The most retarded bug you've ever witnessed in a game


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Pah. Bugs and Glitches. They practically made all the games on the PSOne...

A personal favoruite of mine was on Driver (can't remember which one) where you would be driving down the street happily then all of a sudden your car would fall through the ground into an endless void o_0

What's the stupidest/funniest bug you've ever seen?
In Perfect Dark, there's a glitch in my game where the character Trent Easton disappears completely in one of the cut scenes. The cut scene plays out like it normally would, except Trent isn't there. His dialogue and even his subtitles disappear as well. So now it's pretty much just the one character, Blonde, talking to himself for the whole scene. Kind of funny.

In Half-Life, your feet would sometimes get stuck on the floor of elevators when they've stopped moving. If you can't wiggle your way out, you're forced to either use explosives to dislodge yourself or simply reload that section. Jumping up just before the elevator stops seems to work. Annoying bug.
I don't remember which game it was, but it was a racer for the PS1. You could drive out onto a ledge and sit there, and as your car began to roll over it'd randomly flip into the air and go totally nuts. Also there was a similar bug on some Xbox game I played (either a Driver or GTA game I think) where you'd occasionally flip out after backing onto a sidewalk.

In recent memory, there's a pretty amusing bug in Saint's Row. If you jump onto people's cars and just sit there, they'll go totally apeshit and drive around as though they're trying to shake you off. They keep screaming too, it's frickin funny :D
Not really a bug, but marines in HL1 putting down a grenade and then not move away from it but just play the 'cower' animation always amused me :D
In Half-Life, your feet would sometimes get stuck on the floor of elevators when they've stopped moving. If you can't wiggle your way out, you're forced to either use explosives to dislodge yourself or simply reload that section. Jumping up just before the elevator stops seems to work. Annoying bug.

When I played on my old computer, I never got that bug. Now, it keeps happening all the time. I read somewhere that standing in the center of the elevator also helps.

I also get bugs where models are stuck hanging in weird positions. Last night I was playing through Episode One, and in the room you fall into with the zombies, there was half of one stuck in the door. When you open it, it's still floating in the air and the legs are missing.
Well, this one time I was just walking through a mall, and some microcephalic cochroach comes up to me and starts hitting itself in the chest, clacking it's mandibles at me, and drooling. It was just freaking embarrassing.

Driver 3. The whole game was one big glitch. I remember driving down the street one day, and simply sinking into the ground until I was gone. I emerged a few seconds later, having continued down the road.
The G-man getting even creepier HAS to be a bug.
crazy taxi for the ps2, the environments wouldn't load in time, so you'd be driving around on the geometry, but it'd be invisible, so it looked like you were driving through an invisible course in the sky. killed the game for me.
Not the most retarded bug, but certainly the most fun and most memorable. In Vigilante 8: Second Offense there was a level called Meteor Crater where, you guessed it, a meteor would hit randomly around the level. Inside the meteor was a giant ant that you had to destroy. Well, what I would do is go to where it always hits, in the crater, and wait there so the asteroid would directly hit me. After that, the vehicle would be launched thousands of feet into the air and I would be stuck there driving in the sky watching all of my enemies being obliterated by this giant ant.

crazy taxi for the ps2, the environments wouldn't load in time, so you'd be driving around on the geometry, but it'd be invisible, so it looked like you were driving through an invisible course in the sky. killed the game for me.

That's similar to the bug in GTA: Vice City for the Xbox when driving from area to area. I admit, it does ruin it for me.
I only ever got the HL elevator bug in the Steam version, I never got it on my old computer, my labtop, this computer or my PS2, only on the damn Steam version.

Once in GTA:SA I loaded my game and the world was all messed up. The best way to describe it was it was like the game loaded 2 maps at once. Everything was overlapping with random drops yet for some reason the cars driving around wouldn't be affected. For instance there was one part where there was a the road suddenly jumped straight up 20 feet. A the cars would drive into the wall and then appear on top and the ones on top would just appear on the bottom. Watching the cars on the motorway was just wierd.
^LOL:laugh: . Oh man the guy in that video was priceless. I've never seen such a shitty game in my life. I saw him drive like mad up the mountains with the huge truck without any problems and then straight off the "END" of the map into the "void":| .

The most annoying bug I've encountered recently was in Far Cry. I call it the "living dead" bug. What happens is that you essentially kill the soldier, mutant, whatever and then instead of falling to the ground dead, they remain standing and have the breathing animation still going to boot. Once I fired until I emptied almost all my weapons into one of those big mutants and it simply refused to fall. Finally I approached it and realised it was actually dead but it was still standing and to make matters worse "breathing" to fool me into thinking it was still alive.
The Driver Series they were just one big bug
Sonic the hedgehog were you would get stuck in the level and forced to reset
Every once in a while on CSS my shaders go all dull, and the lighting starts to suck, and I get like 2 fps. Restarting the game fixes it.
Something thats happened a lot is that I get a new game and it won't even start up. I always fix it somehow though.
In Diablo2 you often find yourself fleeing from a horde of monsters, when you are finally in a safe area you continue to loose life, you can hear sound effects of someone is hitting you but no one is there...then poff, all of the sudden you are teleported back into the horde of monsters.


I dont think its a bug tho, its lagging i think.
there was a glitch in bf2 (maybe still is?) where teammates would appear with a red(enemy) tag above their head. before i knew this was a bug i saw a teammate glitching like this and killed him thinking he was an enemy. randomly i decided to try and revive the "enemy." it worked and i continued to kill/revive my teammate until i was banned from the server. i was really really confused. i was too dumb to notice the uniform :D
Theres a glitch in Halo 2 (among a few) where when you blow up a Scorpian tank in Live it spins out of control and pretty much 'spazzes' out across the map. That always makes me smile, but I was nearly in tears when it happened once and it managed to destroy one Warthog and completly flatten 3 of my teammates.

EDIT: This only happens occasionly.
Theres a glitch in Halo 2 (among a few) where when you blow up a Scorpian tank in Live it spins out of control and pretty much 'spazzes' out across the map. That always makes me smile, but I was nearly in tears when it happened once and it managed to destroy one Warthog and completly flatten 3 of my teammates.

EDIT: This only happens occasionly.

Drive a Wraith (Covy Tank) under the Scorpian and boost for fun results
Enter the Matrix(PS2):

A cut scene played out when I was playing Ghost, I fell through the ground halfway through a cutscene and died. Game over. (The whole game was just shit anyway. :<)

Postal 2(PC):

During the cutscene before Gary Coleman goes on a rampage, the police hit me with a baton during the cutscene and it ended with me falling through a black void on 1hp.

I don't know if this was a bug or just a really cool event, but yeah, I remember I was playing Deus Ex once, and I was talking to an NPC about the main story and some goon just snuck up behind me and shot me in the head.

Also, there'd be instances in Morrowind where people related to the main quest would die, and you wouldn't be able to progress any further because of that. I don't know if that was actually a bug, but it was stupid.
Not the most retarded bug, but certainly the most fun and most memorable. In Vigilante 8: Second Offense there was a level called Meteor Crater where, you guessed it, a meteor would hit randomly around the level. Inside the meteor was a giant ant that you had to destroy. Well, what I would do is go to where it always hits, in the crater, and wait there so the asteroid would directly hit me. After that, the vehicle would be launched thousands of feet into the air and I would be stuck there driving in the sky watching all of my enemies being obliterated by this giant ant.

Man, I loved that game :D

But...god, that Big Rigs hilarious lol!

You should read some of the user reviews heh.

Especially this one;

