The last ditch effort to save the liberals..

seinfeldrules said:
There was none. Look at the polls if you want.

No, Neutrino is half right. Kerry got a very small bounce in some polls after the DNC. Just depends what polls you look at, I'd go with Time/CNN polls over Gallup polls personally. (I used to do polling for Gallup in highschool)

However the "bounce" was still well within the margin of error so strictly speaking there was no bounce. Bush however got quite a nice bounce after the RNC.
seinfeldrules said:
There was none. Look at the polls if you want.

Alright, sorry I was somewhat wrong about that. But there was an ABC news poll which showed he gained two points after the convention.

seinfeldrules said:
Apparently you missed every political talk show and newspaper leading up to the RNC.

Can you link me to somewhere where everyone was saying they expected no republican bounce from the RNC? Historically, practically every candidate receives an increase in the polls after a convention so I don't see how a republican bounce could be said to be unexpected. In fact, I can't find anything anywhere saying that no bounce was expected for Bush. But if you can link me to where everyone was saying this then by all means please do so.

Joeslucky22 said:
Nuewtrondo = pwned?

Historically, practically every candidate receives an increase in the polls after a convention so I don't see how a republican bounce could be said to be unexpected.

It was unexpected because Kerry received none. The analysts felt that the country was too divided and nothing could change either side's mind. I cant find any links that prove this because all google turns up is post convention links.