The "I still have a christmas avatar because I am really lazy" club!

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Oct 11, 2004
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Well, who else is a member? I'm sure I'm not the only one.
You people are like the ones who have Christmas lights up until Summertime.
I'm part of the "mine sucks but I put too much work into it to get rid of it" club. If I see a neat new one, though, I might steal it.
Im part of the "This Avatar is old but I keep it because people recognise me with it" club

and the "I like to make my own club" club.
i know vegeta still has one...

Glirk Dient said:
Im part of the "This Avatar is old but I keep it because people recognise me with it" club
i too am apart of this club, i may switch once in a blue moon but those that i switch to are domo-kuns D:
RakuraiTenjin said:
You people are like the ones who have Christmas lights up until Summertime.

Why not keep em up all year? Thats an hour you don't have to suffer every Christmas :)
This should be the "My mother should have taken a coat hanger to my skull when I was in the womb" club
Now I'm in the "Sitting crying in the corner because Dalamari is mean" club ;(
i think we should make the "lets kill Dalamari because he is mean" club
Wow, dalamari, with that avatar that statement is all the more disturbing.
I'm part of the "I still like my avatar so I've had it forever" club.

And LOL, Dalamari. LOL, indeed.
Heh, mines Inverted...

Thats the only reason peeps know me here, inverted ftw!
I'm a member of the "I saw this thread and decided to change my avatar, but people should still recognize me as it's pretty much the same thing" club. the club has a really neat acronym: ISTTADTCMABPSSRMAIPMTST.
Welcome to the "Closed Threads" club.

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