So what kind of stuff does college algebra cover?
Throw out some topics!
What "algebra" really is can be boiled down to the statement:
if x = y then f(x) = f
For introductory algebra, the idea is usually to apply this repeatedly to solve for an unknown. x and y are almost always reals and f is usually a basic function such as addition or multiplication by a constant or principal square root. Most of these functions are invertible and defined everywhere and when they're not, that's taught explicitly (eg, don't divide by zero, sqrt(x^2) = abs(x), multiplying both sides by zero doesn't help ).
For higher-level algebra, x and y are rarely reals. They're more often matrices, vectors, sets, or members of a generic field, ring, group or other algebraic construct. Instead of caring about x and y, you care about the properties of the set they belong to combined with a set of functions defined on that set.