The Lost Coast to ship at the "End of October"


Jan 15, 2004
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Is there anything else that really needs to be said? Gabe Newell confirmed this vague release date in his Online FAQ, and while it may not be the most concrete information we could have hoped for, it certainly sheds some brilliant HDR filtered light on when we can expect The Lost Coast.
OvA said:

I think your post is a sign... before you hit the "reply" button, you had 123 posts... and you posted that at exactly "11:11 PM" according to the site.

Maybe... God is trying to tell us something with numbers... but what? :O
Suicide42 said:
I think your post is a sign... before you hit the "reply" button, you had 123 posts... and you posted that at exactly "11:11 PM" according to the site.

Maybe... God is trying to tell us something with numbers... but what? :O

Right, that's it, I'm cutting your daily caffeine allowance. You were warned.
Roland Deschain said:
Now to figure out who actually gets the game on release

I'm guessing you mean with the whole "I have the Collectors Edition, but it says I need to buy DoD:S. WTF.". Those people are morons.
KagePrototype said:
Right, that's it, I'm cutting your daily caffeine allowance. You were warned.

Nooo! Then I'll slip back into my nocternal cycle of World of Warcraft... :(
Very cool stuff. Cant wait!
seems odd to me if this is correct , to release lostcoast after quake4 is released
Can't say I'm suprised.

I've been saying this since ATi confirmed the r520's would be released 'late October'
Heres the thing...Lost Coast isn't nearly a big enough deal anymore (to me atleast). The big thing with Lost Coast was that it would have HDR...but they've released dod:s and IT had what's the point of Lost Coast? You get a little out of it I guess..a 15 minute level which doesnt reveal anything about the story. I just think it would have been smarter to release Lost Coast and THEN dod:s.

If you release Lost Coast first, and people are like "OMG HDR IS COOL". THEN you release dod:s, and people are like "OMG DOD:S IS COOL". If you change the order..theres no hype for Lost Coast and its more like people saying "OMG ITS....STILL HDR".

Just what I think.
the only significance lost coast has now is whether it will ever be released. its freaking october already, we need to be hearing how aftermath is comming. lost coast is nothing. there is a freaking episode that is due. why do i get the feeling tlc is going to be a placeholder for a delayed aftermath. hello spring 2006!
haha i knew it was because of the new ati card... Lost Coast formerally known as "The Ati Levels" ... to make up for the whole buy our video card and get hl2 free fiasco...
JrdnGrn said:
Heres the thing...Lost Coast isn't nearly a big enough deal anymore (to me atleast). The big thing with Lost Coast was that it would have HDR...but they've released dod:s and IT had what's the point of Lost Coast? You get a little out of it I guess..a 15 minute level which doesnt reveal anything about the story. I just think it would have been smarter to release Lost Coast and THEN dod:s.

If you release Lost Coast first, and people are like "OMG HDR IS COOL". THEN you release dod:s, and people are like "OMG DOD:S IS COOL". If you change the order..theres no hype for Lost Coast and its more like people saying "OMG ITS....STILL HDR".

Just what I think.

Lost Coast also has massively advanced textures and some various other new graphical techniques. All it is is a showcase. Valve have been trying to make us realise this for the past 4 months. In the end it won't matter whether you play it or not, because an hour after release there will be tens of videos flouncing around the internet of playthroughs.
"How long is Aftermath Episode 1?
We're aiming for around five hours."

Only 5 hours? I was hoping for more. 7-8 would of been good but only 5?
Well I'll be taking my time finishing it and eagerly awaiting the next episode.
Yes I know there will be higher res textures..and higher polys on models. The main hype was about the HDR though.
From what I heard, the HDR in DoD:S is turned down, and doesn't have all the effects of Lost Coast.
I'm still amazed by the amount of crap people keep coming out with regarding Lost Coast and HDR in general.

We've all been provided with the same information but people still keep coming out with 'the HDR in DoD:S is turned down' and other bizarre remarks. How the hell do you turn HDR down?!

