The mind of a spammer...?


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, i was wondering what the line of thought is for some of you spammers. I see people like Bass, who have been registered for less than a month, anbd already have Combine status. What do you do? Do you have school/jobs? Do you constantly scan the forums? I know you post in everythread, even when you have little to add, but why?

*note* Though I used Bass as an example, this threa dis not directed specificly at him */note*
Well... you see, being a spammer is a tough job...



Actually I have school, and a girlfreind, and a life... but when I'm not out I really have nothing to do (i hate tv, and im on probation)

And bass really isnt a spammer, when he manages to stay on topic (i suffer from it too) he says some pretty good stuff

Example of a real spammer:

sidewinder thats a gay avatar (actually I personally like it, but this is just an example)

Example of alot of new people (like myself):

Ah yes, I do agree with you on (whatever the topic is on)

oh btw, I like your avatar sidewinder


You also shouldnt call people spammers cause they post alot... I spam a little but I try to limit it, I know some poeple cant help themselves

I guess some poeple just have alot more free time than you
Well I have school.I scan the forums hoping to find goo data about hl2 and fun stuff I guess you could say.Even tho I spam a little bit.I for one have really not much of a reasno but I do try to help out with information sometimes.

/me points at bass and laughs

you little spammer you....
You see that!We responded right after each other....MrWhite we must be physics!
well I have a job, school, girlfriend (maybe???) but otherwise I'm always bored
Originally posted by Tr0n
You see that!We responded right after each other....MrWhite we must be physics!

Perfect example... we tend to get a little off topic... and that just accells

and yeah, that was freaky mate ;)
Yea we do get off topic sometimes....but we mostly have logical debates about something....well except that time I argued with someone(starts with R) about the creation of the universe and kinda flamed the guy until he just shut up and left.But othe than that,I don't spam much.
Only time I like to spam or hijack a thread is ether A.)The thread was pointless from the begining B.)Everyone has started to flame each other....thats when I join in :) C.)The thread has gone far south(way off-topic) and I just decied to type a bunch of crap. Now if the debate is logical and is a friendly discussion I will join in and talk about that topic.So I guess you can all me a good spammer. :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Hey guys, i was wondering what the line of thought is for some of you spammers. I see people like Bass, who have been registered for less than a month, anbd already have Combine status. What do you do? Do you have school/jobs? Do you constantly scan the forums? I know you post in everythread, even when you have little to add, but why?

*note* Though I used Bass as an example, this threa dis not directed specificly at him */note*

thanks for announceing that you are indeed a spammer sidewind...
alb1221 you shouldn't say anything ether....
you got no siggy. the world is round.

see how easy it is to spam? just go around saying stuff that arent related but seems important.
Yeah I start 3rd year uni on Monday, so Ill be off here. I work with the government if you wanna know, in the department of transportation, I do this at work too hah. Lastly I recently broke up with my gf so ive been spending too much time on here trying not to think about it. thats answers the questions I beleive

PS. thanks for not directing this thread at me :rolleyes:
Lone, I don't consider you a spammer, you've been with us since May. If you've been here since may, and u have combine, that jsut means you'v ebeen helpful.

Pol: That was really quite funny.

Alb: Where did I say I was a spammer. I have been in these forums for 4 monthes. I have earned my Combine status that way.
I'm still a zombie (unless this is the post that pushes me up) and I'v been here since early july. But just because someone has a rank abouve their time, it does not mean they are a spammer. say they have broadband and go on every other moment...

Personally I would find it helpful if someone told everyone how many posts you have to submit to rise through the ranks.
Id tell ya but it seems rather random, I hit prowler at like 472 and I DID hit combine at 883. so i cant figure it out
SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam we spam cos it is funny well it depends on wot spam it is harmless spam like above is ok but erm the other stuff isnt woteva that is lol
SP4M1N IZ T3H L33T, D00M 3 GAM OWNZ0RZ UR B0X0RZ!~!!!!111211!!!!one!

/me shoots the person who hijacked my keyboard temporarly


errm...sorry. just had to say it. :) LOL
I was registered since like a week or two after the site went up (I'm even older than SpuD :cheese: ) , and only have Zombie. I know I don't post here much, and I don't mean to complain, but it really angers me to see some people registered for 5 days with 600+ posts. I mean do they really have nothing better to do than hang out at all day? Don't they have school or jobs? Friends? Jeez man, I myself aren't the coolest of all the kids in my school, I'll admit, but when you're avreging(sp?) 50 posts a day you're just plain old pathetic.
Im not a "post whore" as some call it, Ive been here since May, I have about 1300 posts.
You little spammers you....On second thought I'm actually getting hungry for some cooked spam right about now.
Originally posted by Zeus
50 posts a day you're just plain old pathetic.

oh really?

/me checks my my average posts a day

doesn't work... bah, but I have probably more than that

and I am not pathetic... am i?

/me comforts mrBadger

no, your not... its okay mrBadger he doesnt speak the truth

Personally I don't know how it is possible to make more than 20 posts a day (unless you are postoing in word accosiation football) because there just arn't enough interesting subjects and/or threads to look at or even worth posting in. And my post count says 'removed'. That sounds ominous. Errr....
If you post less then 20 a day it means you're either slow or have a life :)
Oh. Good. Probably 2, then.
My point remains-there just aren't enough threads worth posting in to be posting that much.
Why is my post count removed?
Rather than the mind of the spammer I want to get iside the mind of a Guest. Why come to the board, read all the discussions, but not register and contribute? Are you anti social, or do you have some weird voyeuristic thing going on?
Wahooo! we get to jack this thread...

okay, well I think they would do that inase they just wanted information, example: they want to learn about half-life 2 (this place is the best) so they hang around here and read until the game comes out and then never look back... ta-da!
Heh. Silly old me. Thanks really do solve problems....

Now, getting back tom the topic in hand, are there any budding phycologists here? If anyone with a knowledge of the human mind is reading, contribute, please.