The Last Free Man.


Dec 31, 2004
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LiquidStar has brought up a phenomenal point, one that I honestly believe to end the speculation. But I do have conflicting ideas... a test. Very little is known about Xen and Combine because they were made up. A computer simulation, known as Half-Life 1, Half-Life 2, and soon to be Half-Life 3.

We are Gordon Freeman. You and I. Anyone who plays Half-Life is Gordon Freeman. Gordon is our eyes, our feet, our arms within this simulation. The G-Man is Gabe Newell, in essense. He decides when and where to end the simulation, and when and where to start it back up ; just as Gabe Newell decides when and where to stop Half-Life, and when and where to start it back up.

The purpose for this simulation is not to train you as a soldier, not to train you in killing aliens, but to prepare you for the real-world. The world we live in every day. To train us to be anything we ever want to be. Because we are free, free to do anything we want : our only limit is literally our own imagination. You can become an MIT graduate, a soldier of war, a leader of a cause ; anything , but you often think impossible.

Half-Life 3 is the final simulation. The last one to prepare us for life. What it will endure us, I do not know.

Gordon Freeman is the last free man.

And we are one of many.
... except the fact that playing any computer game can seriously impair your social skills and credability. Half-Life doesn't prepare you for life: it makes sure you "have no life" in the eyes of the great majority ^^
There is absolutely no way that that will in any way end or even limit the speculation. That's further out than most of the other ideas, and this one has also been discussed a LOT.
Besides, I think that Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty proved beyond reasonable doubt that "OMG, it's all really a simulation!" storylines are truely craptastic. This concept is almost suggesting that gaming itself is a simulation, designed to train us for real life, when the skills learned in Half-Life 2 are untransferable (erm... zombie skewering skills? manipulating any object requires you to press a single key... giving people instructions another? Never to trust a guy with funny speech who offers you to step into his portal?).

Sorry to say it, but as interesting as it is that someone came up with this one, it's beyond MGS2. It's ubercraptastic
You're right. This theory is impossible. Forget what I said.
Why would they end it like that..... That would make me burn my half life cds....

Hes in a coma....he can do these incredable things because it isnt real(not real anyway but Medical notes, far out dreams of a man of science that he can only deam about....the last freeman???, stopping time, dreaming of cool inventions he could only wish to create. A mysterious man who is trying to help you that in reality is your boss.....

Hmmmm can anyone her interprert this guys dream???
sorta like Matrix Reloaded.... another craptastic experience.... my theory at the end was that it was a Matrix within a Matrix.... that Neo was the One in both of them. (turns out the REAL story was even crappier than that theory).
1. Lay off da cofee
3. i like cheese
and finally Kupoartist YOUR FUNNEH!
I can see it now. The end of Half Life 3. Death to all of Earths enemies. Gordon standing over the corpse of the last boss you just killed. The camera fades to black.

Ppppsssshhhhhh. Almost inaudable. Ppppsssshhhhhh. The sound of... of... rain? Ppppsssshhhhhh. It slowly gets louder and louder. PPPPSSSSHHHHH. Then your view comes back. Dark at first and slowly getting brighter and brighter and still the noise of falling water.

Its.. its a door of some kind. The sound of water is coming from the other side. You can see a figure. A.. A person moving behind the door. You pull the door open quickly and are confronted by Patrick Duffy in the shower.

"I've just had the strangest dream...." you begin to say.

Fade to black.
Great, because of you we can't have Half-Life 3 anymore, because the people at vavle were sued for creating a game that caused people like you to think this was real.
i fell sorry for the guy who made this stupid thread he got flamed all around :eek: BUT U DESERVED IT :D .... also the goverment controls our minds with CHEESEE!!!!!