The Minister's cat...

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Sep 27, 2003
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Because I think an online version would be fun.:E

The Minister's cat is an Amorphous cat...
Don't tell me you've never heard of it. It's an old parlour game. Letters of the alphabet. Basically a way to show off one's vocabulary. Okay, I'll do the next two to show you:

The Minister's cat is a Boorish cat...

The Minister's cat is a Catatonic cat...

(Once we pass Z we start again.)
The minister's cat is a Devilish cat...

PS:Deus probeer is ne keer, 't kan toch geen kwaad.
edit:^^smiley attack
You know plants are animals too they are just easier to catch...:cheese:
I'm 1/4 Dutch.

XThe Minister's cat is a Dutch cat...X

EDIT: Whoops, too slow.

The Minister's cat is an Eclectic cat...
The minister's cat is an Enormous cat


(da ging goe he?)


Hey! Brian you stole my "E"!!!
The minister's cat is a facetious cat

The minister's cat is a Gadarene cat

The minister's cat is a hagridden cat

Beat that!
XThe Minister's cat is a Geriatric cat...X

Too slow again.

WTF does "Gadarene" mean?
The Minister's cat is an Irksome cat...

EDIT: Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...

The Minister's cat is a Quarrelous cat...

Lil' Timmy appears to be an Intoxicated Lil' Timmy...
well, brian damaged appears to be brain damaged, ahhahahahaa! oh man, i thought of that all on my own, or should i say on my pwn?

the minister's cat is a rosaceous cat
The Minister's cat is a Supercilious cat...

Lil' Timmy is a... awwww, stuff it. You own.:E
sheeyit dawg, that ministas cat be a tricked-out little muthafugga!!
The Minister's cat is a Worrisome cat.

Brian Damage is a Sleepy Brian Damage. G'night.
This thread is a closed thread ;(

Forum policy... the Arena had to be closed... Word Association Football had to be closed... sorry... looks fun though :(
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