the internet circa 1996


i could of coded all of those sites in a couple minutes through notepad lol
And they're still a lot more impressive than the average myspace page.
Pretty ****ing good for being 12 years old almost.
I bet a lot of those sites were faster to load and easier to navigate than their modern-day counterparts....
A "maybe" to both counts, faster is relative of course and navigation... well you can still have some screwed up layouts with basic HTML.

Maybe it's just that I'm tired but I didn't find any of those old websites funny but they certainly have a different style to today's.
I think it's sweetly telling that the website of a big company - in this case, Toyota - actually used to make reference to "all your regulars." That conjures a funny little image of a smaller internet, a more personal internet, when big companies ran their websites like blogs or forums and not like advertising space.