"The Journey of the Great Vortiguant" Help Wanted


Aug 12, 2004
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Hello, I was planning on making a Vortiguant mod for HL2. Here are some questions you might ask.

1. Whos a Vortiguant? A Vortiguant is the ally alien that helps you in half Life 2 they look like this


2. Whats the mod about?

The mod is about the Vortiguant who is being sent from Xen to find a new invention rare invetion that was made by a the combines.

3. Whats so special about the invention?

Its a special new invention that will make Xen Vortiguants live forever and it will make them invincible only Vortiguants can use that invention. The invention is hidden in a extreme secure secret combine area that no one has ever seen. The story WILL have cliffhangers and twists.

4. Since you play as a Vortiguant what sort of powers does he has?

1. Electric Waves
2ndory attack. Kicking with foot
3rd attack. Melee with hands

Those are already in the game and they are already programmed and animated. Vortiguants are also able to wield weapons of any sort, but if your wielding a weapon you cannot use your other attacks until you will throw away your weapon.

5. What weapons will be availbe? All the Half Life 2 weapons that are in the game will be avaialbe. The new ones are the Electric Wave, Kicking with foot and melee.

6 What so special about this mod?

No one has ever playde as a Vortiguant in Half Life 1 or 2. This is the 1ist mod that is going to be able to let you play as the Vortiguant. Vortiguants are very fun looking creatures and its very fun killing them.

7. Is this is mod is only SP?

No it will be based on SP and MP

8. As a vortiguant who will you fight?

You will not fight humans since in Half Life 2 vortiguants are on your side. You will fight Combine, Zombies and all other creatures in Half Life 2 expect the normal humans.

9. Will the mod be hard to beat?

Easy, Normal. Hard just like any FPS.

10. How many chapters will there be in this mod?

Not decided

11. Will the story be changed during the develepment of this mod? Yes it probobly will change, because there is nothing great so far.

12. When will this be in develpment?

Not until the full SDK will be released and not Until people will join and help me on this mod.

13. How will MP be like?

Team Death Match Vortiguants VS Combine or Vortiguants VS Vortiguants, or Free For all (plain deathmatch). Maps will be made for the MP.

14. Will there be scripted events?


15. How long will it take to make this?

11 or 12 months meybe more, but playable public betas will be released earlier, ALOT earlier, and they will include the Bug Report feature.

16. Are you going to make a website?

Not yet, not until people actually start joining me and actually get people serious about this and actually making something. But as soon as SDK is out and people are found and good progress is made then someone in the team will make a website, i am not a web site designer.

17. What kind of people you need for this mod?

1. Programmers - 5
2. Animators - 4
3. Modelers - 6
4. Texture Artists - 4
5. Mappers - 8
6. Website designer(s) 2-3

Total 23+ people are needed.

Yes thats kind of alot of people for a mod. But I dont like mods that are made in a rush with a few people. If your making a mod you should make a good mod with a lot of people who know how to do those kind of things.

I never had mod experince before. But you have to start somewhere.

Feedback needed please.

Right now i am looking for Mappers and Programmers. If anyone of you know know how to model and animate please tell I need to get people as soon as possible. Writers needed (for the story)

Thank You.
UPDATE - November 21ist 2004

18: Whats the name of the Main Vortiguants Character that you play as?

His name is Vex

I am very happy to bring an update.

2 of my friends who are good mappers with Hammer are gonna work on this mod, and they have Hammer experince since Half Life came out, which 5/6 years.

But they dont know scripting, I am looking for good people who can script maps and make all those kind of fancy stuff.

If your intrested in scripting or any other class in this Mod please MSG me at Conkorg - AIM or [email protected] - thanks :)

I have also decided that the MP will be made 1ist. Why is that? Because its alot easier to make MP 1ist because we have no story for the SP part and we cant think of any good maps right now cause we have to make maps based on the story and its design if you know what I mean. MP beta will be released to public as soon as were happy with MP so far that way we can get bugs solved while we are working on the SP.

MP is NOT yet in develepment (not in develepment yet not until full SDK).

Stay Tuned.
Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but this isn't the first time this has been done. There was an HL1 mod called Point Of View where you played as a vortigaunt.
Mess said:
Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but this isn't the first time this has been done. There was an HL1 mod called Point Of View where you played as a vortigaunt.

O. Thanks for telling me :) We will make this for Half Life 2 with new ideas and stuff :) We might as well some MP Special to this mod also, not just the old sweet classic DM, TDM. We might other sort of MP games.
I am glad to bring you an update. We currently got 3 web designers, and the site is coming up good :) You take a look at it here http://www.mothman.co.uk/test.html (its not final name and its not finished)

Whoever is intrested in this mod we need

Map Scripters - 6
Programmers - 7
Concept Artist (for the story) - 4
Story Writers - 2-5

Please PM me your AIM or MSN, or email me at [email protected] or MSG me at Conkorg - AIM.

