The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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AntiAnto said:
Anyone knows a good song for the beginning of a home-made movie (comedy-drama)? Nothing hard-core, I'd prefer instrumental songs.

lol I'm in the same position (comedy-drama). I actually have too many songs to choose from. What's the opening scene like in your movie? Mine I have the camera on a rising sun then moving through a house into the main character's bedroom.
DeusExMachinia said:
lol I'm in the same position (comedy-drama). I actually have too many songs to choose from. What's the opening scene like in your movie? Mine I have the camera on a rising sun then moving through a house into the main character's bedroom.

Two characters slowly appearing from the back of a hillock and walking toward the camera.

What are your choices?
If the BoC single released on Bleep is any indication, the new album is going to rock.
Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson

Someone just gave me a loan of his No. 1's CD, nothing else to listen to here.
The Killers - Midnight Show

EDIT: Also, I'm seeing Weezer and the Foo Fighters in concert this Sunday.
Absinthe said:
If the BoC single released on Bleep is any indication, the new album is going to rock.

Board of Canada is orgasmic, might as well consider that.
k, back from summer and heres what im listening to Death Cab for Cutie (ya ya im a sap), the kanye album is incredible (dont just hate it because its rap), the new white stripes has some of the best songs this summer, becks' guero is obviously kickass, umm thats all i can think of,

oh ya the new dylan CD no direction home (check out the bio pic by martin scorsese on september 26th on PBS)
You Talk Way Too Much - The Strokes

(edit: sort of ironic for 1,900 posts)
about 10 mins ago.
Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy - Green Day
James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Only just started listening to his stuff. What a lovely song! :D
Cormeh said:
James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Only just started listening to his stuff. What a lovely song! :D

Yeah, I really like James Blunt, which makes me sad and happy at the same time.
Wow - this thread has found a way to preserve itself!

Happy Mondays - Donovan
CrazyHarij said:
Boards of Canada - Chromakey Dreamcoat

What the... how? Was a new single released? Or are you listening to that fakery that's been spread on the internet?
Listening to Meshuggah's new CD

Catch 33, which is all one song.

So I guess I'm listening to Meshuggah - Catch 33
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