The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Circular Impression by the Extras (I had forgotten about this song ..still funny)

I've got a rubber in my wallet.
One of those little whatchamacallit's.
I'm savin' it for that special day.
When the right girl comes my way.

It leaves a circular impression
From all those years of compression.
I've had it since I turned thirteen.
I got it in a vend'n machine.

Circ circ circular impression!
Leading to a state of depression!
In my walla walla walla walla wallet!
I can't wait to install it!

No! I can't wait!

It's in a little tinfoil packet.
Sometimes I'm tempted to unwrap it.
It's got a reinforced border.
I hope it's still in working order.

"Be Prepared" they said in Boy Scouts.
I'm waiting for a chance to try it out.
I want to try this contraceptive.
But all the girls are unreceptive.


I've got a French safe in my pocket.
It'll be the nose-cone on my rocket.
It comes direct from Paris, France.
Can't wait to take it from my pants.

/me hums song
Evanescence - Lithium

I just got their new album The Open Door, it's pretty nice... it's alot more hard-hitting than Fallen.
Looks like they finally found their rock roots.
He'll be tearing off faces again come the 16th.

I cannot wait.

My CD player is going to melt with awesomeo power on the 16th, thats if it arrives. The samples sound mad awesome, shame two of them aren't going to be on the album itself. :(

jesu - Freinds Are Evil

A Wilhelm Scream - The Kids Can Eat A Bag Of Dicks

Best. Band. Ever.
I don't actually know what the song is called, but it's by Dusty Springfield. I like Dusty Springfield.

Aha, it's "guess who".
Steely Dan - The Fez

Goddamn this band kicks ass, I recently got into them, though I'd heard of them, I hadn't listened to them much. I recommend everyone go and download some Steely Dan!

Heres a few examples of songs to look for:
Kid Charlemagne
Don't Take Me Alive
Haitian Divorce
The Fez
Black Cow
Deacon Blues
Babylon Sisters
Robbie Williams - Rudebox - album leak

Quite possibly THE worst album ever.
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