The Kingdom of Loathing

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
The Kingdom of Loathing is a browser-based RPG with MMO elements, graphics comprised mostly from stick figures, a good sense of humour and an extremely addictive nature.

Anyone else play this? Maybe we had a thread already? I tried to check, but you know how broken the search function is. Anyways, I'm playing with three accounts, beause of the annoying 'limited adventures' system, but it's worth it. My characters are Ice Menorah, a level 3 pastamancer, Frozen Candlestick, a level 3 disco bandit, and Chilly Symbol of Judaism, a level 3 seal clubber.

EDIT: Turtle tamer, not seal clubber.
Played it for like a week before I got bored.
It actually took me less to quit a few months ago, but it pulled me in this time.
Yes, I just got back into this game. It takes a little while to hit at first, especially with the limited adventures, but now I'm also very pulled in. I have a level 11 Seal Clubber and a level 17 Pastamancer who's rolling in the meat since I opened a store.
I didn't log in for a long time previously and lost my epic level Turtle Tamer :(