The Lost Coast is a showcase map for Source. That's all it was ever intended to be, regardless of the hype surrounding it. The release of HDR was a fantastic opportunity for Valve to release this map with something completely new to Source and not just improved textures and an all-round improved level of detail.

I'm sure Valve would've loved to have released LC before DoD:S. Imagine if everyone could've seen what Source can do before they released their new game on it. That's right, there would've been a lot more interest in DoD:S! In theory, at least.

Just bare in mind that the only hype that was built up about Lost Coast was built up by the community, not Valve. They've been planning on making these 'High-detail' maps since before HL2 was released, and I don't think I ever remember them being described as the 'HDR maps'.
Orcone101 said:
"How long is Aftermath Episode 1?
We're aiming for around five hours."
Wow. That's really short. Then again, it's only $12 so I guess we can't complain too bitterly.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
We've all been provided with the same information but people still keep coming out with 'the HDR in DoD:S is turned down' and other bizarre remarks. How the hell do you turn HDR down?!

It's been stated by Valve many times that the HDR in DoD:S is more low key because they don't want people's vision too adversly effected. That keeps it closer to being fair between the people with HDR turned on and those who have it turned off.
End of October?

All I can say is "LMAO."

Pathetic. I strongly dislike Lost Coast already -- have for months now, actually. This hype just pisses me off so much. Screw Lost Coast.

And if you disagree, that's fine, just don't flame me. I know it's free and I should be glad, but guess what I'm not.
Typical!!! ive been waiting ages for this and its going to come just when i loose my broadband connection i bet. Im moving country on the 30th and being disconnected on the 28th. Never mind.
Orcone101 said:
"How long is Aftermath Episode 1?
We're aiming for around five hours."

Only 5 hours? I was hoping for more. 7-8 would of been good but only 5?
Well I'll be taking my time finishing it and eagerly awaiting the next episode.

5 sounds perfectly fine to me, plus its only cheap.

bigdeezy23 said:
End of October?

All I can say is "LMAO."

Pathetic. I strongly dislike Lost Coast already -- have for months now, actually. This hype just pisses me off so much. Screw Lost Coast.

And if you disagree, that's fine, just don't flame me. I know it's free and I should be glad, but guess what I'm not.

You mean hype generated by idiots who can't seem to grasp its a single, 20 minute, showcase map?
I guess Valve is planning on giving us a Halloween treat.:naughty:
bigdeezy23 said:
End of October?

All I can say is "LMAO."

Pathetic. I strongly dislike Lost Coast already -- have for months now, actually. This hype just pisses me off so much. Screw Lost Coast.

And if you disagree, that's fine, just don't flame me. I know it's free and I should be glad, but guess what I'm not.
So, what you're saying is, you're generally ungrateful, abrasive, and hate something you haven't even directly interacted with yet. Thanks for sharing, didn't know this was that sort of community.

Your opinion is invalid, on top of all that. A bit more focus & articulation may have made it more successful, as you seem to have more an issue with Valve's marketing than the actual product behind it. Besides, hype? Come on, this info came off some boondock developer wiki. If you don't like news maybe you shouldn't keep so current.

It's also quite possible you're some form of invalid as well. You're more or less saying, "Here's my opinion, you can't have an opinion about my opinion," all while dropping some nonsense, half-baked grievance, acting all courageous for doing so.

Please, baby, please.

Sorry, for dropping that, to anyone in the blast radius. You probably deserved it, though.

Anyways, that was a cool page you guys dredged up. Gabe's box is nicer than mine, not surprising at all.

Lost Coast FTW!
end of october?

such bullshit.

i wonder if ill even care, since DoD:S sucks ass and wont hold me over til then.
atakgrbl said:
So, what you're saying is, you're generally ungrateful, abrasive, and hate something you haven't even directly interacted with yet. Thanks for sharing, didn't know this was that sort of community.

