The most amazing dream.

Jun 19, 2006
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Yeah, yeah i know other peoples dreams are boring but you know when you've had a really amazing and vivid dream you feel you just have to tell everyone else? well the one i just had is certainly one of those, increadibly vivid and coherant for a dream, normally mine have randomly placed events that undergo 'metamorphis'.

Here is the dream.

I wake up in the dream, my head feels slightly numb and i feel like i've been out on the brandys the night before.
I open my eyes, the brightness of the room first hurts my eyes but as i regain focus i realise i am in the hospital, it appears to be practically empty on the ward which has enough beds for about 20 people, i'm the only patient it seems, there are a few scattered beds and paperwork and i can just feel something isn't quite right.

A nurse walks quickly by in the corridor, i call softly... my voice like a whisper, my mouth seems very dry, nonetheless she notices and enters the room.

She is smiling and seems very excited about something, like she has a big suprise for me and does not seem suprised that i am finally awake.

"You're back with us then" she jokes, "you've got a lot of catching up to do, you've been out for 3 weeks and a lot has happened" she continued.
She then walks over to the window to the right on the wall behind my bed, lifts the blinds and stares out with a look of content on her face, for some reason i don't feel like talking and i'm not really sure what she could mean, after a little while she leaves with the haste she was walking past at, my snaping out of the coma seems of little importance next to whatever has happened.

At this point i'm still pretty confused, i can't remember how i got here there is no sign of family or friends and i'm eager to find out more so i ease myself out of bed my muscles are somewhat stiff and my joints click, i put on my trousers, shirt and shoes that have been placed next to the bed and i exist the hospital and i soon work out i am in the memorial hospital in my local town a few miles from where i live.
As i leave the entrance to the practically dead hospital the receptionist who seems busy says to me "Oh you'll need your stuff", she hands me my wallet and my car keys.
I step outside and everything seems fairly normal, the sun is breaking through cloud and it's seems to be the morning, there is no one close by but i can see people in the garage across the road.
My celica and an amublance are the only vehicles in the car park, kinda odd that my car had been bought here but nevermind, i get in my car, turn the ignition key and the fuel warning light is on, i normally keep 1/2 a tank of fuel so it seems someone has either been driving the car or has taken the fuel out the tank.

I then drive over to the esso garage which is literally about 300 yards from the hospital, in the short drive however i notice a lack of cars on the road, i need the fuel so i can drive home but as i turn into the garage i notice something isn't right, the forecourt is in an absolute mess with debris from fallen sheets of metal off the big overhang and various tipped over displays i can't actually park anywhere near the pumps so i pull in near the air and water station, i get out my car and can see plenty of people in the shop, i can still feel something is really odd.

A lot of the pumps are out of order, have had the lines cut and some are wrapped in electric hazard tape it very much appears there has been recent chaos and stealing of the fuel.

I make my way over to the shop and walk inside there are lots of people just stood around talking which seems increadibly strange for a fuel station, the shop is in just a poor state as the forecourt there are smashed windows, tipped over displays broken tiles it looks like it has been looted and no one cares.
A few people are being served by an indian guy and two white guys behind the till who seem very busy and one customer is struggling with a payment method, everyone in the garage seems very excited and i and bluntly ask "what the hell is going on"?, "what" replies someone, i then explain that i've been told i've been in a coma for the past 3 weeks and have no idea what is going on, then everyone tries telling me at once and it is clearly what the subject of discussion.

"They are here, the aliens" "they have made contact" "havn't you seen?" is the jist of the various people talking at once i get.

I'm like "WHAT???" at this point i hear a deep humming noise from outside, everyone quickly moves out to the forecourt and i step through a broken window to follow them.
We look up and i see a metalic craft with no wings or windows, just what appears to be two engine pods much like turbofan nacelles on our jets, it is making a hell of a din and travelling increadibly fast at strange angles, rolling through the sky and appears much more agile than any human aircraft as it passes overhead i suddenly hear a massive electronic screeching noise, i am highly startled and almost jump on the floor, i soon realise no one else appears to be scared whatsoever, everyone just staring at the now distant craft in awe.
"That's one of their hypersonic craft" explains and elderly guy.
I then stutter "wh..who are they?, w wh what are they doing here??"
Again in the mixed conversation i hear "they are amazing" "they are here to help us" but nothing of any real description.

