The Inspiration thread

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
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Pretty sure all of you at one time or another go blank and for the life of you, you can't think of anything to draw or paint or sculpt or model or design.

So, I thought why not have an inspiration thread that we can all use to try get ourselves going when we've got artists block.


Only posts containing something that can inspire others, that can be interesting passages of text, poem's, interesting photo's, models, objects, dreams and nightmares. Discussion posts are allowed, but only if its meaningful and offers inspiration to others. I'd like the thread to be easy to go through for everyone.

No porn, sorry guys :)

It's not a thread to show off your latest works.

Don't post any old thing up, anything you do post your expected to give a description, how it makes you feel, how you find it inspires you and how it can inspire others.

Where possible, give credit to the person who originally created it.

You can post music BUT only a few seconds of it, no mp3's of tracks, just link to where they can be legally bought.

Try keep images small, link to them externally, otherwise the thread will be a huge headache for people on dialup and slow connections, not to mention it'll look ugly as sin breaking the forum. So try to bare that in mind.

Remember this is a thread that should hopefully be really useful to yourself and others, so no fighting :)
That blank canvas that stares at you before the first brush stroke. That primal fear, that SURETY that you can't deliver, that your gift has fled and will never come back.

But it does, always, and that shape and colour your hand just created on the page where there was nothing before gets you higher than any drug, more obsessed to expand it in all directions than any other base impulse, you are a slave to that creation until the fire goes out or it lies finished before you.

Inspiration comes from nowhere, like the picture itself - Inspiration is the predator.

Be assured, IT will find you when it's hungry.
Personally when i get a blackout, I sit and just look out the window and very loosly scrible some lines...just let my hand do the controlling and then a after a while I look down and try to get something out from it... get some quite quirky designs from it :D

Some links that might help you find inspiration

Also some good ref sites.

This one always helps me when I want to start on an environment...dunno why :D
LOL, this may not seem like it has anything to do with anything, but if anyone is into drawing "cute" dwrawings (which i doubt), i found this very inspirational:


made my want to draw my "sythe" character :P
i just picked it up in a google search lol

btw.. can we post music here if we find it inspiriational?
I don't know if talking about musics that are really inspirating for us is fitting the rules but I will try. Listening Radiohead really makes me go in an other world. It helps me imagining things like texts or drawings. If you are interessed, I strongly recommed those songs: Idioteque, Street Spirit, How to Disappear Completely and Morning Bell. Enjoy.
try looking at some old drawings or pictures. you might even decide to finish an old sketch! music like afro celt sound system is good for relaxing and such.