The Malin designdoc! Finaly...

May 18, 2003
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The Malin designdoc! Finally...

Well, im done with the basic design doc for the Malin mod now. I talked about this in my old mod thread (Malin Vs the sci fi mod). I hope you enjoy reading it!

I like some long and good C&C, and please correct my "engrish" :)

Here it is folks!

Hope you like it :)
Pictures looks kinda cool, didn't read it all but i do hope that you guys will be able to make a wonderfull mod. :E
W00T! Felia! Oh wait, I mean Telia :)

Anyway, it sounds... Cute...
Originally posted by dawdler
W00T! Felia! Oh wait, I mean Telia :)

Anyway, it sounds... Cute...

Thats the point :)

About the love, some peps over at this forum wanted some i gave them love :)

The point of the mod is to be cute and a kinda basic adventure game. You know like God vs Evil.

You will visit some locations you never seen in a game/mod before (not that i know of) so the storyline will be original (and you like that, eh?) :)
u mean good vs evil??
very nice just one thing maybe name the guy malin and the girl malyn wht u think ;)
Originally posted by mindless_moder
u mean good vs evil??
very nice just one thing maybe name the guy malin and the girl malyn wht u think ;)
Malin is actually a swedish girlname, so it isnt that off :)

Anyway, I would definetly play it. Especially if you can get the *urk* cutie *urk* feel right. But only if its got a really nice story... Dont want any stupidity, like most manga has.
Originally posted by dawdler
Malin is actually a swedish girlname, so it isnt that off :)

Anyway, I would definetly play it. Especially if you can get the *urk* cutie *urk* feel right. But only if its got a really nice story... Dont want any stupidity, like most manga has.

No manga vibes here. Im very proud about the story :) i cant tell you about the things you will be doing or the locations you will visit...but some things is very original and have never been done before. I dont want to screw the experiance for you guy and tell the whole thing :)

And mindless_moder yes, sorry i mean good :) ill edit that.

Malin means "Little warrior" in english :) I put many of small things like this in the mod. I like small details. You find out those things when you play the mod.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Malin means "Little warrior" in english :) I put many of small things like this in the mod. I like small details. You find out those things when you play the mod.
My explanation was better :p

(my english isnt) (oh wait, maybe it is rigth) (aw, crud!)
Originally posted by dawdler
My explanation was better :p

(my english isnt) (oh wait, maybe it is rigth)

Yeah yeah, Malin is a girl name, im with you there :)
Originally posted by mindless_moder
i didnt question it being male or female malyn just seems cute :)

Ah, but Malin and Malyn sounds kinda the same :)
I'm aspecting some "pre-views" later Henrik ;)
So GL!
No it's jsut that it looks like the fron page of deviant art. :X
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
No it's jsut that it looks like the fron page of deviant art. :X

Its not the homepage you C&C on...its the text..the mod you know?
Wow! I can't believe I missed this thread... I love the drawing of the Phoenix... this has cemeted my belief in this mod... gj Majestic :thumbs:.... (and your team)

well, get to work :)

/me watches
Wow, this is definitely one mod to look out for! the premise sounds really cool and teh style (cute-anime-typeness) will make this mod stand out when it does come out... good luck with this mod, maybe you can add a forum to the site.... once again, GOOD LUCK! :)
Originally posted by ReDGuNNeR
Wow, this is definitely one mod to look out for! the premise sounds really cool and teh style (cute-anime-typeness) will make this mod stand out when it does come out... good luck with this mod, maybe you can add a forum to the site.... once again, GOOD LUCK! :)

First, Thanks guys :)

We are looking for a webdesigner to help us make the site. You can see it in the help wanted forums. If you know anyone who would like to help us, drop me a line:

Wow. I'm very impressed. Majestic best of luck I can't wait to play this, sounds very, very interesting, good luck! Now if only someone could remake Final Fantasy 7 on Source, with the graphics, keep the same story line and all, but just up the graphics and the physics system. *Creams himself at the thought*
yes.. YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssshemjiebregnegrrlrl *trails off to "hysterical laughter" section*

Malin is good enough though. ;-)

no honestly, Malin seems like a pretty damn cool project. (y además, es de Suecia :-D)