The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter has released their May 2005 media update. TLP: Shadows of Winter focuses on the world of Parmathia: a fantasy world full of magic, monsters, villans, and heroes. [br][br]To learn more about this fascinating modification, click here to be whisked away to the magical world of Parmathia.
wow, no kidding... that's some high quality modelling right there.
Very impressive, i cannot wait to see how it all looks ingame.

What the **** that's awesome!!

It boggles the mind how a publisher wouldn't sign these guys up in a second.

*looks at publishers with a pitiful glare*
You bastards!!
Really great, i hope they'll make it into a good game.
It's a shame the modelers didn't model the characters in a more relaxed position (45 degrees at the arms). The arms are going to deform extremely bad at the shoulders. You can really tell from that that the modeler is still inexperienced in the animation side of cg.

If those textures are using 512x512 maps or higher the textures could also use some more passes. The textures are lacking detail for the amount of resources given.

Can't really tell how well the poly distribution is without a pic of the edges or the polycount. The silhouette of the model looks good though.

Also if you're going to do renders try to use the game renderer or make a render close to what the game engine will look like.

Good stuff so far, I hope the team is successful in getting out a release.
flupke said:
Really great, i hope they'll make it into a good game.

Me too. :)

From the beginning, the game-play itself has always been the primary goal: Who cares what something looks like if it's boring to play?

Unfortunately, I think a lot of developers keep forgetting this. :(
Oh wow. This MOD looks simply outstanding, especially the character models.. So much detailed squeezed into one screenshot! MY eyes cannot take it!

Very, VERY nice job so far.. Cannot wait for a playable version
Couldn't they have thrown in at least one not-helpless woman instead of one going "oh noes!" while reaching for you and like nine "I-R-CHAMP!" male swordsmen?
In other news, Ganon has been sighted; he rolls with the Morthok now. He's given up hope of ever getting the Triforce and has now set his sights on some other religious artifact.
Very Impressive guys.. keep it upp, this is shurley one of the best and most seriously made mods so far! Good luck with the mod :cool:
Is it me or does everything looks very high poly? It it because they showed us models that will be used for a CG movie, or maybe my eyes are biaised by the textures.
hmmm i dont know what to say ... it looks nice , i mean the models look great but i hate knights and wizards ... just give me a AR15 with a scope ;)
The second row of pictures is of the character model that will be put ingame with the face/clothing texture variations, it's 6500 polygons. The character model has a basic mouth (basic sets of teeth, toungue, and a simple mouth inside), and the skullcap is removeable (can be knocked off).

The spear and staff pictures on the bottom right are also what will be the ingame models. The rest are high detail character concept models.

You can see a picture of it with a wire frame for that character model here:
I think they look a bit weird.. Not the normal models, but the monster thingy looks very strange.. so does the guy with the hand on his sword. The girl looks great though :)
They look really good, I'd love to see them ingame :)
looks awesome. i just think the high detail blonde guy looks weird. his body seems awkwardly positioned
Sir Phoenixx said:
The second row of pictures is of the character model that will be put ingame with the face/clothing texture variations, it's 6500 polygons. The character model has a basic mouth (basic sets of teeth, toungue, and a simple mouth inside), and the skullcap is removeable (can be knocked off).

The spear and staff pictures on the bottom right are also what will be the ingame models. The rest are high detail character concept models.

You can see a picture of it with a wire frame for that character model here:

Ok thanks for the answer Phoenixx. So it's less than the amount of polies as in the Alyx nolod model in HL2. Will you do multiple versions (lod)?
Along with the usual updates to our elaborate arsenal of weaponry, Sir Phoenixx has crafted his first character model for our project. More are destined to be brought to life very soon and our master-of-arms now adds a new title to his profession: Corporeal Architect. The images below display a male character wearing Light Armour. There are three LOD (Level of Detail) versions of every character model: High-Detail (6500+ polys - currently shown), Medium Detail (2000-2600 polys), & Low Detail (500-1000 polys).
His contributions to our in-game models, along with past models from other team members, can be viewed within the Characters section of this website or by simply clicking the thumbnails below.

Here you go.
please give um guns !! please... a modeller soo goood, modelling knights in armour :S !!
Is SOURCE even capable of that kind of graphics?

It looks better than HL2 ffs.
Of course it's able to, some of the HL2 character models are 6000-8000 polygons, Alyx weighs in at almost 8000 polygons, while this character model comes in at 6500.

The second row of pictures, and the last two images are of the ingame models, the rest are high detail concept models. The high detail concept models will be used to model the ingame character models around, and instead of most/a lot of the detail being in the model, it will be in the texture and bump/normal/etc. mapping.
mmmm can't wait, this and "Hostile planet" are the mods I'm RALLY waiting for.