The Mars Volta


Dec 22, 2003
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So, I've been hearing alot about The Mars Volta for some reason. Are they any good? If so, which albums should I start out with?
They're pretty awesome, but at times really annoying too.

They have three albums out, one EP and one live record.

I'd recommend starting out with the first two albums, the second one sounding most like themselves.

The latest one is called Amputechture and it came out around a year go. It's the most 'rock' sounding record of them all. My favorite is the first one, though.

They're coming out with YET another full-length LP this summer called 'The Bedlam in Goliath' witch is according to their label 'their best one yet'.
I can't listen to them for too long since there music is quite chaotic
Fantastic band. I really recommend Deloused in the Comatorium for someone just getting into them, as it's more 'straightforward' as opposed to Frances the Mute and Amputechture, which are both great just I'd imagine a little harder to get into at first.

But Deloused is supurb. Favourite album of the year... whenever it was it came out. Simply wonderful. Stunning live band, too. But then... I'm an At the Drive-In fanboy so...
My friends used to rave about them, but I can't say I've heard their name dropped in ages.

They said I'd like them when considering my more alternative/experimental tastes, but I can't say I cared much for the music.
It can be quite chaotic at times, but some of the stuff is just really good rock. Like Day of the Baphomets. That's a great song.
El Paso is their hometown, so they're a pretty big deal around here. That being said, I never went crazy over them.
I didn't like them, it was a bit too....ethnic for me...
Deloused in the Comatorium is one of my favourite albums of all time. Could never quite get into the other two though. Just a little too... grating.
Well, tanks for all the comments so far. I'll give em a shot, I guess.
TMV was the shit live in the period after Frances the Mute. 2005.
TMV was the shit live in the period after Frances the Mute. 2005.

Yep, saw them in November during a two-date stop off, that unluckily for people up North turned into a one-date stop when the first gig was cancelled.
They're alright I guess.

I prefer other progressive experimental bands like Gang Gang Dance, Don Caballero, etc.

To be honest, I think it's more the the production on their albums that bugs me more than anything. It's far too glossy. Doesn't let the dynamics shine through. Would probably sound much better live.
In all honesty, they sounded pretty much identical to themselves on CD when I saw them live, so the dynamics are there. And this was at a pretty bad venue. They just changed songs around, is all, like added extra ambience and twiddly guitar bits, etc.
Listen to At the drive In, too. The Mars Volta are pretty good compared to most of the other stuff that is released today; but progressively their albums have been sucking. Their earlier stuff is much better.
Although I do like The Mars Volta something awful, I'd trade them back for At the Drive-In to get back together anyday. But how do you top Relationship of Command? Not a single bad album from them, but christ, they went out with a ****ing bang.