The joys of differential calculus


May 28, 2003
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Here's a scan of my math formula sheet for the exam I'm about to fail. Comprehend the suckiness of math.
ugh i did that all last year and it was not fun
lagrange multipliers, homogenous matrices, integrating functions in 2 or more variables *shudders
I have to take that next semester. *cries*

Lagrange multipliers aren't that bad though.


I also just got a 97 on my last multivariable calc exam, so now I have a 4.0 and don't have to take the oral exam for the final. Wicked PWNT.
Studying for calc right now. I've gotta pass the class to take half the classes I have next semester. Not a good spot to be in.
xcellerate said:
Dude, you totally forgot to carry the 2.

My professor was so awesome because he wouldn't take off for stupid little errors. :D Only conceptual stuff, like getting the formulas and procedure right. That's how I managed to pull off a 98 and 97 on the last two tests. My high school calc teacher probably would've given me a C.

Still though, about 1/6 the class failed, and everybody except me and a few others has to take the oral final. Suckas
bah. That stuff is simple. Wait till you get to integrals...then the fun begins.
dream431ca said:
bah. That stuff is simple. Wait till you get to integrals...then the fun begins.

Multivariable is mostly integrals... it's calc 3.
Dan said:
Here's a scan of my math formula sheet for the exam I'm about to fail. Comprehend the suckiness of math.

Ahh yes, diffentiantion and Integration. I failed the Exam (0% marks). Then I got a tutor. Then I re sat my exam....Still failed (16% though)
SHIPPI said:
And that is why I dropped maths after GCSE :D

Oh come on!! Doing calculus is no more harder than trying the pass HL2 on hard. REALLY advanced calculus is like trying to pass HL2 substance on Hard! Which can be fun and frustrating.
Ahhh, thats a lot of stuff man... All i saw was squiggles on the page :)
Yeah i failed A-level maths... Kinda saddening... but the second year is harder and i don't have to do it now. :)
I just took my multivariable calculus final.

It was ok... apart from the fact that I can't multiply and square simple numbers (3y * (y^2)^2 = 3y^3 ????), and had to spend the last 15 minutes fixing my stupid mistakes where I multiplied wrong. Basically I turned in an exam with comments on it like "Replace x with this, y with that" where I couldn't be bothered to change every single number all the way through. I also accidentally took the volume over a region instead of surface area, and got to do double integrals with polar coordinates, twice for the same problem!

Ahh, fun stuff...

I also had an organic chemistry exam where I messed up and lost maybe 16 points (off a 300 point test) because I couldn't count to TWO.
Meh, just practice doing loads and loads of calculus, you'll soon get the hang of it and it'll become second nature.

dfc05, if you've corrected your mistakes and commented, that's good, since it shows that you're aware of what went wrong.
im currently in precalc learning about sin graphs and lame stuff ;d cant wait for the real math tho
Ive just started my 1st term of Maths, i don't find the defrentiation that hard, quite easy infact. Havent started intergration but not looking forward to it. All i want to know is whats so important about the equation of a circle? :P
well, I just got ****ed by my exam so I'll be back next year
Sad fact: I used to do differential and integral calculus on the bus home from college. For fun. I used to make up mathematical problems and solve them.
Once, myself and a friend (who lived in a tower block - uni accomodation, very smelly) decided to work out how high a ball would bounce when dropped out of her kitchen window. We spent the best part of a day using Hooke's Law and copius amounts of calculus, fudging values for air resistance, wind etc. Finally, we came up with a solution. We had the answer.
So we went to the window, held out the ball and dropped it. Our intrepid observers on the ground would tell us what floor it bounced back up to.
The ball dropped. The ball bounced. Measurements were taken. And you know what?

We were completely and utterly wrong.
Multivariable wasn't bad, but I have the feeling that differentials and then linear is really going to suck.
I absolutely abhor math, and suitably so, because I suck horribly at it.

I have trouble with multiplication sometimes even. I never applied myself to math, but I have plans to self teach myself all of it, or as much as possible going as advanced as I can stand... because I am self teaching myself C++ and I hope to make at least a part time career out of it.
Yeah C++ is a good language to know. Not sure what applicable use it has today though.
Nat Turner said:
Yeah C++ is a good language to know. Not sure what applicable use it has today though.

Isn't C++ what most games and programs use today?
Raziaar said:
Isn't C++ what most games and programs use today?

I thought a lot used python and XML and stuff... Some c++ though probably. But it's a total bitch to do anything decent with graphics.
Nat Turner said:
I thought a lot used python and XML and stuff... Some c++ though probably. But it's a total bitch to do anything decent with graphics.

Hmmm... well i'm learning it because my friend is using it to design her text game. Its based on C++, or at least it will be. I wanna help her out with it.

I've already got the amazingly creative and imiginitive mind for it... just need to know how to code.
Raziaar said:
Hmmm... well i'm learning it because my friend is using it to design her text game. Its based on C++, or at least it will be. I wanna help her out with it.

I've already got the amazingly creative and imiginitive mind for it... just need to know how to code.

Coding's pretty easy once you get used to it, then the hard part is just getting a good algorithm.
Nat Turner said:
I thought a lot used python and XML and stuff... Some c++ though probably. But it's a total bitch to do anything decent with graphics.

Source - C++
Doom 3 - C++
UE3 - C++
python is a scripting language - I can't see the core game engine being written in it. It's entirely feasible that the game logic is, though. In much the same way that all the Unreal games use UnrealScript, Far Cry uses LUA, etc.
Pi Mu Rho said:
python is a scripting language - I can't see the core game engine being written in it. It's entirely feasible that the game logic is, though. In much the same way that all the Unreal games use UnrealScript, Far Cry uses LUA, etc.

Yeah, I think the core language actually was written in C++.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Sad fact: I used to do differential and integral calculus on the bus home from college. For fun. I used to make up mathematical problems and solve them.
Once, myself and a friend (who lived in a tower block - uni accomodation, very smelly) decided to work out how high a ball would bounce when dropped out of her kitchen window. We spent the best part of a day using Hooke's Law and copius amounts of calculus, fudging values for air resistance, wind etc. Finally, we came up with a solution. We had the answer.
So we went to the window, held out the ball and dropped it. Our intrepid observers on the ground would tell us what floor it bounced back up to.
The ball dropped. The ball bounced. Measurements were taken. And you know what?

We were completely and utterly wrong.

that's not sad...:rolleyes:

im doing calculus this year and i hate it, stupid integration and so on;(
carrera said:
that's not sad...:rolleyes:

im doing calculus this year and i hate it, stupid integration and so on;(

The billion different integration techniques and formulas you have to memorize are pointless and retarded. Even my math professor thought Calc 2 should be eliminated from the curriculum.