The Matrix 4?

Will There Be a 4th Matrix Film and When?

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Oct 7, 2008
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so, do we think there will be a 4th Matrix film? If so, when will it be and what will it be about? discuss.

poll will arrive soon.
I hope not.
The last two were terrible.
No. Not now. Not ever.

And if they do make it,

I never understood Matrix 1,2,3 so I could really care less about Matrix 4.
I like to pretend only the original and The Animatrix exist. The rest were a bad dream.

Yes to The Animatrix 2.
woah, I thought the matrix was a good films?

The first one was quite good. The Animatrix was brilliant. Reloaded and Revolutions were utter shite.

No thank you, you ****ed a brilliant franchise up, now let it die.
Neo's dead. They can't possibly continue the story, no iffs ands or buttes.

... Of course they could. Hell, they could do a prequel if they wanted to.

No, wait, that's just ridiculous. No lucrative trilogy would ever have shitty prequels made.
Neo's dead. They can't possibly continue the story, no iffs ands or buttes.

Not according to the POS known as the matrix online.
I'd like another one (I actually like all three of the films) but it's supposed to be a trilogy so there shouldn't be another one.
Edit: I wouldn't mind an Animatrix 2 though. I thought the Animatrix was fantastic!
Not according to the POS known as the matrix online.

Ahaha oh man I remember reading up on that. All those people playing just to continue the story, they get hints that neo is back and bam the writers are like "uh..yeah **** it"
The first one was cool when it came out, but it totally does not stand the test of time. It aged horribly.

The other two were just awful from the get-go. The animatrix was pretty boss though.
There had better not be another one. I'll commit suicide.
The worst part about the sequels is that pretty much every fight Neo gets in is completely pointless, because you know hes the ****ing one.
there were 5 before him......

*flies away*
The first one was cool when it came out, but it totally does not stand the test of time. It aged horribly.

The other two were just awful from the get-go. The animatrix was pretty boss though.

Aged horribly? What?
I still think the special effects and everything in it is an incredible treat for the eyes today.
I ignore everything besides the first one and the Animatrix. The other two can go to hell.

So no.

no no no no!
I've never even seen anything other than The Animatrix, which was pretty ****ing awesome. I'll just agree with everyone else here.
Aged horribly? What?
I still think the special effects and everything in it is an incredible treat for the eyes today.

Man, I could do those effects. But the effects arent really what im talking about. I mean a lot of the stuff has now been cliched and comes off as incredibly cheesy. Plus the more I watched it, the more Keanu Reeves "acting" I saw, so that puts a serious damper on the whole thing.
Hahaha, well played.

The worst part about the sequels is that pretty much every fight Neo gets in is completely pointless, because you know hes the ****ing one.
This is exactly what ruined it for me. The whole reason the first movie was so great was that they were the underdogs for the entire movie. They couldn't even touch the agents, which is what made it so tense, and the ending so satisfying. The new movies, by contrast, are about as suspenseful as Superman without the kryptonite. Or (if you want an even nerdier comparison) watching Dragon Ball Z where it's one of those episodes where everyone's just stalling until Goku shows up. In fact, the second two movies were exactly like DBZ. Over-powered main character, hyper-extended fights, outstaying it's ****ing welcome with hundreds of episodes and unwanted spinoffs (well, you know).

Also, say whatever the **** you want about the Matrix, but that movie had goddamn Anthony Ray Parker. If you knew the kind of shit he was in before he got that gig, you'd be happy for him too.
The worst example is the smith fight when you realize he could've flown away whenever the ****.
No. It could have been as big as the Star Wars Saga instead they flushed it all down the toilet thanks to The Matrix Online. All of the major characters are dead. Why ****ing bother?
Didn't stand the test of time...Didn't... I'm sorry but the security scene from the first one is still Dayyaaaam epic.
The Matrix (1) is a good movie.

In the sequels I enjoyed the fighting sequences, however pointless they were (like Adrik said). But they looked cool. The art direction was nice as well. The plot was meh, though. Still I'm not one of those people that like to use extremities to state their opinion and I won't say that I'd scratch my eyes out if I watched the sequels again.

A fourth Matrix would be pointless, though.