The MOST DISTURBING movie trailer ever!

Just another Seven style movie.. *Yahwn* I fall asleep watching these movies. (I did fall asleep in the theather with the texas chainsaw masacre).
Yeah I posted this a wile ago. Ill have to watch it just because. :)
Foxtrot said:
How ****ed up is this?
What a horrible tag line for a movie, should be:
How ****ing small was our budget?
How ****ing bad can a movie be? Find out this ****ing summer.
My thoughts exactly. If a film wants to be disturbing or foreboding, it generally doesn't do to take a "Like dude, this film's f*cking sick, man! Like woah, man." direction.
The actual scenes looked quite horrible, considering the idea. But the tag-line was the most horrible thing. I hope someone got fired for it.
What the hell.. that movie looked pretty promising actually (in the same vein as se7en) aside from the shitty text (which could have been added by someone else).

As for swearing... this movie clearly isn't aimed at ten year old's. I'd be more concerned at the excuse for 'pop' culture nowadays that convinces young girls to wear makeup and covort with young guys when they should be acting like KIDS.
The movie looks like it could be quite good. The trailer was certainly disturbing. But I have to agree, the tagline is horrible.