.: The Matrix beta 2 Available! The "Connect to server crash" is fixed :.


Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
The Matrix map beta2 for CS:S
by MoonQuake
Original thread and screenshots can be found here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=84427&page=5


SERVER ADMINS - IMPORTANT: The Matrix map is big! If you want people to be able to download the map directly from your server, you must use this command:

net_maxfilesize 24

Default 16mb. The Matrix map is 21mb. (People won't download a 21mb file because your server will ZIP the map but you still need to set the value to 24. Failing to do so will allow the clients to download all the required files EXCEPT the .BSP. (clients will get this error: missing "de_thematrix_bets2.bsp" and will be disconnected)

Want to receive the map updates before everyone? Host the map on your dedicated server and Email me the name and IP, I'll post it in here and send you map updates earlier on release dates!


Extract the content of the ZIP file directly into your "cstrike" folder.

".../steam/steamapps/username/counter-strike source/cstrike"

Having trouble Unzipping the ZIP? DO NOT use the windows ZIP utility, USE Winrar or Winzip.

Changelog for beta2:

-Fixed CS:S client crash when joining a dedicated server directly without loading the map first.

-Improved elevator behavior. Doors and elevator kill one shot now. This is to prevent blocking the doors.

-Added elevator moving sound.

-You die if you try/succeed in warping outside the elevator. It's harder to warp outside successfully.

-Fixed Dojo bomb not damaging when exploding. Added special FX for Dojo and Office bomb sites.

-All physics objects are now lighter. That means paintings and chairs in the Office can be pushed easily.

-Fixed height of Dojo hidden spots at the corners so player head cannot be seen if he crouches.

-Lobby pillars have more HP.

-Bigger teleport destination rooms.

-Added collision for shelves at the far end of the Dojo sidehall.

-Fixed stairwell stairs.

-Fixed low gravity activation when CT spawn.

Major known issues with beta2:

-Elevator still shaky. Elevators aren't working perfectly online.

-No cubemaps, that means no reflections on reflective objects. Will be added on a later build.

-LIMITED bot support. They simply can't use the elevator properly so they play on either side of the map but

not on both. They get stuck in some places.

-Some walls aren't properly lit with the flashlight.

-Some walls have low res lightmaps (shadow/lighting) and improper lighting.

Submitted Server IPs and mirrors

The Matrix Beta 2 just got released.
The list will grow as people update their servers to the new beta 2 and email me:

The Waste Lands - Los Angeles
FF server - 20 man
Map mirror: http://www.wastelandsgaming.com/viewtopic.php?t=915&start=120
The Official private testers for The Matrix map! Thanks guys!
They will be running the map intensively tonight PLUS people can vote for the map so you can play the Matrix as much as you want! :)

digitalAnarchy[FF ON] --Fast Downloads
Map Mirror: www.benadamski.com/shock/cs/de_thematrix_beta2.zip
Thanks Shock

Map mirror: http://www.rayjacobsen.com/css/de_thematrix_beta2.zip
Thanks Splinter (Ray)

UK based server
Mirror URL : http://lathwood.co.uk/downloads/de_thematrix_beta2.zip
Thanks laf

Use your in-game server browser for more.

Additional mirrors:

Enjoy The Matrix universe for Counter-Strike Source and thanks again for hosting and mirroring!


Bug report or suggestions?

Interesting :) I never heard of this map before so I definetely gotta try it out!

Come on server operators... Put it up :D
I'm glad you like it Ben. :)

Hey, wassap Iced Eagle! Long time!

It's still beta and not officially announced on major web sites. I don't expect a huge amount of servers to run it.

But as many as possible so we can find all the bugs and get to Final! :)

MoonQuake, this is what we need more from the community. I mean, I mentioned once that the teleportation areas were too small. You went ahead a made them bigger. That earned 5 cool points in my book. A modder actually listening to the community. Wow.

uk based server should anyone want to test it:

We will be watching this map evolve very closely so on any new beta release you will find the map on that server as soon as we know about it.
Yea it has been a long time :)

Contact me on MSN ( briguy992 *A T* sbcglobal.net ) :)

For the lobby pillars, do you think there's a way you could randomize their HP between two values (min-max)? Also, maybe for added coolness, make the metal detector stuff in the middle have a conveyor (I"m not familiar with Hammer's entities but I think there's a func_conveyor ) so stuff will go from one side to the other... That's getting picky though :)

The map rocks man, very original... I love the teleporter ideas :D
Q_onfused: well, when it makes sense... someone comes at me and say "Hey man add the entire Zion and make it possible to block bullets" , well, I won't do it.

