The "I have played/ or playing ep2 and Have to talk about it..." thread (spoilers)

I just finished. I've been up for about eight hours since launch at 2AM. I'm floored. Incredible. Better than either of the first two chapters. The final battle was far more challenging than the evacuation shootout with Overwatch in Episode One, which itself was harder than the HL2 Citadel shootouts. They continue stepping up the challenges rather than delivering more of the same, which is awesome. I liked (or hated) that there was rarely a way to get a drop on the Hunters, you just had to go at them balls on; they're too smart to ambush. I'm afraid to imagine what kind of foes could top them in Episode Three ... the Hunters put up a fight like nothing else in the HL universe so far. It's like playing against real players.

Back to the ol' waiting game ... waiting to see it all come full circle. Those Advisors are gonna get their fat bloated asses rearranged by the time this is all said and done. Haven't they learned by now that you don't mess with The Freeman? :sniper:

Alyx will personally rip them to shreds, burn them, eat them , s*** them out, then burn them again and after all that, flush them down a toilet. An Alyx-Revenge..
sorry about the casserole magnusson...

So good. So good.

Despite my own high expectations, the game went beyond them and delivered such a complete and wonderful gaming experience that I'm just, well, awed.

So many nice things to look at, so much action and character development. Oh and the end? Awesome. I've never hated the combine more-
What a mind blowing game and story. I seriously cant even begin to think of what episode3 will be. We will probably die while playing it or something!

Btw i missed the part where he reveals who he was in black mesa. What did he say?
What a mind blowing game and story. I seriously cant even begin to think of what episode3 will be. We will probably die while playing it or something!

Btw i missed the part where he reveals who he was in black mesa. What did he say?

He says he was the guy who got the casserole in the microwave ruined.
he says somthing along the lines of "Pull this off freeman, and i will forgive you for that incident at black mesa, you know the one, with a certain microwave casserole!"
Did anyone notice the "aperture" signs on the containers on the ship and on the documents after Judith's message was displayed? So Portal has something to do with the experiments that happened on the Borealis.

Perhaps the Borealis crew were developing (or had developed) the portal gun?
The ending was obviously going to happen... but it still shocked me nonetheless. Flawlessly executed, as affecting an end as could be wished for.

I got a good 6-7 hours or so out of it in total. It's far more impressive than Episode One...
Just finished. My first (and rough) thoughts:

Best Climax of the Half-Life series IMO - the rush to beat the Striders was just so intense.

G-Mans scene was awesome - he saved Alex from Black Mesa and delivered the "purest sample yet" which may have helped cause the Resonance Cascade. OMG!

I never felt a connection with Alex in Ep1 but I did for Ep2 - I suspect it has to do with how she was injured and vulnerable for much of the start.

Hunters were awesome.

I was a little disappointed to start only with the Gravity Gun again but it was done a lot better than in Ep1 mostly due to how quickly you get other weapons.

Did I see orange Combine Soldiers and pink Combine Elites?

Some parts did feel a bit familiar even though they were still fun.

I think Zombies need something new for Ep3.

Loved everything about the "Defence of Alex" part - especially the banter of the two humans there.

It's 5:40am here, I'm tired and going to bed.

Ep2 rocked, bring on Ep3!
ep2 was just.. awesome. the ending - oh my god.
such immersion.
I expected something good but instead i got something pretty special. Easily some of the most beautiful environments i've ever seen in a videogame. Story wasn't too shabby either and i'm as intrigued as ever. It makes you wish that Valve had secretly made Episode 3 and plan to release it tomorrow. I can only dream but in the meantime Portal awaits.... :thumbs:
Did I see orange Combine Soldiers and pink Combine Elites?
Didn't see the later, but the former are in: specifically, they are the Shotgun-equipped Combine Soldiers you fight. I'm curious as to whether they've been put in the two previous installments, on Console at least.
I think Zombies need something new for Ep3.
Episode 2 had some great additions... but I can never complain about more enemies. Zombies didn't irk me so much as the Antlions did in the beginning. I think people were sick of Antlions by the end of Episode One, and the general feeling seemed to be that they shouldn't return unless they were going to show up with something new and impressive... there were certainly new additions to the Antlion lineup, but I wasn't impressed. Let's be honest... we wanted the King or at least something a little more impressive than a Beefed up Antlion Guard. And Poison Antlions are just Bullsquids in disguise!
tips on defeating the guardian when outside? always out of ammo and low on health
Im not entirely sure, but I think when the Antlion guard rammed me it gave me a neurotoxin warning...
Finished it! I got to say that this was the best of the half life trilogy so far and not to mention that there were a lot of cool revelations but still more questions raised.
Yeah, every time I got rammed I believe I saw the Neurotoxin sign and heard the suit warning...not sure, since I was sprinting for my life while madly trying to find a larvae tunnel to dive into...
I was a bit bummed on the Antlion Guardian. I was expecting something more sinister. If anything, it was easier to kill than the Antlion Guards.

