The impracticality of the Manipulator...

Ever wondered why Valve decided to develop the Physics Weapon? Greg Coomer, Valve's Creative Director, delivers the answer to PCZone, in PCZ Issue 131 from last month's E3 Gaming Expo.

Greg Coomer: "The new physics weapon is a special weapon that takes advantage of the Havok physics engine in the game, because we've built a world with such a high level of interactivity. All the objects you see lying around - such as barrels or even bodies - you can pick up or interact with in some way. So this physics weapon has several functions such as pushing things, pulling things, throwing things, it's really unique."

When asked how the weapon came about...

Greg Coomer: "We needed some way of letting the player learn and have fun with the new physics system, so we developed the weapon around it"

Coomer also commented that the scale of City 17 is comparable to a medium-sized European City. With such an original weapon and vast city being developed, the storyline's possibilities are endless, with even more challenging puzzles to solve than in Half-Life.

To read more head down to your local newsagents and grab a copy!

^^^^^^ That Explains the practicality ^^^^^^^

Official Name: Physics Weapon (most likely will be called the Manipulator ingame)
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Ya... boobies

I played the demo......

The so-called physics were pretty basic. At least they tried though.

I'll agree that the heart on the boob was pretty funny. And that whole "arm" thing was a pain....
Any ideas on how the AI will react if you block their only path? I suppose it will just push past it, like say you throw a Coke machine infront of a hallway. I just don't picture the Combine climbing over it w/ realistic animations. Maybe I'm wrong.
One thing that will be amazing about HL2, is if the AI is as smart as Valve says it is, then we will meet a whole new level of challenge unlike ever before. I don't see alot of people beating the game in days or weeks, In fact, if people use there basic knowledge from past video games, and incorparate them into HL2

Well.............even the HEV suit won't safe Gordon this time :-/

Just think.........

Your being chased by Combine, armed with 6 rounds and this is your last clip. You use the manipulator gun and push a refridge up against the door. Woo! They ain't getting in now


Ooooops....I forgot about the windows

Most people take for granted that most objects in a video game is made of steal and can be hidden behind. In HL2, this will be a different case. Remember in HL1 where you could hide behind the boxes or walls and think your completely safe? Well....I doubt that will be the case in HL2.

To be honest, I will use the manipulator gun for defense just as much as offence.
Originally posted by Claws
OK, undoubtedly, the Manipulator is a very cool gun in theory. It looked great in the trailers as well. But I'm sure most of you noticed that the damage was lowered in the trailers, and the player was getting hit a lot while waiting for the Manipulator to grab objects from the environment. So what do you guys think? Will it actually be practical to use the gun in combat? Or is it going to be used mainly to solve puzzles? I hardly find it wise to try and pick up objects while getting shot at, the way the player did in the trailer...
Oh goody, here's what'll be one of the highlights of the game and unquestionably one of the most innovative weapons ever. Let's piss on everyone's strawberries and slate it. Good-oh.
Come on - it'll be great fun and once you get used to it I bet it'll become like a second nature to whip it out to grab something for cover (such as the radiator) and discover even more hilarious ways of killing your enemies. Personally, I want to take out one guy and then fling his corpse at a small group of his buddies and then take them out as they get up. Ah-haaarr:E
Wow, if they have the manipulator in multiplayer, especially knowing the type of people who play Half-life, it's going to be ridiculous. I can imagine thousands of boxes and small objects flying through the air as people fling things around as fast as they can.
I somehow think that that is impossible. For that to work, physics will have to be server side. And the server will pretty much start lagging and eventually crap out, unless, of course, the MP code is super optimized. With Valve you never know.
yes i think this weapon only for single mode not for multi. but i wish it ll be for mulit if there is no lagy stuff.
probably a good thing that it is not that handy, would be to powerfull in MP games...if it can be used in MP games
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I can just imagine, if we can use the manipulator in MP, what a manipulator only map would be like...

I can't wait to have someone fling a big heavy box at me and you just flip around, pound the button and catch the box in mid-air as it was about to hit you and chuck it back at them, knocking them on their ass. mmmmmmmm, physics!

Having powerful and innovative weapons in multiplayer, is exactly what makes it so damn interesting. Ask any hardcore Halflife Deathmatch player, what keeps them coming back, and they will tell you it is the intensity, speed, power, and creativity that HL1s weaponry offers. These things set the game apart. Who wants watered down weaponry and gameplay? I want hardcore action, variation, and innovation....and this manipulator seems like a great way to spice up DM.
The code for hl2 is super opimized. the physics system is the same in multi and single player. the manipilator will more likely be in multiplayer. valve said the system will have less lag than the original.
The code for hl2 is super opimized. the physics system is the same in multi and single player.

The way it works is that the mapmaker can set what objects will be followed server side, and what will just be client side. So coke cans can just be effects that a client sees, but a table will be tracked by the server. That way not each and every piece of debris has to fall in exactly the same place on everyone's computer, as long as it's too small or unimportant to affect the outcome of anything.