The Last of Us- New PS3 Exclusive from Naughty Dog

And it has everything to do with linearity. If I don't do the jump in the precise speed, acceleration, and angle that the devs want you to, it corrects me.
I think we're operating under different definitions of the word linear.

You bring this up way too often - no, you're not the only one who listened to the developer commentary
People praise one game while overlooking its flaws while demonising the same flaws in other games way too often.
Yeah, but you can't give them too much freedom or you end up with a shitshow like Skyrim. :-\

(Yes, I am kidding. I love me some Skyrim and am accepting of the bugs that are inevitable with a game with that much random content.)

I don't understand people's beef with linearity. Games that have a specific story to tell will always be more linear. Games that want to make it seem like you are telling your own story will always have more branch points. Horses for courses guys.

Agree 100%, Uncharted is linear, but Naughty Dog just knows how to develop a story and flesh out the characters to the point where you can care for the characters. Something that gaming is in desperate need of right now, due to the generic bad-assess that we have been playing for the past decade. I always have played games for the stories and Naughty Dog has delivered wonderful ones.
The linearity that people are bored with is the linearity we've had since Doom 1. COD, the new Medal of Honor, Uncharted, they're all offshoots of the typical corridor shooter we've had since the 90s. Every single person who plays the game experiences everything the same way that everybody else did. I'm not saying that its inherently bad (viper might be saying that though), but its not as immersive or appealing to a lot of people. HL2 was like this and was a stellar game, Portal is like that and is a stellar game. Uncharted and Uncharted 2 were okay in my opinion. Like I said before though, its harder to make a good game that is linear than it is to make a good open world game. Valve are experts at things like pacing, storytelling, and creating believable and interesting settings. Thats why their games are still good. Naughty Dog are better than most at those things too. But COD, MOH, etc are terrible in all those regard.

Skyrim by contrast has no concept of pacing what so ever, the story is "meh" at best, the setting is "eh" and its characters are unrelatable and bland. But because it allows people to do pretty much whatever they want whenever they want, people can find lots of enjoyment out of it. If you keep everything the same, but make the game linear, you'd get something akin to COD's god awful single player. If Bethesda tried to do a linear game, I really doubt they'd be able to make a decent one without really shaking up their methods and design philosophies.
Oh dear, another Dead Island, Left 4 Dead, I Am Legend clone.

a) It's a clone of all three of those things, at once? A slow-paced story-driven survival RPG, co-op arcade shooter, and a blockbuster horror movie. What's a clone again?
b) It's another clone of Dead Island? What were those other clones of Dead Island again?
it looks like they put a beard on uncharted, grabbed the l4d music and said they made a new game?! :P

Does look pretty interesting though
a) It's a clone of all three of those things, at once? A slow-paced story-driven survival RPG, co-op arcade shooter, and a blockbuster horror movie. What's a clone again?
b) It's another clone of Dead Island? What were those other clones of Dead Island again?
At this point I don't think there is a single video game concept that could be announced without someone on this website shouting "OMG another X".
Some new art has surfaced.




That art looks terrific. I just hope they can nail the sort of desolate, lonely, and oppressive atmosphere that something like Demon's Souls does so well seemingly without even trying. If they can nail that then they are halfway home.
Since someone brought up Uncharted, I have to say I enjoyed the third one better than the second (for the most part), can't nail down the reason. On a sidenote, I read Naughty Dog has two separate teams going apparently.

As for this game, this actually does look really interesting, nice artwork. Generally, I'm not a fan of post-apoc settings, they (understandably) feel so lonely. But with a companion constantly at the ready, it might not feel so mind-numbingly empty. Hopefully, there's a good story attached to the world. That's one of the things that bothered me with Left 4 Dead, great with buddies, but boring playing solo because there was very little story. Well, that reason was merely among others.
Judging from the artwork, can anybody say Fallout 3?
Nah, more "nature taking back the city" and less "everything is ****ing dead."
What I hope this game achieves is the level of character normalcy that the uncharted series achieved greatly. Normal humans getting caught up in extraordinary events, with genuine human reactions. I hope the narrative is as focused and concentrated on the characters as Uncharted was. I love the art with the two main characters by the campfire, sort of gives off a Drake and Sully buddy vibe.
that concept art points that someone has been wathcing those documentaries in discovery channel and natgeo about what would happen if humanity dissapeared
Or the developers just dumped a bunch of vegetation on Fallout 3's barren landscape and called it their own.
Ruined buildings? Totally a rip-off of Half-Life 2. Everyone knows only one game is allowed have ruined buildings.
Naughty Dog makes me wish I owned a PS3. I have never been able to play any of their games (none of their "new" games anyways), but their mastery of set piece moments and writing makes me want to oh-so-badly.
The revenge of the evil broccoli men from SPACE!
Yeah. The zombies in the game are caused by

Looking forward to this. Limited ammo, one shot kills/deaths depending where you shoot/are shot, platforming toned down from Uncharted. Color me interested. They're trying to model the shooting after No Country For Old Men though. Don't know what the hell that means.
Minimal and interspersed with long establishing shots and philosophical dialog?