I also think the driving portion could've used one or two more "stops".

Other than that, perfection. Sheer perfection.
The vortigaunts were brilliant. I laughed when they were annihilating the ant lions.
When he told me to go up and leave him fighting the ant lions and zombies I was going to jump back down and fight, but luckily he got on the other elevator :thumbs: That's the first time I've felt for an NPC in the HL2 series, although Alyx was less irritating this time around too.

Searching for the advisor in the house was probably my favourite part. I was completely immersed in the tension and the mystery of what the advisors were capable of.

As someone else posted the ending also seemed incredibly obvious, but I also didn't see it coming because I was concentrating too much. Right: I'll go and destroy the Borealis, fly back to Eli and find out who the G-Man is. I got the impression the advisors were extracting information from him at the end.
Anyone else a bit shakey after the last battle?
Just finished, and really need a breather. :thumbs:

Gotta say, best episode yet though! Really nicely paced, climactic, and revealing (and really sad ;( ).

Too bad there wasn't an EP3 vid at the end though :(

And tomorrow: Portal :thumbs::cheers:
I gotta say that was the best Halflife game since the original, a lot of reference, easter eggs to the original, Eli reveals a half-truth to gordon (But I'm not going to tell you what it is :p)

Plus the White Forest Section had the atmosphere of Black Mesa which brings me back (This makes me more excited about what the Black Mesa devlopers can pull off.

I also completed Portal as well, and I am anxious to find out what is in that crate on the Borealis, and from the looks of things it appears that Black Mesa and Aperture Science were competing to gain contracts from the Department of Defence

I'm interested in finding out who left all those markers, the GMan perhaps? All that time in isolation probably drove him insane, and caused his speech impediment
I thought the two human skeletons on the couch (map 09) were couple from Half-Life 2 and Episode One, until I saw them alive in the White Forest base (map 11).
It annoyed me how Eli said we'd talk more about Gman later.
Then he died.
Also, skeletons in the game were cool, should be good in Gmod.
Have to say - Story-wise and atmosphere-wise, this blew my freaking mind. Awesome. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. But the gameplay was slightly disappointing. Yes, almost the entire game was super-fun, but HL2 and Ep1 were super-fun from start to finish. A few too many elevator side-quests and at the beginning I found myself a bit annoyed with the "You go ahead and do all the shit, I'll stay here and kill two zombies." and the strider-battle at the end wasn't quite what I was looking forward to, hectic as hell yeah it just wasn't... as "grand" as I'd thought. Still, it was one helluva ride.
Well, i decided to play through the whole of ep2 at once. Damn was it worth it. I had my doubts about it beating ep1 in terms of adrenaline rush and stuff, but god. The bits with the striders in white forest and the ending just completely blew my mind. I was really pissed off about what happened at the end because the guy was so damn cool. I think i'll have to kill myself while playing ep3 it will be so good.
I remember going ****ING STRIDERRSS and got yelled at by my dad
there were too many :P
I also completed Portal as well, and I am anxious to find out what is in that crate on the Borealis, and from the looks of things it appears that Black Mesa and Aperture Science were competing to gain contracts from the Department of Defence

What tipped you off, was it this?

Too bad there wasn't an EP3 vid at the end though :(
That worries me in the sense that it may show that Valve have barely started developing it... but more than likely, it's no cause for concern: Whereas Episode 1 itself gave us no idea what was going to happen in Episode 2, we know a fair bit about what Episode 3 will involve (Borealis, Mossman, Aperture Science, probably an Advisor show down), thanks to scenes already in the game.

