The last boss? <-- Another giant alien?

I thought the ending of blue shift felt real, you just manage to escape as the marines come bursting in.

It was teh r0x0rz!

I don't mind games like serious sam having bosses, because it's that type of game, but i don't think it fits with HL.

It's cool to have big badass weird enemies, like the giant plant creature in the blast pit and that big worm thing in Opposing force, you don't even have to engage them in combat, which is cool.
Originally posted by not28
You have to kill G-Man after you find out he's your father.

The G-man turning out to be Gordon's father will dissapoint me FAR more than having to fight another floating alien.
Geez guys, why do endings always have to involve death and violence? How about an ending where Gordon and Kliener and Alyx and a strider all relax around a crackling fireplace, sampling fine cheeses and sipping port while G-Man regales them with tales of his youth in the Berillium mines of Vespar IV?

Or how about a sitcom ending?

Kliener: Well guys, that episode was _pretty_ crazy, but looks like everything's back to normal now!

*headcrab screams and latches on to Gordon's nuts*

Alyx: Oh my god, Gordon, are you ok?

[long pause]

G-Man: Yup, everything's back to normal!

Gordon, Kliener, Alyx, G-man: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [repetitive laughing continues as Gordon strikes at attached headcrab with crowbar]

*cue sitcom music, roll credits*
I do not like 'boss' fights... so I hope there isn't one.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Geez guys, why do endings always have to involve death and violence? How about an ending where Gordon and Kliener and Alyx and a strider all relax around a crackling fireplace, sampling fine cheeses and sipping port while G-Man regales them with tales of his youth in the Berillium mines of Vespar IV?

Or how about a sitcom ending?

Kliener: Well guys, that episode was _pretty_ crazy, but looks like everything's back to normal now!

*headcrab screams and latches on to Gordon's nuts*

Alyx: Oh my god, Gordon, are you ok?

[long pause]

G-Man: Yup, everything's back to normal!

Gordon, Kliener, Alyx, G-man: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [repetitive laughing continues as Gordon strikes at attached headcrab with crowbar]

*cue sitcom music, roll credits*

That gave me a good lol, thx.:cheers:
Originally posted by alehm
The final boss in HL2 is against the Gman. You only get one shot at him and if you miss and/or don't kill him them HL2 will proceed to reformat your hard drive and corrupt the Bios on your motherboard. This sounds so fun I can't wait!

hahaha now that's a fcken challenge there :D
I think we need something fresh and original, since 1993 till this second all games got a boss in the end. HL2 I believe will be diffrent.

As already mentioned here, Halo didnt have any boss fights. Boss fights are an amazing and awesome part of videogame history, but they dont really belong in a FPS.
I think shooting gman would be fun. Havent you all really wanted to.
Like at that place with the garg in Half Life where he wasnt behind bullet proof glass. I shot him in the head with my magnum.:cheers:
There was I belive 3 bosses in original HL. The three tentacle thingies, the gonarch, and Nith(big baby)

In Opposing Force there was that crablike sewer creature and the big green warpgate monster.

I havenot played Blueshift.

Most likely there WILL be bosses in HL2, so stop whining about bosses in games because HL2 will have them, boofreaginhoo!
im guessing it will be a huge enemy ship flying around the city or something
well why does gordon and g-man look same age, gordon bit older looking even! LOL

i want a good boss yea, but hay if the story is good who cares.

i didn't mind the floating brainy ass alien.

more scared of the dam big FISH parrana thing! so scared the crap outta me!
from the shear size of some of the aliens and enemies weve already seen, striders, head butting (scrabs from oddworld lookalikey)things and those flying units - bosses, if any, are gonna be mighty impressive and dont even bear thinking about in my current state of HL Longingness.... ITS GONNA ROCK PEOPLE! lml

*imagines huge meatier strider alien stompin round city 17 destroying buildings in its path causing mass destruction trying to destroy you ------ AS YOU TRY TO TAKE HIM OUT! lml*


Were talking ultra high octane :thumbs: final boss battle that you really feel immersed in - whilst your pc crunches along heats up MEGA due to that extra effort the game demands from your pc to run it (at no cost to performance).....the day you go.... im so proud to be a gamer....for that last time of the whole HL2 experience...........and then restart!:cheese:

just a thought..... :dozey:

..... either way if theres a boss or just a scripted ending im not fussed I just wanna enjoy it all

.....would love a halo-esque escape ending where when you reach safe point you can turn watch the fireworks as the credits roll up......
could be a MASSIVE STRIDER like thing, Or a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE thing, and you could be on foot! hahaahah or in a SPACE SHIP flying around it! who knows...

THIS IS WHAT I SAY.................

Originally posted by Deadline
"Gordon, I am your..."

*gets teleported to Xen*

"...You are Gordons WHAT... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!!! NOOOOO!!!"

The old Star Wars spoof! :thumbs:
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
that would be cool if somewhere in HL2 Alyx gets captured or is in danger or something, and the GMan orders you to stay on task and forget about her, but your like screw you gman, I want my pussy. Then you go to save alyx and the Gman creates a clone of you to do his bidding, and then he sends the clone out to kill you, and the boss is none other than YOURSELF! BWAHAHA

lol thats pretty good, actually
Originally posted by commando


...dont even get me started on thinking about what people are going to be doing when they get their mits on the SDK.....the mods, the totally creative and could have been in the game homemade levels......

Originally posted by Raptor_995
...dont even get me started on thinking about what people are going to be doing when they get their mits on the SDK.....the mods, the totally creative and could have been in the game homemade levels......


Can you say rocket crowbar 2?!?!?! lol that would be awsome
Originally posted by not28
You have to kill G-Man after you find out he's your father.
Now that's just dumb! Father telling his son after he's been killed?
Vader:Luke! I am your father!
*Luke kills Darth Vader
Luke:What? What was that?Too bad ur dead.
You'd think the G-Man would tell Gordon before he kills him sparing the G-Man's life.:bounce:
Since Valve seems to be trying to create an emotional attachment with the NPC's in Half-Life 2, I think the final scenes will have an emotional element to them, like some people have mentioned: having to save Alyx, killing G-Man, finding out something important about Gordon. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be extremely cool :)
A great ending boss would be if the weather was all overcast with light fog and you were somehow by yourself floating in the middle of the ocean, so deep you can't get to the bottom and no land in sight, and lurking below you would be some kind of MASSIVE mechanical leviathan. I would be cool if your head was above water all you could hear is the waves and some wind, but if it's under (sometimes you would get forced down by a wave) you could hear the whirring and clinking of the machine but you can't see it through the murky water. And sometimes it would come up with a huge splash and you can hear the machinery really loud and see the DirectX 9 effects making it all shiny from the water and some arm things would grab at you, and you'd have to climb though an open hatch somewhere on it to get inside and smash up the inside of it as much as you can, then escape it before it dives again pulling you down and drowning you. And you would repeat until it stops functioning. Then the G-Man would pick you up in a gunship or something. I think that would totally rock!
SHEESH! Thanks for sticking that very ugly picture in my mind..