Thank you.
*laughs* Seven programmers? You have to be joking me. There probably aren't even seven programmers who haven't already got projects reading these boards. For such a simple project, you only need one.

-Angry Lawyer
Start by working on someone elses mod not by making your own. Unless you allready have experience as a leader.
Angry Lawyer said:
*laughs* Seven programmers? You have to be joking me. There probably aren't even seven programmers who haven't already got projects reading these boards. For such a simple project, you only need one.

-Angry Lawyer

Simple mod?

This mod is NOT going to be simple. It sounds simple, and this is only beginning. First of all there will be couple of NEW MP modes. I am not trying to be rude, but your very wrong about one programmer. The mod will be need in a code of MP, SP events, map scripters, and other bunch of stuff. No mod has 1 programmer. I am not flaming you. But you are very wrong. How can you judge something without seeing how the mod will be progressed in the futue? If you don't like the idea of this mod don't post it in this thread. This thread is for offering/making mod teams. The mod will go through a lot of changes, there will be good things and there will be bad things that will need to be changed.

I have 3 web designers, 2 mappers, 1 very skillfull programmer. Meybe ur right about 7 programmers as in TOO MANY of em. 5 or 6 prolly will do. Depends on how it will all go. And yes I am also working in a mod team, the mod is Pericilum. Very cool SP/MP Science Horror. I am a modeler there. Yes working on two projects at same time is a bit wierd. But I have all the time in my hands and I enjoy doing it.

Please lets not turn this thread into childish fight....
You've got to start -somewhere-.
There's nothing wrong with someone starting on scratch. Nobody forces you to play every modification there is, and him doing this would probably be a good way to earn some experience.

But yeah, 7 programmers is quite alot.
André Damli said:
You've got to start -somewhere-.
There's nothing wrong with someone starting on scratch. Nobody forces you to play every modification there is, and him doing this would probably be a good way to earn some experience.

But yeah, 7 programmers is quite alot.

Thank you, I appricate for your support :) Yes 7 programmers is much unless this mod might get alot new ideas and would need more programmers in order to do it, but that's all future. =D
I'm not flaming you, either, but...
I'd say two coders is enough. Sven-Coop, which had some pretty major changes to the original HL game, only used about 2. I turned the original HL into an RTS at one point, and I didn't need 6 coders backing me up. Trust me, what your mod is proposing has most of the groundwork already done for it.

I'll even list the coding tasks that would need to be done for your first beta:

-Standard deathmatch mode is already in the code.

-Team deathmatch only takes a week or two, dependant on your coder's skill. And if some CS source is included in the full SDK, then it'll take even less time.

-Lightning attack requires nothing more than porting the attack code of the shock attack to a player's weapon. I.e. traceline to a point, render a bolt of energy, deal damage to a target.

-Close combat simply needs to be a modification of the crowbar.

And that's about it. The rest is superficial. Mods do exist with only one coder. Hell, mods exist with only one member, and they still work.
If your team only works properly with 7 coders, then the coders you have are probably not doing their job.

Whatever happened to starting small? Aim for quality team members, rather than quantity.

-Angry Lawyer

-note: The mod you are in, Periculum, only has two coders, and it doesn't look like they're asking for more.
Angry Lawyer - Thank you for your suggestions i appriciate :)

There are alot of stuff that will be needed to be programmed. Most of em ar MP. There WILL be more than DM and TDM :) Trust me we got stuff up our sleeves :)
Well, stick to two coders, start with standard DM and TDM, and see how well they cope. Then - slowly - introduce your other multiplayer ideas. Things will work better that way - you'll be able to make sure individual parts work before trying to get everything included.

-Angry Lawyer

Major Website update http://www.mothman.co.uk

Forum Page is now up and Team Page is now up also. Please DO NOT register on the forums until we get a new template for them and other stuff that needs to be done to the forums.

NOTE - The Top banner is pixalated and will be fixed soon.

The site is really looking good, if u want to look whose working on the mod go to the Team page :)

Looking for - Map Scripters/Concept Artists/Programmers/Modellers/Audio, Music, Sound are needed :)

FULL SDK Comes out NEXT WEEK! We need to get peeps as fast as possible :) Thank you.

WebSite still in develepment but its ALOT better than it was before =D
More pages coming soon.

Stay Tuned.
Angry Lawyer is right, here is my view of things:

Number of programmers: Order 1---------5--------10 Chaos

Usually, you give 1 task for one programmer, so it would mean you have 7 distinct tasks which DON'T interfere with each other. Maybe that is the case but then you could do the mod little by little instead of introducing 5 MP modes in the same time...

cheers and good luck!

How till this interfere with the characters in the game like Gordon, Alyx, Eli, Judith, Breen, Barney and the rest. Will it be a totally new Single-player? Would be kinda if Alyx would have said ''Gordon Freeman, I presume'' when your being a vortigaunt. Same thing for being in a HEV suit.