Furthermore, Valve may have decided to axe the previews because they create unnecessary red-herring cliff hangers like the entire 'Alyx in peril' fiasco.

And we all know that we should lay off the sneak peaks with these games. Most of Episode Two felt second hand to me because i've seen only 50% of the preview material out there.
I blame the media for that, though...we were swamped with previews, and couldnt help but see them because they were everywhere we looked...

But I think my experience with Ep2 has cemented in me the conviction not to watch ANY VIDEOS AT ALL for Episode 3.

I loved this instalment through and through, but the one very mild downer was that I assumed the strider battle at the end would remain identical to Gameplay Video 5 - replete with ground troops and gunships to fight at the same time. I'm glad that wasn't the case, since it was challenging enough already, but had I not had those expectations going into that battle I think I would have enjoyed it more.

The second small flaw is that it does start a little slow. I really had my fill of antlions in Episode 1 and was itching to get out into the open to enjoy all the rest of the stuff that the previews had hinted at.

Having said all that - SUPERB GAME! I really have to applaud Valve for having the guts to include so many lengthy, non-combat sections of exposition and dialogue. I love that stuff. They also kept the perfect balance of revealing just enough story to satisfy, whilst concealing enough to lead us on for the future. And the combat parts were exactly what I was looking for, eg. being trapped in an abandoned inn under massive Combine assault = superb.

Anyone else have a wry smile on their face when hearing Kliener talk about the 'legendary status' of the Borealis? A great way to break the 4th wall and keep it intact all at once...

I also thought Magnusson was brilliant. 'What are you waiting for, a hug??' And the line about not forgiving Gordon for the 'debacle at Black Mesa' - I was really suckered in by that. As soon as he said it I was off thinking about Breen's propaganda and feeling like a martyr again until he hit me with '...that microwave casserole!' Ace.

Also: Advisors own.
That worries me in the sense that it may show that Valve have barely started developing it... but more than likely, it's no cause for concern: Whereas Episode 1 itself gave us no idea what was going to happen in Episode 2, we know a fair bit about what Episode 3 will involve (Borealis, Mossman, Aperture Science, probably an Advisor show down), thanks to scenes already in the game.

Furthermore, Valve may have decided to axe the previews because they create unnecessary red-herring cliff hangers like the entire 'Alyx in peril' fiasco.

And we all know that we should lay off the sneak peaks with these games. Most of Episode Two felt second hand to me because i've seen only 50% of the preview material out there.

I think a week ago or something there was a small article in PCgamer with a concept art image of Episode 3, stating development has started, so they're just starting. I'm afraid waiting for Ep3 will take a long time.
A bit short but good fun, and the ending was quite moving for a game :)

I do wish the closing of the portal had been a bit more cinematic though. You know in BSG season 3 where the Galactica jumps into the atmosphere, and back out again, and the jump out creates a vacuum which the air rushes to fill? Would have been nice to have seen something like that :)

Just finished, and wow, that was really amazing. Everything was really just spot on. Couple of parts that seemed a little out of place, but were really minor. I do also feel that the previews did spoil a lot though :(
Anyone else have a wry smile on their face when hearing Kliener talk about the 'legendary status' of the Borealis? A great way to break the 4th wall and keep it intact all at once...
Heh, didn't think about it like that. Not just its legendary status either, how it 'simply disappeared' :)
I was shocked when Eli was talking about the G-Man and calling him "our mutual friend." I wasn't expecting him to be so open about it.

Also, I thought it was neat how Eli said the G-Man whispered to him there would be "unforeseen consequences" right before the Resonance Cascade... the name of the chapter after the RC in Half-Life 1 is "Unforeseen Consequences".

The strider battle was intense, but after awhile it started pissing me off with all the fricking Hunters everywhere and me trying to plow them down but ending up crashing into a random log or something.

The ending was really sad. I started crying. >.>

Anyway, I'm wondering something... Alyx said something about the "array" they set up at Black Mesa. This is the satellite we launched she's talking about, right? The rocket we were launching in EP2 was to do something about the old satellite?
Btw, where the hell did barney go off too? Towards the end, i was begening to think he might be a traitor :( Also, how do you do spoiler tags ?