The Missing Medic Taunt


I'm not sure how he fixed it. He probably fixed the link between the taunt and the scene file.
I lol'd

I take it thats real. Downloading...
It could have been intentionally taken out due to some... ethics...

But still I hate the empty 1/2 medigun taunt.
I think he's pretending to drink from the medigun but, as you can tell, it looks like he's using it as a bong which is probably why Valve haven't fixed it. :p
I think he's pretending to drink from the medigun but, as you can tell, it looks like he's using it as a bong which is probably why Valve haven't fixed it. :p

Logical. :3
On the subject of medics...

That's odd. Valve should fix it where he just stands there tho :p
Those are trading cards that Valve wanted to give out as some sort of publicity for the game, but they never released them.

If the demo can drink a whole bottle of alcohol, then the medic can get high if he wants to
I believe there's supposed to be some smoke coming out of the Medigun when he shakes head like that. Explains it.
I think Valve might be glad that this glitch happened...
Latest patch fixes the broken medigun taunt! Yay!
It removes the taunt, duh.
Well it would seem these cards will be releasing the TF2 bios before the "Meet the" videos. Hmm, I prefer when the bio gives a description of their experience and heritage