Also, if only 1 guy asks me something, chances it won't happen unless it makes a lot of sense.

laf: great! thanks for the server!

Iced: thanks! :) Ehm, yeah the conveyor at the metal detector, I'll look into it. I don't remember why I didn't add it. Prolly my poor memory forgot to add it. :)

do we have to delete or modify the beta 1 files in any way MQ?
Iced_Eagle said:
Interesting :) I never heard of this map before so I definetely gotta try it out!

Come on server operators... Put it up :D

You've been living under a rock for a few weeks? :)


hehe, bout the only thing i can find wrong with it, so that says alot. judging by the way the texture streams off the wall into the floor it seems they're tiled pretty well, so it should be rather easy to fix. i mean it stands to reason if they line up still they should line up when animated.


might make that door the way you made some of the others, where the header is flat and the sides butt into it. instead of having the header butt into the sides. from my very limited experience in mapping i know what a pain texture alignment is, so easier/simpler is always better.

i notice the matrix sound is missing when entering the dojo. didn't care much for it myself, but i thought the gong sound would have been very appropriate, from when Neo and Morpheus spar. maybe remove that green flashy light thingy and just have the gong sound.

then use the green flashy light thingies around the teleporters, like when you get near them you catch a glimpse of the light before you go through, sort of like when you're getting sucked into the phone in the movie. i'd also make the phones a "use" item, where you have to press E to teleport. you press E, green flashy light thingy and then you go through, like a 2-3 second delay between use and teleport. maybe even make the phone ring briefly when you "use" it, as if Cypher is calling to bring you back.

Uh oh, decal didn't alpha properly!!!
wrong. that's actually the way the texture is made. im sure those grey edges were made specifically to fit into wherever it was being used in HL2.
Rafa : preferable to delete beta 1, otherwise you can just overwrite with beta 2 files.

laf: thanks, server IP and mirror added to the main threads! :)

Fraga: there will be a nice detailed texture align pass before Final version. Easy on the insults will ya?

Pesmerga : yeah, I'll have to fix that. Part of the texture fix pass.

Fragalishus said:
i'll add sarcasm tags next time.
Alas! Even a simple ;) would have sufficed, to ease the mental stress of the weary workhorse :D

Buggering hell there are 3 servers and none of em have human players. 2 are Europe based and no body's up at 3am (shit, correction 4am) to play on them with me and my mate at our 2-man lanparty :)
30 min ago, I was playing on the wastelandsgaming server with 19 other players! Fun as hell!

Sooner during the day or later at night, you'll hit European servers. I randomly played on 3 american servers with good pings this evening.

Gotta be lucky and catch one while it's full!

Once the final version is out and announced on all major web sites, there will be more to choose from.

MQ, I royaly kicked your ass tonight, hahah, jk

the map seems to be a lot better now, but I still managed to get pushed out of the f*cking elevator, argh!
OK, let's go straight to the bugs (as we know the map is great, but we still have to help improve it's greatness).

1.I saw a guy noclip through the elevator (has been mentioned though).

2.I got stuck with two other people when we teleported to the matrix code rooms at nearly the same time. We were like inside each other, clipping through each other. Then it happened again, with only one player apart from me, but he managed to move "out of me" (no dirty thoughts) and unblocked us.

3.Clipping through the elevator floor. Screenie:


  • de_thematrix_beta20000.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 286
oh, i had to reinstall steam. so i did, and i type my password in steam and it does NOTHING!!....... just sorta does nothing at all. steam doesnt start up :(
Dude you've done a bang up job on this map, its awesome. Can't wait for a full final build.
Rafa : yeah, the damn elevator. I smell a petition to make elevators more "solid" online sent to valve. :)

Yeah, you got me quite a few times the other night. :)

Stinger: yeah, the teleport destination rooms... I'll push players faster out of the spot so people won't get stuck.

