The Most Spoiled Girl In The World?

My god.

There isn't enough vomit in the world.
I lol'd when the father said, mockingly, "I'm here for the interview--I can--I'm smart."
I don't know what to say. Just wow, she isn't even good looking.
Oh god, now I have to clean vomit off of my keyboard.
Anybody know a good hitman?

Also he must be profficient in the use of fire and/or acid for his kills.
I wonder how that ugly girl will tackle the real world when or if she moves out of her parents basement. I hope the shock teaches her something.
problem is she is hot in a fashion model way (Ie not in reality). If we get really unlucky, she'll get a job somewhere.

She's gonna be toast in 3 years. Either that she is gonna get a big cock slap to the face as a porn star. Then reality will strike her. :p
She'll be living with her parents for the rest of her selfish life, because she wouldn't survive without them.
tbh it isn't her fault.

With normal parents she'd be alright (Probably a little snooty, but nothing like she is now)
May I be the first one to blame her parents?

Edit - F*ck it, I'm so slow today.
What the **** :|

"My nickname in school is >>Blondie<<. I don't know where it comes from... just joking - my hair."

When it cut to the SUV gift part, I thought it would be a report on her having crashed it and died.

Or did I hope it would be?
People like this always make me think of the book "invisible monsters", hot spoiled fashion model gets her jaw blown off in an accident one day, freakishly disfigured for life.
That girl seriously needs to get her jaw blown off in a freak accident like in the book!
I live about an hour from these gene pool polluters. Perhaps I should go apply some bleach?
Apply bleach liberally to eyes, ears and internal organs.
Do not rinse.
Her mother's make-up is TERRIFYING.

And holy shit I want to see that episode of Wife Swap. That girl srsly needs a reality czech.
First thing I thought too. :p I bet they cut you off on the road, etc. I mean their daughter is driving an SUV. Damn Dursleys and their fat son (Harry Potter in rl, whoah).
Oh dear god....wt...wt....WTF?!?!?!?!??!!!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
I forget who said it, but they were definately right. Future Pornstar.
marry her.
have sum fun :D
and then d-vorce and take the cash