The Hydra

Hey - I predicted that the hydra would be cut out of the game (see first page of thread)

Do I win a prize...?
hahahahaha goethe u smell :D learn how to read post dates and only reply to posts on the first page of these forums
warning lvl 8. what level u need for a ban?
12 i believe? Not far now eh?

Your prize for working that out is a punch, cos you are the reason they dropped it :frown: thanks for nothing!

please leave the old threads buried goethe, would be easier than locking everyone as soon as discussion ends.
Sid Burn: Hm, haven't I seen that avatar somewhere before?
Loke said:
Sid Burn: Hm, haven't I seen that avatar somewhere before?

That IS a cool avatar... What is it from?

Kinda not cool to "borrow" someone's avatar without asking tho. :(
Dont any of you know how to kill a Hydra? You hookshot its brain out, then slash it apart. ;) Now Mirror Gordon, thats an entirely different matter...
SimonomiS said:
Dont any of you know how to kill a Hydra? You hookshot its brain out, then slash it apart. ;) Now Mirror Gordon, thats an entirely different matter...
:LOL: Nice one.

The thing in HL1 that was SIMILAR to the Hydra was called simply a Tentacle. It's not a Hydra :rolleyes: