The most dumbest thing I've ever seen.


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
First, look at this picture: the front of the new XBOX 360.

And then this one: the whole view of the new XBOX 360.

Name: XBOX 360.
Shape: square-like.

The dumbest thing I have even seen.
...? I once had someone ask me if Flamingos were the birds that lived in the Artic and Antartica.
You must not get around much If that is the dumbest thing you have ever seen.
I think it is a great design and a well thought out name, If you want to see something really dumb look at the PS3 controller.
I think he's suggesting that it should be spherically shaped to relate to the term 360, or cylindrical.. or someting. I wouldnt mind a console that I could roll around the house actually, beats picking it up to place it somewhere else ,.. maybe in the future when our fingers are too fat it will be considered successful.
No, I think the title "The most dumbest thing I've ever seen" is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I'm sorry, but your accidental hypocrisy really made me laugh there.
They needed a number higher than 3 to avoid looking inferior to the PS3. ;)
Plus, you did kind of pwn yourself with the thread title...
I thought the 360, was based on the ideal that it was a "revolution" (circle, all the way around, 360 degrees, turn around, fresh approach) as to how they approached gaming as a whole

or something like that, I don't think the 360 ever indicated it's shape.
So the slightly concave square-like xbox 360 design is the dumbest thing you've seen....or am i missing something here
The same person also didn't know the British once ruled America.
Or that her entire existence is a waste.

I mean, this girl is quite possibly the dumbest person on this planet, yet you seem to think a entertainment console that doesn't remind you of a 360 degree angle is the dumbest thing ever? Well by golly gee, we might as well assault the Microsoft headquarters and hold Bill Gates prisoner until he releases the world from his grasps.
[SARCASM]Look in the mirror[/SARCASM]

*edit* I just wanted to see what the sarcasm tags do :p
they are attempting "extreme marketing", a 360 is a very popular term in action sports like skating and skateboarding and such, but as for me the name is the reason why i'm never touching a xbox 1.5 in my entire life.
trizzm said:
they are attempting "extreme marketing", a 360 is a very popular term in action sports like skating and skateboarding and such, but as for me the name is the reason why i'm never touching a xbox 1.5 in my entire life.

OMG Ken Kutagari posts on the boards!!!! :P
trizzm said:
they are attempting "extreme marketing", a 360 is a very popular term in action sports like skating and skateboarding and such, but as for me the name is the reason why i'm never touching a xbox 1.5 in my entire life.

The name of the the reason you're not getting it?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Your COOL!


Edit - And a 360 degree turn wouldn't mean revolution, it would mean going back to the same place they began. 180 would entail revolution. But 180 just sounds stupid.

XBox : Triangular Prism would be a dummer idea.
Hey, atleast there won't be an XXXBox.
What I meant by the dumbest thing I've ever seen (sarcasm, by the way, but it holds my feelings on the name), is that they named it 360 yet it's a box. Now of course they're not gonna make it a ball, THAT'D be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

"Man, I wanna play."
"Hold on, I'll run down the street and get it."

But the name of it instantly makes me think circle, as do a lot of people, I would assume. Why couldn't they have named it something else? 360 means nothing to me. NES, Gamecube, PS, DS -- they all make sense, not "Xbox 360." Hell, "Xenon," or whatever, sounded better.

Might as well call it "the-sequal-to-the-heaviest-console-in-history box."

Edit: And yea, the second dumbest thing I've seen (sarcasm...) is the PS3 controller.
So...because it isn't a box it's dumb?

This thread blows, can someone please close this?
It's more like the people who replied to this thread are the ones that blow.

Looking at that design it does look a little weird. Only the front is curved. The back has a totally straight edge.
StardogChampion said:
It's more like the people who replied to this thread are the ones that blow.

Looking at that design it does look a little weird. Only the front is curved. The back has a totally straight edge.

Someone might have sat on it in development and all the other designers liked the new shape.
Q_onfused said:
What I meant by the dumbest thing I've ever seen (sarcasm, by the way, but it holds my feelings on the name), is that they named it 360 yet it's a box. Now of course they're not gonna make it a ball, THAT'D be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

"Man, I wanna play."
"Hold on, I'll run down the street and get it."

...they could've put the ball on four little legs...
Or a flat bottom.
I like the Ps3 controller now when I'm done with the console I can still have fun with the controllers :).
xlucidx said:
The name of the the reason you're not getting it?

oh well if you want I can add the fact that once i'm done upgrading my pc in about 10 months I will laugh at the xbox 1.5 with much intensity. perhaps even the ps3 but i'm not sure, it looks mighty. in any case I don't have much interest in the new consoles. also not sure why I should until they show live gameplay that beats half-life 2.

I can also go further and state that in my honest opinion, the xbox is intended for idiotic, pro-fashion mtv-watching kids, as well as parents with no clue of gaming, noobs, and people who think pink guns are manly.
Errr sure thing.... i saw a pidgeon fly into a window, that was more stupid.
Console wars. Different platforms, Arguments arn't neccesary.
trizzm said:
they are attempting "extreme marketing", a 360 is a very popular term in action sports like skating and skateboarding and such, but as for me the name is the reason why i'm never touching a xbox 1.5 in my entire life.
You're not going to play it because of the name? Okay, THAT is the dumbest thing I've ever seen (read? meh).
And also, that's definitely not why it's called 360. The system will encompass gaming, internet stuff, music stuff, and I think I heard something about a tivo like function, and who knows what else
trizzm said:
I can also go further and state that in my honest opinion, the xbox is intended for idiotic, pro-fashion mtv-watching kids, as well as parents with no clue of gaming, noobs, and people who think pink guns are manly.
This thread is moving too fast.
You're an idiot
I also think the name of the 360 is pretty stupid. It cancels each other out, XBOX 460. A box isn't 360 degrees. Also, the console doesn't resemble a 360 degree object at all. For those saying it's a 360 in gaming (or Revolution in gaming) it's also stupid name. Why? Well because a 360 or revolution is to get right back where you started from. Go ahead, jump and do a 360, which way are you facing? The exact way you just were. I do think it is a marketing tool, but it is just a pointless name that has no relation to the console.
Revolution has two meanings:
A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.
A sudden or momentous change in a situation.
I believe that Microsoft means all-encompassing.
Anyway, who the hell cares? Is Playstation 3 any better?
This thread = dumbest thing i've ever seen.

360 != circle

360 degrees = circle.

xBOX = box + two 180 degrees concave semi circle = 360 degrees.
I'll agree that the name is dumb, but the console looks ok. Revolution looks best IMO.