Your opinion is invalid, on top of all that. A bit more focus & articulation may have made it more successful, as you seem to have more an issue with Valve's marketing than the actual product behind it. Besides, hype? Come on, this info came off some boondock developer wiki. If you don't like news maybe you shouldn't keep so current.

It's also quite possible you're some form of invalid as well. You're more or less saying, "Here's my opinion, you can't have an opinion about my opinion," all while dropping some nonsense, half-baked grievance, acting all courageous for doing so.

Please, baby, please.

Sorry, for dropping that, to anyone in the blast radius. You probably deserved it, though.

Anyways, that was a cool page you guys dredged up. Gabe's box is nicer than mine, not surprising at all.

Lost Coast FTW!

Wow you absolutely destroyed me. Congratulations. I'm not even gonna bother to refute your post, save for this tidbit:

"You're more or less saying, 'Here's my opinion, you can't have an opinion about my opinion.'"

I guess when I say "if you disagree that's fine, just dont flame me", that must mean to you that you can't have a differing opinion. Guess what that makes you? An idiot. A moron. One who lacks even the most basic levels of reading comprehension.

See? I can flame too. It's not that hard. As for the rest of your post, it's not in my interest (not in the LEAST) to make you agree with me, so I couldn't give less of a sh*t. Enjoy blowing Valve's nuts every time they delay their products/updates..
Over at steamforum we had a "sort of" commpetiton who is closest..... well I think gonna win thisone. I have said 15 november so guess I was right. :D
DrkBlueXG said:
Screw Lost Coast, I want my TF2!

your post number 123

now someone up there IS giving us a message
GonzoBabbleshit said:
Can't say I'm suprised.

I've been saying this since ATi confirmed the r520's would be released 'late October'
Same here. I was speculating that Lost coast was basically a big PR stunt for Valve to try & make something up with Ati over the 9600XT/HL2 pack fiasco (due to HL2's delay which resulted in a lousy voucher, that would be redeameable in over a year, instead of the actual game!). I was saying this long before the new Ati cards were even announced! My comments were rubbished by some people on here who thought I was just having a cynical dig at Valve, Ati & Lost coast.

But the way I see it it's a no brainer - Valve & Ati get together to promote the new Ati 9600XT which will ship in special packs containing the actual game. A big promotion party, attended by the worlds gaming media, is held to promote this package & celebrate Valve & Ati's partnership. Then disaster! The game is delayed (first for 6 months ....... then another 6 months). The 9600XT is ready to go as is the pack containing the card & HL2. Except HL2 is far from ready! The best compromise is to launch the 9600XT/HL2 package as scheduled but include a HL2 game voucher instead of the actual game!

Now, you don't need to have a business degree to appreciate that Ati must have been pretty embarrassed over this whole affair. After all, the whole basis of the promotion for the 9600XT was the inlcusion of HL2 & now this wasn't going to be possible for at least 6 months (which of course after 6 months turned into a year). I don't know about anyone else but if I was Ati I'd feel somewhat short changed from this deal. I would want something back from Valve who basically didn't keep up their end of the bargain. Enter the Lost Coast. Ironically (or not as the case may be) to arrive about the same time as the new Ati cards!
Glo said:
your post number 123

now someone up there IS giving us a message

People with noticable posts in this thread:

Ova: 123
bigdeezy23: 123
DrkBlueXG: 123
Cunni: 333
Icarus intel posted: Today, 01:23 PM
Ova posted: 11:11 PM

I'm scared :(
Super. I go to boot camp the 17th and I was hoping to get to play this. Ahh well, I guess I can grab it in 8-10 months when I'm through with my training.
Suicide42 said:
People with noticable posts in this thread:

Ova: 123
bigdeezy23: 123
DrkBlueXG: 123
Cunni: 333
Icarus intel posted: Today, 01:23 PM
Ova posted: 11:11 PM

I'm scared :(

I knew it. LCs release is a sign of the apocolypse.

*sinkoman brandishes his keyboard and gets ready to play*