the Internet social effect on society. input needed!

May 22, 2003
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So I'm currently writing a report on a webproject I did in school some time ago, besides talking about the project itself, and besides that fact that I'm behind and nearly panicking(and can't spell) because this is the report that is going to be used to the exam and it reminds me of horrible times during highschool...I also need to put it into perspective and do a research and discussion.

so I've descided that I want to discuss the social effect the internet has on our soceity. does the internet bring people closer to each other because it makes it easier to interact over larger distances? or does it bring us farther apart because it might lessen the physical interaction(or other reasons you might give)? what factor does anonymity play in interaction on the internet? what kind of problems could emerge from this if any? etc. discuss!

Well advantages in my thinking is bring people closer to each other, easy to find information, 3X10^12 shops around the world which gives you the chance to look at many prices, entertainment, and many more I cannot think off right now.

the bigest disadvantages which effect people is PORN.
The answer you get on everything these days is "Google it."
People are often much more knowledgable about current world events and are more up to date on them than people who read the paper or watch the evening news.

EDIT: Oh also that because of the amount of free stuff you have access to on the internet (music, news, etc) people are probably comming to expect more and more things to be free. You could probably think of alot of other effects from this as well.
Anonimity for me creates the biggest problem .. it's like you have to maintain 2 separate personalities, the online you and the regular you. Heck, I have over 4,000 posts here, if someone I know were to discover that this is _ME_ they would probably have my whole life's story right there in front of them. (You might have noticed in the "what do you look like" threads I always wear shades in the picture .. it's not cause I'm trying to look cool). Call me paranoid, but I also never use the same sig quotes I used here on my "real world" profiles (AIM, etc).
Yeah, I tend to hide my online stuff from most people also. To be frank, I prefer the internet, and all you guys, to my real world friends. Bluntly, they are idiots. Out of 10,000 of you, there must be at least a few funny, smart people , right? :P
I think internet brings people closer together... and the anonymity helps with that. i sorta hide my online stuff but not really. actually i wouldn't want people that know me at school to read stuff on here; i don't really say much and they'd probably treat me different... it'd be annoying. but a couple of people at school could definitely figure out this was me... if they figured out that i post here... and that wouldn't be too hard to do if they searched around a little since a bunch of my profiles and stuff i write online are pretty much the same, and i also use the same avatar everywhere, and the same sig quotes and stuff like that. so if you really wanted to you could figure out every website i visit regularly, but then nobody really cares enough.
i don't think i try to maintain different personalities for online versus real life; only difference is that i say a lot more online... as in, i hardly say anything in real life...
More of my... err... instability... is visible online than off I think. :P

Prolly 'cause there aren't a whole bunch of other fecks getting in the way! :flame:
CyberSh33p said:
Yeah, I tend to hide my online stuff from most people also. To be frank, I prefer the internet, and all you guys, to my real world friends. Bluntly, they are idiots. Out of 10,000 of you, there must be at least a few funny, smart people , right? :P

/me raises hand
/me quickly puts it down and sobs quietly in the corner
I mean, I don't really care if my friends found out that I know the G-Man's dialogue by heart or that I viewed the e3 HL2 video frame by frame.

But there is a lot of personal stuff I posted that would definatelly offend some people and create all kinds of gossip and rumors. My worst nightmare is that someone I know from real life starts posting on this forum and suddnly begins to notice strage similarities between "LoneDeranger" and the real _ME_. I mean, how many people can there be that live in ______, drive a _______, have a ______ PC, and start most sentences with "I mean"??
Hey, come to think of it... do live in New York, Lone? ;)

Anyway, a lot of people know that I post on here because I always show them teh funny stuff. :)
Letters said:
Hey, come to think of it... do live in New York, Lone? ;)

Anyway, a lot of people know that I post on here because I always show them teh funny stuff. :)

Gah! You know who I am! LOL :P
Meh bloody real name is on this site. I'm proud that I'm involved in the runnings of such a huge site :)

I like the way the internet can give a 16 year old boy the same power as someone who pulls in 2 million a year.
ComradeBadger said:
Meh bloody real name is on this site. I'm proud that I'm involved in the runnings of such a huge site :)

I like the way the internet can give a 16 year old boy the same power as someone who pulls in 2 million a year.
lol no it doesn't, but it does make children think they have some sort of power, when in reality they don't.