j00 is t3h loz0r!
The above game is simply awe-strucking. Since the day I heard the first letter of its title came out from an employee at Circuit City, I knew I was in for a place in Eden. Seriously. The game's graphics and its wonderful title is what catches your attention. The developers, who have been in the gaming industry since the 17-th century, spent trillions of bucks and several decades to develop this game, with the help of a million employees...alright, I'll now introduce you to its amazing visuals. The game's engine can render one petamillion polygons per millisecond, and runs at a frame rate of several thousand frames per second. It incoroporates high technology that allows it to render extreme HDRs, particle effects, supercool yet realistic vehicle physics (the physics are so awesome that my cat spontaneous combusted while watching my 18 wheelers plunging into an endless hole. That's because the developers made many wormholes on the track to teach the gamers about quantum physics. Educational game too!) , etc. and yet it can be run on SNES technology. Extreme optimization was made so that this game can run on any machine. The game's AI is just as amazing. The computer drives better than professional drivers, or for some of the road rage purposes, better than drive-by thugs and America's top polices. The trucks you race ( the racer's amount will range from 1-1000) against will be relentless-they can crash, they can pedal to the metal, and they have the latest in car technology like hybrid-car machines, super cylinders, etc. Additionally, they can haul more goods than your truck, which means that you will sometimes have to make two courier runs in order to haul the same amount of goods that your competitor can haul. That's right, beside crossing the finish line, you have to haul goods too. And instead of feeling it's a burden, pulling the goods actually gets fun after a while...wait, the competition don't stop there. After being ticketed more than Lindsay Lohan's family, you are on the most wanted list for speeding. Police will be around too, and once you reaches several hundred mph, their choppers will move in (that goes the same for your competitions too). So, you will feel the need to pump up your speed to several million mile per hour to beat your other trucks and the cops. Plus, the cops can deploy road blocks, and sometimes the police even pull out their guns to do drive by on you. However, you can always fight back by purchasing stuff such as your own gun, rocket launcher, oil slick, camoflague cloak, neutrino shield, etc. SIMPLY AMAZING! I CAN FEEL THE SPEED RUSHING THROW MY VEINS RIGHT NOW!!!! AND IT ONLY GETS FASTER AND FASTER UNTIL I TEAR THE WORLD APART AND DOMINATE THE WORLD!!!! MWHAHA SPEED WORLD DOMINATION! THE GAME'S THAT AMAZING!!! PURE FUN 100 TIMES BETTER THAN RESISDENT EVIL AND LEGEND OF ZELDA AND TEKKEN AND HALF LIFE AND NINJA GAIDEN AND GRAND THEFT AUTO AND HALO AND COMMAND AND CONQUER AND BATTLEFIELD AND FINAL FANTASY COMBINED!!!...ok, I'll calm down now. The gameplay, in short, is just plain awesome and OVER THE...TOP. Ok, that should give you some adrenaline rush, now let's get to the sounds. The sounds are so good and realistic. I feel like it's in a movie, or in real life!!! You can hear the engine running and birds chrip and stuff, and the in-game music played by top musician such a big orchestra, Green Day, Poison the Well, In Flames...and oh, let's get to the replay. The amount of CG cutscenes and the 10000+ tracks and trucks is absoulutely amazing! I spent millions of years playing this and I never get tired. THIS GAME IS PLAIN RIGISM HOLINESS! IN FACT, they made a Church of Big Rigs that uphold the quality of this pastor-approved game! AWESOME! TOO BAD THAT EVEN THOUGH THIS GAME IS SO FAMOUS AND GOOD AND SOLD 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 copies, the Stell company retired and didn't even realize their success! Oh well, BUY THIS GAME NOW!!! It's worth your every penny!
Hidden and Dangerous. Had a bug, especially in towns and village where the pavement meets the road, your guy would sink to waist height into the ground for a few seconds and then fall through for AGES, then hit the 'floor' and die.

AI bugs involving grenades when they throw one, it bounces back and they 'dont realise' it. Always a laugh.
I was playing Sega Rally once on the Saturn and managed to pull off an excellent time on the hardest course, Lakeside, so I decided to watch the replay. As I was admiring my amazing cornering, about halfway through the replay, the car slammed straight into a fence. I was like 'HUH??!' That didn't happen...! For the remainder of the replay the car proceeded to grind along all the walls and meander aimlessly, bouncing off the sides of the track at a pathetically slow speed, lying to me and making me doubt my perception of reality.

Also in Road Rash 2 on the Megadrive/Genesis. There was no ending to the game, you just complete all the courses and then you have a final race against all the police officers, and once that is over the screen turns green and the game freezes. Great ending.
The stupidest glitch I have ever witness was in Boiling Point, where when you reached a level transition it would pause a few seconds. But when you were driving a car, then after this pause the car would appraoch the 1000 mile per hour range
For some reason Battlefield: Vietnam was buggy as shit... I would have the weirdest experiences. So there I was in the jungle as an engineer. I went atop a hill to position my mortar to blast the enemy. As soon as I found a good spot, I took out the mortar and placed it on the ground. Well... right when I placed the mortar down I was ejected 1000ft into the air and fell to my death.
I want my $50 back from Enter the Matrix:
The reviewer has to be the biggest jerk in the world for giving it a rating of 6.3. Funniest bug I encountered was James Bond: Nightfire for the pc. It was a really fun game including this bug. Every once and a while if you killed an enemy the body would go rigid and fall to the floor. But then it would slowly start to float twoards the sky and disappear! It was like the enemy was going to heaven! :laugh: :angel:
FEAR, with physics turned on low 1 in 10 enemies when shot in the chest will fly forward, hit the ground and will either fall throught the floor or stretch out like a rubber band and fly off through the roof.
FEAR, with physics turned on low 1 in 10 enemies when shot in the chest will fly forward, hit the ground and will either fall throught the floor or stretch out like a rubber band and fly off through the roof.

That is hilarious
Every Starcraft fan knows of the flying drone/probe!

I think it's funny.

The most annoying bugs I have ever witnessed would be pretty much all the ones from BF2. You know what I'm talking about.
Though Zelda: Ocarina of Time if my favorite game it has one very annoying bug. A lot of times when you are riding the horse and you try to jump over a fence the horse will just stop and not jump. If you are doing the race or the time mini game for the prize and the horse stops then you lost the race. Very annoying.