The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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He's expressing his distaste for this thread by uh... posting in this thread. Yeah, I don't really get it either.

Mastodon - Divinations

New single is ****ing great, had it spinning for the last two weeks now on repeat. Simply cannot wait for the new record. That, plus the new ISIS LP and a EP from Pelican, makes 2009 one helluva year for guitar riffs.
Isis - 20 Minutes/40 Years (Live in London)

This song is just so... heck, I don't know how to put it. It's ISIS - it's incredibly textured, thought-out, structured evenly between all five musicians and just has that vibe of an amazingly well made song. I don't usually say something like that about a live track and considering this is the only version of the song I have heard, it's made one hell of an impact. Mike and Aaron's guitars at 4:39 send shivers down my spine simply because it's that trademark underwater/oceanic sound that somehow these guys are able to master. Christ, I'd do anything to have the equipment and pedal boards these guys have set up.
TV on the Radio - "Dancing Choose"

Been really blown away by their album Dear Science. Great all around.
Foo Fighters - My Hero.

Pointless fact: Last night I heard this song being played in public which was new to me.
Loving the TV on the Radio props on the last few pages. That band is a gushing torrent of talent.

Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused
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