look stupid to the people who don't look at post dates!

Mods, please take action.
vegeta897 said:

You revived yet ANOTHER thread. (And one of mine no-less!) Now you make me look stupid to the people who don't look at post dates!

Mods, please take action.
Calm down Vegeta.
The Dark Elf said:
Calm down Vegeta.
Sorry.. He is doing it on purpose Elf!!! Look at his history!

Hmm, I am starting to think my avatar sets a mood for my posts... Please don't think I am exploding... I enjoy complaining, I really do.
vegeta897 said:
Sorry.. He is doing it on purpose Elf!!! Look at his history!

Hmm, I am starting to think my avatar sets a mood for my posts... Please don't think I am exploding... I enjoy complaining, I really do.

That's why God invented the "report bad post" button. ;)
justmatt said:
I'm sure the hydra is neither an enemy or a friend. I'm sure it just attacks whatever it's pissed at. Like the zombies or whatever.

Yes, most likely, but since it was not included in the game we will never really know --unless it is included in some expansion pack or maybe in HL3.
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was fluid simulation in HL3 and you could kill the hydra and it would just fall like a bunch of water and splash on the ground and in the water it came from. Sort of like that movie "The Abyss."

The Abyss Water Monster.
maybe there was a toaster or sommin near by which yo had to knock into the water to fry it!
Moto-x_Pat said:
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was fluid simulation in HL3 and you could kill the hydra and it would just fall like a bunch of water and splash on the ground and in the water it came from. Sort of like that movie "The Abyss."

The Abyss Water Monster.

Now that would be cool =)
hydras are like antlions (rtb says so) scince they attack everything, but are not xen/combine/human
No wonder it takes you eons to bring one down... was the one in HL1 a hydra too? I've heard alot of people say its a Hydra.