and 2 million a year isn't very much these days
dfc05 said:
I think internet brings people closer together... and the anonymity helps with that. i sorta hide my online stuff but not really. actually i wouldn't want people that know me at school to read stuff on here; i don't really say much and they'd probably treat me different... it'd be annoying. but a couple of people at school could definitely figure out this was me... if they figured out that i post here... and that wouldn't be too hard to do if they searched around a little since a bunch of my profiles and stuff i write online are pretty much the same, and i also use the same avatar everywhere, and the same sig quotes and stuff like that. so if you really wanted to you could figure out every website i visit regularly, but then nobody really cares enough.
i don't think i try to maintain different personalities for online versus real life; only difference is that i say a lot more online... as in, i hardly say anything in real life...

first thanks guys for sharing, this might turn out to be usefull :)

dfc: I'm sorry if this is getting too personal, but what are your thoughts, in the long run, on the fact that you voice yourself more on the internet, than in real life?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
first thanks guys for sharing, this might turn out to be usefull :)

dfc: I'm sorry if this is getting too personal, but what are your thoughts, in the long run, on the fact that you voice yourself more on the internet, than in real life?
It's breeding a culture of people who think their all that, who'll make a lot of claims and build themselves up to be something important, when in reality their little more than some kid in his/her bedroom. The net breeds liars basically, those who scream the loudest are often the smallest, as a wise man once said.

The only good thing is it keeps most kids off the streets and locked away where nobody can see them. Though installing a 6pm curfew for anyone under the age of 18, and for 18 to 21 year olds to join the army for a few years would work much better, and teach many about respect for their elders. Would cut crime in the long run, and wipe out this culture of obnoxious kids who roam the streets beating up old ladies and hanging around shop doorways terrorising the owners, or getting pregnant at very young ages then milking the government for every penny they can get while making no effort to find a real job, just hanging around damaging property and overall being incredibly useless to society. Bloody kids :p
Funky like Wagner man.. wikki wikki wikki -wicker chair. Whatever. Damn Kids.
ComradeBadger said:
I like the way the internet can give a 16 year old boy the same power as someone who pulls in 2 million a year.


1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.
Honesty and trust. Those are the 2 things that internet communities are based on. People that dont have those are cast out.
So its definately positive
Heh, looks like I am an odd case.

I don't really mind people knowing I post on internet forums.

Mostly because I don't give a rats ass about what people think of me. And that seems to work. People don't care if you don't care generally speaking.

But there are allways some people that take the piss. But I think thats because they don't understand.

Meh, anyway. My opinion on the internet is:

Its a great concept thats in a mess right now.

I mean it has the effect of bringing people together from all over the world. But the problem is that people use it to talk to like minded people. Not to all people. That means that while we all get on together chatting about games and the like. We are looked down upon from the rest of society who think we are different because they use the internet for a different purpose.

Bah, this post is a right mess. I will try to piece together a better reply later. But effectively what I am trying to say is that not enough people understand the internet.

Meh, me go work now. :hmph:
Actually Marksman i know what you mean, in fact ive found that ultimately people will have more respect for you if you are who you are rather than trying to be anything...including trying to be "different" or whatever. Some people poke fun, and yeah a lot of them dont understand...then again some just generally think its sad but i know there are things they do which i dont like so it really evens out.
high school...*sigh* i can't wait to finish it hopefully.

It's not the work i hate which i find easier i guess because im more responsible than i ever was so far but it's the people. Now i don't know if it's just me but i'm in grade 12 almost 18 and i feel like im in a daycare, i must be a bit isolated because i can't stand a lot of the people.

Now i'm not anti social , no way im too social to be anti social . but it's like a lot of people in high school to the ones that are my age seem too immature so i guess what im saying is that i prefer more mature/older people to talk to compaired to people my age ( well it depends some people my age are mature but not much )

But i guess being on the internet a lot could have possibly caused me to look at things differently , it's hard to say but i like the way i am i don't make myself look like a kid like all the other people at school do. :afro:

edit: maybe you can add this in your report, what i noticed over the last few years is about 90-95% of the people in my entire school all use MSN , interesting new thing these days in todays youth. back about 4 years ago before i started high school it was all phone and then about when i got in grade 9-10 it became very popular, so now eveyrone almost communicates through MSN messenger and spend a lot of time onthe computer.

this is unrelated but what i find funny is a lot of the newbs who don't use a computer respectively just for msn and music , they complain about virus's, i downloaded a song and i got a virus waaaa! lmao you cant get a virus from a .mp3 file , and if you can (which i never heard of) get a friggen anti virus and some anti spyware and a fire wall lmao!