The medic - where's the fun?

The key is to form a good alliance with a HWG, Soldier or Pyro who keeps an eye on your health as well as their own, so if you start taking damage they take out the assailant. That is key for sure. If someone isn't covering you then toss em to the wolves and find another partner.
Silarn is right, you don't HAVE to stick with someone else, that's only a good strategy.
Another thing that is annoying is when people call for a Medic even though they are at 100% health. Yea I will heal them if they are <100% and will heal to 150% when it is convenient for me but otherwise its just spam which distracts from those who do need healing.
You could be healing a spy you know. I'll give you a tip on the spy class for you .netters. ;) You seem more legit if you call for a medic disguised running into their base. They figure that your hurt or something. Then you get a medic to heal you but the poor klutz doesn't know who you are! :p I noticed this strategy after observing this happen. Stabbed the engineer right after! I recently did the same tactic and stabbed the medic and then went on from there.


The medic is a teams MVP by far, forget everybody else. Without a medic in your squad your always playing at a disadvantage against your opposition, especially on the push maps, and it's impossible to take down significant structure as a heavy unless you've got a good medic with you keeping you pumped and ubered.
You could be healing a spy you know. I'll give you a tip on the spy class for you .netters. ;) You seem more legit if you call for a medic disguised running into their base. They figure that your hurt or something. Then you get a medic to heal you but the poor klutz doesn't know who you are! :p I noticed this strategy after observing this happen. Stabbed the engineer right after! I recently did the same tactic and stabbed the medic and then went on from there.
Yea I use it too but I'm talking about when a 1/4 or more of your team is yelling for a medic when they don't need one, although I've noticed it doesn't happen very often any more.
It's only fun playing medic if the people you're healing aren't retards. If they aren't you basically know that every kill you get an assist for is half yours. Playing Medic well is skilful, but it requires some know-how from the guy on the other end. I think Medic-Soldier is by far the most powerful combination in the game. For best results it goes something like this:

- At the beginning of round Soldier perpetually rocket jumps so the Medic gets his uber bar charged up as close to 100% as possible (usually reaches 50-75% by the time they see an enemy)
- When they spot an enemy the Medic always keeps the Soldier (or cover) between him and the enemy. If the enemy tries to flank behind the Soldier the Medic runs to the opposite side of the Soldier. This way the enemy is always forced to go through the Soldier to get to the Medic, and is inevitably drawn in towards the Soldier, making it damn easy to hit them with a Rocket aimed down at the floor.
- Where possible the Medic remains on the other side of walls and doorways so Snipers cannot even see them.
- Medic waits for Soldier to have reloaded all rockets before starting uber, so no killing time is wasted.
- The Soldier should always be facing away from the Medic with the Medic behind him. If the Medic runs in front of him, it's an indication the Soldier needs to turn round and shoot someone.
- It's up to the Medic to watch his back for spies. Any suspicious teammates and the Medic needs to run in front of the Soldier and get him to shoot them.
- The Soldier needs to be aware of the Medic's health as well, changing his course to pass close to medkits if necessary.

Also I have some personal rules when playing Medic.

- Although the Medic and Soldier are perhaps the best combination, the Medic is more important to the team than the Soldier, so if a Soldier gets cocky and charges too many enemies without taking the Medic's vulnerability into account, just let him go it alone - there'll be a Heavy along in no time and there's always someone who needs healing while they respawn.
- If Soldiers do this repeatedly find someone more worthy of your concentrated efforts. Stupid players are always gonna be dead players, whether you help them or not.
Also I have some personal rules when playing Medic.

- Although the Medic and Soldier are perhaps the best combination, the Medic is more important to the team than the Soldier, so if a Soldier gets cocky and charges too many enemies without taking the Medic's vulnerability into account, just let him go it alone - there'll be a Heavy along in no time and there's always someone who needs healing while they respawn.
- If Soldiers do this repeatedly find someone more worthy of your concentrated efforts. Stupid players are always gonna be dead players, whether you help them or not.

Something we agree on for once ;)
Aye, there's nothing worse than being 10% off uber and your Soldier suddenly forgets about the umbilical cord and charges headlong into 5 enemies; within a split second you've got to either be sensible and go "This is just stupid", sever the connection and watch the Soldier explode into a shower of gibs, or you take a BIG risk hoping you'll survive until uber and take the enemy by surprise. 9/10 times it never pays off, but it's those one-off moments of pure crazy that make TF2 so enjoyable.
The flipside is when the medic is fully charged but fails to uber you when your on the Sentry push despite the call. Had that happen a few times... :frown: