The Intern's Story is recruiting.


Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hi All,
Hope you don't mind me popping in but as part of my whistle stop tour of HL2 modding sites I thought this looked like a good place to visit.

So here we go again, my attempt to try and give the final part of The Intern's Story some added style and polish.

A Source-based interactive horror story mod needs a crew.

A brooding sanitarium holds an ancient power that is searching for a way to regain its hold over a New England community. The Intern's Story is a game set in the classic Call of Cthulhu setting of 1920s New England, as described by the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft.

This third chapter of the period story proposes to build a great-looking set that is a fitting place to finalise the story from the first two episodes (built by myself with some excellent input from a small group of talented individuals).

Required for this non commercial, small, short term project are:

  • Mappers familiar with Hammer for HL2, with an ability to produce atmospheric internal or external settings.
  • Texture and skinning artists familiar with the 1920s time period.
  • 3D Modellers as above and with a desire to produce props fitting a Cthulhu Mythos setting.
  • Faceposer/scripted sequence technologist.
  • Coders familiar with the Source code.
  • Voice actors with accents redolent with the classic B/W movie era.
  • Anything else I have forgotten.:E
The project is hiring on a principle of 'if you are better at any of the above than me you will be improving it'.

You can try out the first two episodes by visiting the web page and if you feel you might be interested in working on part three, you can contact me either by PM or by email at [email protected]

Thank you for your time,
This gets my stamp of failure.
I won't lie, I come to the Source Editing & Development section of the forum for a good laugh so I can ridicule and squash the hopes of noobs.

But I can find nothing to ridicule about this thread. Will probably try out the first two chapters.

Then come back and compliment....

Or ridicule. :E
Thanks Reginald, but if you do check it out it will be quite clear why I need some assistance.:eek:
Thanks also to Crispy for the reformating job. As the presentation is at the pointy end of recruiting it should not be overlooked. It looks way better and I appreciate the tip.
Crispy will you marry me?
it make one so popular!
Is this the same Cthulhu one I saw on PlanetPhilip, or is this another one?
Cthulhu is by another mod team and it was built for HL1. They are apparently making Cthulh2 and although it is going to be set in an asylum as well (a recurring theme for Mythos stories), it deals with a storyline revolving around something called The Yellow Sign. Not that I have been keeping an eye on it or anything.;) From what I have seen it looks great and I can't wait to play it. My own story is a little more run of the mill.