The players clipping through the elevator floor happens because ragdolls don't collide with moving objects. :(

Uncle Ben: Thanks for the comment! BTW, I love your chicken and herbs rice! I "Bring more to the table with Uncle Ben's" every week! ;)

And errr.


Also those doors need fixing, ive seen people get in the elevator and stand by the door then when someone tries to get in the elevator the doors close and kill him.

Plus the UKBased server on the front page is called:
"UKFast.net CS:S 24x7 Matrix Beta2"

Awesome server and people, i recommend you check it out, especially if you want a laugh.
I 2nd westie on the elevator thing. I've even dinged the elevator all by my lone-some and went to get it and it closed on me. Very funny but annyoing.
hehehe westie, funny pic! :) Looks like someone uppercuted the poor guy to the ceiling! :)

Elevator doors : thats because if I make it so that people can block it, ya know, "hold the doors for me!" then, that means people can also block it with objects and prevent it from being usable which is a no-no for the sake of the maps gameplay. You understand?

I did manage to find an American server with people on it after I last posted - Was pretty fun with loads of people on :D
Playing as CT, I tend to ignore the race to the elevator completely, and get to the top of the shaft via a telephone and wait for the lift to come up. Its a great feeling when you are a terro and as the bomb's about to go off, you make a race for the phone and teleport out just in time :D
I'm glad you've fixed the crashing thing, but also, on The Jumps, I find it really annoying how the sky gets in the way. Is this done on purpose?
Yeah, I'd rather not bang my head against the skybox too. :thumbs:
Dinkle and stinger: you bang your head on the skybox cuz you're too good. You freed your mind to a point where you can make that jump so easily... could probably enable "noclip" and "inf money" on a vac2 enabled server!! Not everyone is as good as you guys! ;)

I'll look into it for beta 3.

I'm playing on this 24 players server:


See ya there if you will!

EDIT: it was a blast. Still, a lot of new people that don't know where to go when a bomb is planted. The more people will play, the better games will become.

See ya tomorrow!

Fragalishus said:


hehe, bout the only thing i can find wrong with it, so that says alot. judging by the way the texture streams off the wall into the floor it seems they're tiled pretty well, so it should be rather easy to fix. i mean it stands to reason if they line up still they should line up when animated.


might make that door the way you made some of the others, where the header is flat and the sides butt into it. instead of having the header butt into the sides. from my very limited experience in mapping i know what a pain texture alignment is, so easier/simpler is always better.

i notice the matrix sound is missing when entering the dojo. didn't care much for it myself, but i thought the gong sound would have been very appropriate, from when Neo and Morpheus spar. maybe remove that green flashy light thingy and just have the gong sound.

then use the green flashy light thingies around the teleporters, like when you get near them you catch a glimpse of the light before you go through, sort of like when you're getting sucked into the phone in the movie. i'd also make the phones a "use" item, where you have to press E to teleport. you press E, green flashy light thingy and then you go through, like a 2-3 second delay between use and teleport. maybe even make the phone ring briefly when you "use" it, as if Cypher is calling to bring you back.
The texture thing actually makes it look kinda real.
MoonQuake said:
I'm playing on this 24 players server:


See ya there if you will!

EDIT: it was a blast. Still, a lot of new people that don't know where to go when a bomb is planted. The more people will play, the better games will become.

See ya tomorrow!

that server sucks man, it keeps on saying not respoding and when I do join, the lag is horrible
Fliko : it's really a texture misalignment. Heck, it's in beta stage so stuff like that is meant to be. I'll do a detailed texture pass for beta 3.

Rafa : weird. I played with about 40 different players and none complained about lag or anything. Maybe it was far from your location.

Keep the suggestions coming for I take note of them. I'm working on beta 3.

Is there a way you could put this into HL2 or garrys mod?
MoonQuake said:
Dinkle and stinger: you bang your head on the skybox cuz you're too good. You freed your mind to a point where you can make that jump so easily... could probably enable "noclip" and "inf money" on a vac2 enabled server!! Not everyone is as good as you guys! ;)

I'll look into it for beta 3.



I think it's when jumping down instead of up. I'm gonna have to play more I think, to see if it was the Alcohol Effect. This map is so much fun!
xzeox: all maps can be converted.

Dinkle: test it with and without alcohol effects so the map can be made to please all audiences! ;)