At that point peoples conversations are interrupted by a very weird scratchy sounding voice, appearing to come from nowhere it is in english but i can hardly make out what is being said, "must, go, learn much" are the few words i can pick out the other words make no sense, everyone else seems to make much more sense out of it than me and about half of the group walk off in excitement.
"That's them?, they can speak our language?" i ask, someone explains "yeah they had difficulty communicating at first but they are much better now"
I notice a newspaper in the tipped over news stand, the headline simply says 'E.T IS HERE' a quick flick through reveals the whole newspaper is about the one subject.
A guy leans over and explains "you know they actually came here 500 years ago, they made contact with the native american indians but decided we weren't developed enough"
In my barrage of questions i ask "what do they look like?", "much like us" he replies, "you'll see" he adds.

At this point, despite my amazement and intrigue i decide i must get home to see my family but i still need fuel, i ask around and people seem suprised that i want fuel, "what's the point in driving" someone says, anyway there is one functioning pump (pump 1) and as i wouldn't be able to get the car anywhere near i pick up an empty glass 750ml rose' wine bottle, fill it with fuel and put the stopper back in, i look at the pump display "?8.99" price per litre ?11.98 (note i'm quite impressed my dreaming mind worked out the correct maths!) i was like WTF? but i didn't really care tbh, went into the garage to pay "pump 1 please" i said, the guy looked slightly suprised, "we havn't sold any petrol for a week" i hand the guy a tenner and he gives me 3x ?5 notes back, i was highly confused and he said "payment from tommorow", which didn't help my confusion.
I then notice a small group surrounding someone playing with 'one of their devices' a small shiny stone like object that you put your thumb on, i coudln't see what it was meant to be doing but everyone was intrigued with it.

I then proceeded to pour my wine bottle of expensive petrol into my car and i drove off towards home and the dream ended.

It was a very very vivid dream, i can't really put what it 'felt like' into words but it was damn cool.
Where's the bit where you kicked the aliens in the face? I thought you were Short Recoil!
Sounds like an excellent dream. But you never actually got to see an alien? That's unlucky.
could you make a Coles Notes version that is like 90% shorter and explains all of the important themes?
could you make a Coles Notes version that is like 90% shorter and explains all of the important themes?

It was the extreme detail of the dream that hit me as it being amazing, i tried to emphasize this by including some detail.

Normally my dreams are not 'solid' and the 'timeline' in the dream is all over the place.

This was a very unique dream for me.

It had a solid sense of time, place, events, feelings etc etc.

It prob dosn't actually sound at all interesting to most people, i thought i'd type it down as i'm much quicker at typing than i am writing and i lose my dreams very quickly if i do not write them down.

In my normal dreams i kinda 'float' between areas or simply appear in the next area or it simply undergoes metamorphis, this dream i felt every step like you do in real life, upon waking it actually had quite a strong psychological effect on me.
gg. Most dreams are fairly boring to read, because people tend to enjoy them (and therefore post about them) because of how they feel, while the actual content is unremarkable. But this one actually had some interesting stuff going on.
hmmm... i had a dream a few nights ago. i was downtown in a random car, and somebody who looks a lot like my friend skateboards by. i say hey man and we start talking. then we go behind a building and he pulls out a joint. i tell him that hes a stupid idiot for so much as trying that shit. he looks at it and tells me im right, and throws it over a bridge into, get this, a llama ranch. the llamas eat it. the he pulls three more out and throws them down there. they eat them. then a black guy drives up and says to my friend that he found a shitload of weed. he pulls out a keyboard case from the back of the car and opens it, revealing a lot of weed. my friend and i tell him that that it'll kill his brain cells, so we throw it all down to the llamas. they eat it all and start wobbling around and making strange high llama sounds... then i woke up :worry:

itt was too cool.