The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter News



TLP: Shadows of Winter is set in the fantasy world of Parmathia. The Shadows of Winter is but the first in a planned series of games in the Lost Prophecies. They have released a few of their improvised weapons. As stated on their website:
A resourceful player may find a reliable tool when using this improvised weapon. Seemingly innocuous, the Tree Branch/Trunk/Torch can serve multiple deadly purposes when in the hands of a skilled combatant. Blunt weapons such as this are also more effective against the undead creatures that possess bones that must be crushed to subdue them.

[br]To view more of their great models or to read up on the world of Parmathia, visit this link.
omg its a piece of wood! amazing! i've never seen a modeled piece of wood in my entire short exsistance in this current plain of reality!

Hey, at least the models are skinned :p and they have a copyright message in small print. That's got to count for something.
I guess any progress is still progress.

We're currently in the process of fine-tuning the new mechanics to conform to a melee-system that's actually fun to play in a first-person perspective so a LOT of the material we have to present is more programming code than media-content at this time.

I hoped showing these weapon models would be preferable over displaying lines of code (or remaining completely quiet for many months while we work on the project). Since we aren't being financially compensated for our efforts, morale is the only real means to keep us motivated.

We hope to be bringing you more interesting imagery in the coming months so, if this type of MOD interests you, keep tabs on us.