The Manipulator...



Will there be a weight limit on how much the gravity gun can pick up because in the E3 2003 video shows it picking up a combine and it`s not used in the e3 2004 video. Hopefully you can throw dead bodies.
Emptive_Release said:
Will there be a weight limit on how much the gravity gun can pick up because in the E3 2003 video shows it picking up a combine and it`s not used in the e3 2004 video. Hopefully you can throw dead bodies.

Well, ya can't pick up bodies, or huge trash bins - pretty much anything that can be picked up by a human in terms of reality, can be picked up. Excluding the bodies, unless it's tagged that you could.
That was a different gun only used to showcase the physics in that level. There will be a weight limit on the gravity gun that is ingame (the orange one that picks up/shoots barrels in the movies)

J/K :cheers:
well i read about the monipulator and i think it said u can change its weight limit if u want to that might just be in multiplayer though
The manipulator does indeed have a weight limit it can "manipulate" however as you progress through the game, it can be altered and upgraded to be able to be more powerful and manipulate heavier things.

the manipulator cannot manipulate dead bodies (or alive for that matter)

the Physgun (which may not be in the final game, since it was more of an E3 2003 weapon to show off physics) is the one with the blue beam, it can manipulate certain dead bodies that are TAGGED by the map maker to be manipulateable.
oh u cant thrown around dead bodies?!?!? damn !! i was looking forward to that , where do they say that u cant to that?
That was one cool thing about Invisible War I guess... body throwing. :)
Silent_night said:
oh u cant thrown around dead bodies?!?!? damn !! i was looking forward to that , where do they say that u cant to that?

Valve has said so, but you can easily mod the body-chucking in.

The manipulator is like the opposite of the barnacle gun.
It only works on non-creature material.

Still, you can use it on robots. The manhacks and rollermines can both be picked up / launched.
he just said u can if they r tagged so i think if u put a dead body in your map (i dont know if possible) and u make it tagged then u can!